This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Misinformation provided within the release of the FairWay Reviewers Training Manual?'.

7 February 2017 
Mr David Lawson 
By website: 
Dear Mr Lawson 
Request of 20 December 2016 
We write further to your request for information, made 20 December 2016.  
It is correct that Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s case note of 2012 only referenced 
section 2(b)(vi i ) and commentary regarding judicial functions.  
Previously DRSL/FairWay was of the view that section 2(b)(xi ) could also apply.  There is no 
legal opinion regarding this point.  
Given developments over time and after further consideration we are of the view that it 
would not be appropriate to rely on this section.   We therefore shortly intend to update the 
manual accordingly to remove this reference, as part of a more general update.   The 
updated manual wil  be published on FairWay’s website. 
We confirm the commentary as set out in the Privacy Commissioner’s case note stil  applies, 
and we wil  follow this, as well as the opinion of the Ombudsman.  
You may contact the Office of the Ombudsman in relation to this response. 
Yours sincerely 
Rhys West 
Acting Chief Executive