This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Recruitment Summary'.
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Lower North Recruiting
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment - Candidate Pool
Application ID: 
Kia oraTAG4, 
We are pleased to confirm your entry into the National Candidate Pool, now that you have 
successfully completed the pre-police college Distance Learning course. This is not an offer of 
This means that when there is a vacancy in your chosen posting/s, you will be considered for a 
training position at the Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC). 
(Remove the following if applicant has received CP Provisional email.) 
Your application will stay active for a maximum of 12 months. After this timeframe your application 
will expire and you will be eligible to re-apply. 
You should be ready to take up a training position at RNZPC at any time. You must: 
1. Maintain a high level of physical fitness. You will be required to complete a final PAT and meet
the required standards, 8-12 weeks prior to starting at RNZPC. Also maintain your swimming 
2. Maintain your typing skills of 25 words a minute.
3. Notify me in writing of any changes to your personal circumstances. This includes:

If you no longer wish to join the police;

A change of address or job;

If you have an illness, injury, accident, or medical condition requiring medical attention, or

A change in your spouse/partner relationship;

If you are involved in any way in a criminal or civil proceeding (including any disciplinary
body or tribunal), or a proceeding which has not yet resulted in a court hearing;

A change or update to the details you supplied on your application form.
Failure to notify us of the above may impact any employment with NZ Police. 
If you have any questions, please contact me.While you are waiting we also recommend that you 
familiarise yourself with our NZ Police Code of Conduct.(The code is also available in Te Reo). 
We look forward to welcoming you into RNZPC in the near future. 
Nga mihi, 

NZ Police ConstabularyRecruitment