Reference: OIA-2017/18-0148
Cindy Black
Email: [FYI request #6774 email]
Dear Cindy Black
Official Information Act request for advice to the Prime Minister relating to the
proposed ban on foreign purchasers of residential housing in New Zealand
I refer to your Official Information Act request received on 1 November 2017 which
“I see in the news that the Prime Minister has announced a ban on foreign
purchasers of residential housing in NZ.
Can you please provide copies of any and all advice received by the Prime
Minister from public service officials, and any other advice received from any
other sources related to this announcement and this proposed ban.
I envisage this advice should include what the ban actually is, what the legislative
amendments would be to give effect to it, and whether it is in fact a ban, or in fact
a requirement for a foreign purchaser to seek consent from the OIO. Advice on
what affect legislation changes would actually have, and what impact any
proposed legislative change would have on existing and proposed international
agreements that NZ is or is intending to be a party to.”
Your request is for all advice received by the Prime Minister from public service officials
and other advice received from any other sources. The Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) is only in a position to respond in relation to information
held by DPMC that is relevant to your request. To the extent your request is for
information provided to the Prime Minister that is not held by DPMC, this is more
closely connected with the functions and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and
accordingly, I am transferring your request to the Prime Minister under section 14 of the
Official Information Act.
The only information held by DPMC identified as relevant to your request are some
briefings provided to the Prime Minister by the Policy Advisory Group (PAG) within
DPMC. These briefings are provided to the Prime Minister in confidence, in order to
support her in her role as leader of the Government and chair of Cabinet. These
briefings have been withheld under the sections of the Official Information Act:
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington,
64 4 817 9700 Facsimile 64 4 472 3181