This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Capital and Coast District Health Board earthquake response plan'.
Document facilitator:   Service Leader EMS     
Senior document owner:    HHS Management Team        
Document number:  1.1449 Issue Date: 26th March 2012  Review Date: 26th March 2017 

Earthquake Response Plan 
Immediate actions ................................................................................................................2 
During an earthquake.................................................................................................2 
After an earthquake....................................................................................................2 
Initial post-earthquake actions .............................................................................................2 
Individual staff actions...............................................................................................2 
Workplace actions......................................................................................................3 
Damaged utility services......................................................................................................6 
Water management ....................................................................................................6 
Sewerage management ..............................................................................................8 
Incident management...........................................................................................................9 
Civil Defence declarations.........................................................................................9 
Key locations .............................................................................................................9 
Emergency communications......................................................................................9 
Equipment and supplies available............................................................................10 
Obtaining supplies and other assistance ..................................................................10 
Damage assessment .................................................................................................10 
Risk assessment .................................................................................................................10 
Expected casualties ..................................................................................................12 
Expected recovery time ...........................................................................................12 
Appendix 1 – rescue and clean up equipment ...................................................................13 
Emergency Management stores ...............................................................................13 
Earthquake cabinets .................................................................................................13 
Earthquake Response Plan 
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Regard printed versions of this document as out of date – The SilentOne document is the most current 

Immediate actions 
During an earthquake  
Protect yourself 
•  Get under something that will give protection from falling objects 
•  Watch for danger – be prepared to move out of the way if necessary 
After an earthquake  
Use the Earthquake Action Pack as a guide for the 
initial actions to follow – see the Emergency 
Management Document Pack in this folder 
•  Deal with life threatening problems such as serious injuries, fire, unsafe 
•  If the area is unsafe, evacuate 
•  If the area is safe, remain and follow the procedures in this plan 
Initial post-earthquake actions 
Earthquakes can inflict a wide range of damage, and it is difficult to prescribe a 
specific course of action to follow.  
The initial assessment may be misleading, and the situation may change significantly 
over time, or as the result of the aftershocks that commonly follow a large 
•  Even if an earthquake does not appear to have caused damage in the 
immediate area, other buildings on site (or other parts of the Region) may 
have suffered extensively  
•  Small breakages may cause significant damage in the long term (e.g. a burst 
water pipe causing flooding) 
•  While utility services may still be working immediately after an earthquake, 
they may be lost shortly after. For example water supplies may fail when the 
header tanks drain; and telephone and emergency lighting systems may fail 
when backup batteries are exhausted 
The following actions are important initial steps after an earthquake that has caused 
damage. They are based on the assumption that initially, the most demand for 
assistance will be at hospitals. 
Individual staff actions 
Staff on duty at a hospital  
Staff on duty at the time of an earthquake should remain at the hospital and assist 
with the initial response. This may include caring for any casualties in their own 
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areas; undertaking the evacuation of damaged areas; assisting with mass casualties 
arriving at the hospital; and restoring damaged services within their area. 
Staff on duty in the community 
Staff on duty in the community (at clinical, support, and corporate bases) should 
follow any specific earthquake procedures in their Service Mass Casualty Plan 
(usually related to the care of patients in the community). If there is no immediate 
need to continue with duties in the community, staff should try to make their way to a 
hospital and offer their assistance there. 
Staff who are not on duty 
Staff who are not on duty at the time of the earthquake are requested to return to 
duty as soon as possible. The following points should be noted: 
•  It is accepted that the first priority of staff will be to ensure the safety of their 
families and homes 
•  Staff should return to duty without being asked. It will probably not be possible 
to contact off duty staff in the first hours (or even days) after an earthquake 
•  Initially, if it is not possible to return to their normal workplace, staff should 
report to another appropriate centre (e.g. depending on their role - another 
hospital, GP surgery, or Civil Defence Centre) 
•  Identification may be required if it is necessary to pass through a cordon or to 
seek assistance with transport. Suitable forms of identification include a DHB 
identification card or a payslip  
•  Staff should be prepared to spend longer periods at work than usual, and to 
work differently (normal services and facilities may not be available and the 
initial focus is likely to be on the management of mass casualties) 
Staff with senior management or Emergency Operations Centre roles 
Senior management staff, and those trained in emergency management roles should 
report to the Emergency Operations Centre at either Wellington or Kenepuru Hospital 
as soon as possible. 
