File Ref: ENQ-31941-Y0V3X5
14 August 2017
George Valentine
: [FYI request #5431 email]
Dear Mr Valentine
Official Information Act Request
I refer to your email dated 17 July 2017, in which you requested information regarding the contract
between the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Busby Ramshaw Grice (BRG). Your enquiry
has been treated as a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. The information
you have requested is below.
The EPA’s contract with BRG is for a total value of $39,000 for the period of September 2016 to
September 2017. During the 2016-17 financial year, the EPA was billed $20,332.55 for the provision of
strategic advice and guidance, and $11,000 for the provision of two trainings on presentation skills for
EPA staff.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Frances Charlett-Green on
[email address] or 04 474 5533.
Yours sincerely
Mark Patchett
General Manager
Strategic and Regulatory Services