This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information regarding grandstand at Waikaraka Park'.

29 March 2016 
Official Information Request No. 9000140758 
 (Please quote this in any correspondence) 
Mr. Harrison 
via: email 
Dear Mr. Harrison 
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 
Re: Grandstand at Waikaraka Park speedway 
I refer to your email, which we received on 27 February 2016, requesting information about 
the Grandstand at Waikaraka Park speedway. 
I have attached several reports and a memo that relates to the speedway, which will explain 
the some further background in relation to current reporting on the speedway structure.  
The reports attached were commissioned in co-operation with the former parks (now 
Community Services) and property (now Community Facilities) departments within council.  
The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board also requested officers to discover the state and 
condition of the building and options for repair and demolition. 
The parks and property teams have been heavily involved in research and reporting around 
the building and the stock car club, whilst the local board has been very involved  to the point 
where they have oversight of the process. 
The Chair of the local board asked for the councils Local Board Service senior advisor to 
manage the process and council officers are currently preparing advice and 
Other council departments involved in the site include Regional Facilities Auckland ( RFA) 
and Community Facilities (leasing) and Parks, Sport and Recreation.  Additionally council’s 
legal team are involved along with Community Facilities Operational Management and 
Maintenance who have sourced recent cost estimates for all the building demolition and 
repair options. 
As a result of the commissioned reports, a workshop has been proposed, in order to discuss 
options to present at the local board’s April business meeting. Four proposed courses of 
action have been presented to the Local Board and can be found in attachment 5 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

Please find the following documents attached as per each header: 
Attachment 1: A Grandstand Concrete Inspection Review from Mannco Consulting Ltd 
Attachment 2: Homes Consulting Group Assessment of Structure and Public Safety 
Attachment 3: A Draft Seismic Assessment Report from Holmes Consulting Group 
Attachment 4: The final Seismic Assessment Report  from Holmes Consulting Group 
Attachment 5: A Confidential Memo to Local Board 
Please note that for attachment 5 (Confidential Memo to Local Board) some of the 
information contained within has been withheld  under section 7(2)(i) of LGOIMA – to enable 
any local authority holding the information to carry on commercial negotiations without 
prejudice or disadvantage.   
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09 890 2997, quoting Official 
Information Request No. 9000140758 
Yours sincerely 
Turi McLeod-Bennett 
Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner 
AKLC Electoral Office/Public Info Unit 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101