Workplace actions 
The initial actions that should be undertaken in each Ward, Unit, or Service Area 
immediately after a damaging earthquake are set out in the Earthquake Action 
 in the Emergency Management Document Pack in this folder. 
The key points include: 
Senior person to assume control  
The person in charge of each area is expected assume responsibility for ensuring 
that the initial tasks are undertaken in their area. 
In some areas there may be advantages in adjoining areas working together – it may 
be especially beneficial for small groups sharing one floor of a building to combine 
their resources.   
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Regard printed versions of this document as out of date – The SilentOne document is the most current 

Start actions immediately 
Each area should undertake their initial actions without waiting for further direction. 
It is unlikely that key staff will be able to visit all areas within a hospital shortly after a 
large earthquake – it may be hours before some areas can be advised of the extent 
of the damage.  
It may be some time before emergency 
management systems are in place. Staff in each 
area should undertake the initial actions without 
waiting for further direction 
Check the area 
Undertake a methodical check of the whole area to ascertain what damage has been 
caused to people, to services, and to the building structure. 
It is important to: 
•  Complete the check before deciding on a course of action 
•  Ensure that every part of the area is checked 
Deal with life threatening problems 
Deal with injuries, fires, exposed electrical components and other potentially life 
threatening problems as required. 
If necessary, try to call for help by the usual means (dialling 777 and/or activating the 
fire alarms), or by sending runners; but do not depend on assistance arriving. 
Response Teams and Emergency Services may be overwhelmed or incapacitated. 
Assess the extent of the damage 
The Post-earthquake Situation Report form in the Earthquake Action Pack 
should be used as a guide for recording damage. 
An initial damage assessment will assist staff in an area to decide whether to remain 
in the area or to evacuate; and it will be the first stage of compiling information on the 
overall status of DHB facilities. 
Decide whether to evacuate or to remain in the area 
The initial decision to evacuate an area will need to 
be made by staff on duty in each area at the time of 

the earthquake. 
The decision should take account of factors such as: 
•  Any problems that may require immediate evacuation (e.g. uncontrolled fire, 
extensive building collapse) 
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•  Whether or not the damage is to the structure of the building  (load bearing 
walls, cross beams etc) or just to internal partitions, ceiling tiles and fittings  
•  The ability to evacuate the area unaided – especially if dependent patients 
are involved, and/or escape routes are damaged 
•  Whether or not there is a safer place to evacuate to – in some situations the 
adjoining areas may be in no better condition, and evacuating outside may 
pose additional problems 
Evacuation guidelines 
If a decision is made to evacuate an area, and there is time, the following points 
should be noted: 
•  At least 2 people should be sent to check that it is in fact possible to 
evacuate, and that the intended destination is still functional 
•  If injured or dependent people need to be evacuated, it may be best to 
evacuate in small groups so that available able bodied people can assist each 
•  In some cases it may be necessary to first evacuate to an intermediate point  
•  Where possible, evacuation should be to an area where appropriate facilities 
and supplies are available (e.g. evacuate wards to other clinical areas; mental 
health units to alternate secure sites) 
•  The following areas have pre-designated evacuation plans – refer to the Fire 
and Hazardous Materials Plan in this folder for more information : 
−  Operating Theatres (at both Wellington and Kenepuru) 
−  Intensive Care Unit 
−  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 
− Delivery 
− Call 
•  The Emergency Operations Centre staff should be advised of the evacuation 
as soon as possible 
•  As soon as possible after arriving at the evacuation area, the measures 
outlined in the following sections should be followed 
Remaining in the area 
If it is decided not to evacuate, the following points should be noted: 
•  Expect aftershocks – consider what actions may be necessary to prevent 
further injuries or damage in the area. This may include : 
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−  Cordoning off sections of the area that may pose a danger 
−  Moving people away from glassed areas  
−  Securing, moving, or demolishing equipment, partitions etc which may 
have become unstable in the initial shaking 
•  Limited supplies of equipment (ropes, gloves, dust masks etc) are available in 
most hospital buildings – see appendix 1 for further information 
•  Commence water conservation measures (see the Water Management 
•  Implement the Sewerage Management Plan (see the Sewerage 
Management section) 
• Complete 
Situation Report in the Earthquake Action Pack and send it 
to the Emergency Operations Centre by whatever means are possible 
•  Implement the Service Mass Casualty Plan if appropriate 
Damaged utility services  
It is expected that a large earthquake will cause widespread damage to utility 
services in the region. 
While hospital buildings have backup systems in place for all essential services, it is 
still possible that they may be disrupted – either completely, if the backup systems 
are damaged; or partially, if there is damage to reticulation systems (pipes, cables 
Guidelines for dealing with failed utility services are set out in: 
•  The Essential Services Failure Plan in this folder 
•  Specific backup procedures operating in some wards or departments 
After an earthquake, it is especially important that the following water and sewerage 
management measures are implemented – even if it appears there is no damage 
to these systems. 

Water management 
The careful management of water is critical after an earthquake. 
It is expected that a large earthquake will cause extensive damage to the region’s 
water supply system; and that damage to the water reticulation systems within 
hospital buildings could cause significant damage. 
Water management measures include: 
•  Maintaining emergency supplies of potable water  
•  Dealing with water leaks as a high priority 
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•  Conserving water through changed practices 
Emergency water supplies 
Emergency supplies of at least 100 litres of potable water are maintained in each 
inpatient area (and many other areas). 
A 2.5M litre reservoir is maintained at Wellington Hospital. 
100,000 litres of potable water are kept in stand alone tanks at the Porirua campus, 
and 50,000 litres is stored at the Kapiti Health Centre 
In addition, various storage tanks within buildings hold another 114,000 litres at 
Wellington Hospital and 35,000 litres at Porirua. 
Other possible sources of drinks include fruit juices, milk and soft drinks available 
from cafeterias and vending machines. 
Managing water leaks 
The reporting and management of water leaks following an earthquake is a high 

•  Large amounts of water can be lost in a very short period – even through 
what appears to be minor damage  
•  Water can quickly cause extensive damage to buildings; equipment; and 
 All staff are expected to: 
•  Report any water leaks to the Emergency Operations Centre or Technical 
Services staff as a matter or urgency 
•  Take whatever measures are possible to control or minimise any leaks. This 
may include : 
− Closing 
−  Taping, blocking or crimping damaged pipes 
−  Damming or diverting water away from vulnerable areas 
Conserving water 
Every effort must be made to conserve water after a damaging earthquake. The 
following measures should be implemented immediately, and remain in place until 
the Incident Controller advises that they are no longer required. 
Hand washing 
Do not use running water for hand washing. Where possible waterless cleaners such 
as antimicrobial hand gel and / or gloves should be used. Where hand washing is 
needed, the ‘two bowl’ method should be used: 
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•  Two bowls should be filled with water – hands should be washed in one and 
rinsed in the other 
•  The water should only be changed when necessary, and if sufficient supplies 
are available 
Washing and showering patients 
Patients must not be showered, and washing is to be kept to the minimum necessary 
to maintain safe care. 
Flushing toilets and sluice facilities 
Toilets must not be flushed, and sanitisers must not be used (see the sewerage 
 measures for more information). 
Automatic flushing systems on urinals must be shut down. 
Sewerage management 
The post-earthquake sewerage management guidelines are intended to: 
•  Assist with the conservation of water 
•  Minimise contamination and health problems arising from sewerage leaking 
from damaged pipes either within buildings, or in the surrounding grounds 
The guidelines must be implemented immediately after a damage causing 
earthquake, and remain in place until the Incident Controller advises the 
sewerage system is safe to use, or other arrangements are made. 
Specific actions 
Toilets and urinals 
The number of toilets in any area must be kept to the minimum (1-2 per floor). Other 
toilets and all urinals are to be locked off. 
The toilets that are to be used are to be fitted with ‘double bagged’ standard plastic 
rubbish bags and used as latrines. 
When they are ready to be changed, the bags should be tied securely and stored in 
an appropriate place in the area – possibly one of the toilet cubicles that are not 
being used. 
Emergency Operations Centre staff will arrange for the bags to be removed from the 
building at regular intervals. 
Bedpans should be fitted with plastic bags before use (and the waste collected in the 
The bags should be managed in the same way as the toilet bags. 
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Incident management 
The management of the aftermath of a major earthquake will require a different 
organisational structure and procedures – at least until the expected mass casualties 
have been dealt with, and damaged services restored. 
In general, the structures and relationships outlined in the Mass Casualty Plan will 
be followed. Some key elements of the management of such an incident would 
include the following: 
Civil Defence declarations 
A state of Civil Defence Emergency would be declared in areas affected by the 
earthquake. In the DHB region it is likely that declarations would made by: 
•  Locally (Wellington and Porirua City Councils, and the Kapiti Coast District 
•  Regionally (The Greater Wellington Regional Council) 
•  Nationally (The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management 
National Crisis Management Centre at Parliament Buildings) 
Key locations 
Details of the key contact points within the DHB are listed in the Major Incident 
 in the Emergency Management Document Pack within this folder. 
Emergency communications 
It is expected that telephone and computer network services will be lost immediately 
after an earthquake and may take some days to restore. 
Handheld radios are available at both Wellington and Kenepuru hospitals to provide 
emergency on-site communications. 
Base radios in the Emergency Operations Centres at both hospitals also provide 
communication with: 
•  Other hospitals in the region including private surgical hospitals 
•  Civil Defence centres at : 
− Wellington 
− Porirua 
−  Kapiti Coast District Council 
−  Greater Wellington Regional Council 
Two satellite phones are held in the Wellington Hospital Emergency Operations 
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Equipment and supplies available 
Medical supplies, food and water 
Stores of basic medical supplies, food, water, and some support items are available 
at hospital sites. Requests for supplies should be made to the Logistics 
in the Emergency Operations Centre. 
Rescue and clean-up supplies 
Some basic supplies are available at both Wellington and Kenepuru hospitals. Refer 
to Appendix 1 for more information. 
Obtaining supplies and other assistance 
It is likely that normal supply arrangements will be disrupted by damage to roads, 
airports, and communications; and that demands for some services and supplies will 
be very high. 
It is essential that the use of resources is coordinated to ensure ‘the greatest good for 
the greatest number’. 
All requests for supplies and services must be made through the Emergency 
Operations Centre. 
In some cases Emergency Operations Centre staff will coordinate requests with Civil 
Defence Centres (especially if the supplies or services may be needed by a number 
of different agencies).  
Damage assessment 
Damage Assessment Coordinator will be appointed by the Incident Controller to 
oversee the assessment of buildings and facilities as soon as possible after an 
The initial assessments will be focussed on: 
•  The need to provide facilities for the expected mass casualties, and current 
•  An engineering assessment of areas that have been damaged (and/or 
evacuated) to determine whether or not they are safe to occupy 
Further tasks will include: 
•  The ongoing assessment of damage following significant after shocks 
•  The coordination of (interim) repairs of services and facilities 
•  The identification of suitable alternate accommodation for essential services 
Risk assessment 
The earthquake risk in New Zealand, and in the Wellington Region in particular, is 
well documented.  
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There are a number of fault lines in the region. The most significant ones are shown 
in the diagram below. 
Assessments of the likelihood of a damage causing earthquake occurring in the 
region include the following: 
Geological and Nuclear Sciences Institute assessment that there is a 15% 
chance of an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 or greater occurring on the Wellington 
fault in the next 50 years, and that such an event could result in up to 4000 casualties 
and between 200 and 600 deaths. 
The Earthquake Commission advise in their public awareness programme that 
there is a 1:12 chance of being involved in a damage causing earthquake this year. 
The Wellington Regional Council describes the earthquake risk in the region in the 
following terms: 
On January 23 1855, the Wairarapa Fault ruptured and the entire Wellington Region 
was tilted westward. About 5000 km2 of land was shifted vertically, with uplift of 6m 
near Turakirae Head and 1-2m in the Wellington Harbour.  Some subsidence 
(lowering of the ground) occurred in the Wairarapa.  The greatest horizontal 
movement along the fault was 12m.  Features like streams were displaced along the 
fault.  The magnitude 8.1-8.2 quake caused 50 seconds of strong shaking and there 
were hundreds of aftershocks greater than magnitude 5 in the following weeks. 
Many of the Region’s faults can produce large earthquakes.  A large, shallow quake 
along the Wellington Fault, say magnitude 7.4, would cause strong shaking and 
considerable damage around the Region.  If it happened during the day there could 
be about 500 deaths, 4,000 injuries and perhaps 1,800 people trapped.  If the quake 
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hit at night, fewer people would be hurt.  We could expect about 2,800 homes and 
other buildings to be destroyed and another 100,000 buildings to be damaged in 
some way.” 
Expected casualties 
Estimates of casualty numbers vary, and would depend on a number of factors, but 
there is agreement that thousands would be injured in a large earthquake, and that 
primary health providers along with both public and private hospital resources would 
initially be overwhelmed . 
It is expected that up to 2% of the population in the region could be injured or killed in 
a magnitude 7.5 earthquake: 
•  95% of those injured would have comparatively minor injuries and could be 
treated with first aid or as outpatients 
•  At least 200-300 patients may require admission to hospital 
Expected recovery time 
It is generally accepted that Wellington’s geography, and the age of some parts of 
the  infrastructure, pose significant challenges to the recovery from a large 
Of most concern in the short term are the restoration of water supplies and the 
opening of key roads. 
The most recent assessments of the time to repair these services have concluded: 
•  For the first 3 weeks, water supplies to Wellington City would be extremely 
limited, and it would be up to six months before a reliable, treated water 
supply was restored to all users. Recovery times for Porirua and the Kapiti 
Coast are expected to be comparable 
•  It is expected to take approximately 10 days to open major roads to essential 
traffic, and many months before traffic could move freely around the region 
Many other aspects of recovery are dependent on these services being available, so 
lack of water for clean up operations; and lack of access, is likely to contribute 
significantly to delays in repairs of equipment and buildings, and the replenishment of 
Disclaimer: This document has been developed by Capital & Coast District Health 
Board (C&C DHB) specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance 
on the information contained therein by any third party is at their own risk and C&C 
DHB assumes no responsibility whatsoever. 
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Appendix 1 – rescue and clean up equipment 
Emergency Management stores 
The following items are available from the Emergency management store situated on 
at Wellington and Kenepuru hospitals 
• Blankets 
• Camp 
• Portable 
• Heaters 
• Emergency 
• Portable 
• Salvage 
Earthquake cabinets 
The cabinets illustrated below are available in all staff areas 
First aid supplies and foil blankets 
Dust masks 
Hard hats 
Battery operated lamps 
Broadcast radio 
Basic tools 
Barrier tape 
Duct tape 
2000 kg capacity Jack 
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