133 Molesworth Street
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
T+64 4 496 2000
10 March 2025
John Luke
By email:
[FYI request #30052 email]
Tēnā koe John
Response to your request for official information
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of
Health – Manatū Hauora (the Ministry) on 12 February 2025, for information regarding the
appointment process to the Medical Council of New Zealand | Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa.
I note this is a follow up to your earlier request under reference H2024059001. Please find a
response to each part of your request below.
I noted, "Three candidates were shortlisted. Of these, two were interviewed." what's the
reason for only two were interviewed?
I wish to clarify the shortlisting for this role from my earlier response. Five candidates were
shortlisted, of these, three were recommended by nominating agencies.
Of the five candidates, the two highest-ranking in the Ministry’s assessment were interviewed. It
was only necessary to interview two candidates.
I noted, "Nominations were also sought from a variety of nominating agencies" how do
you seek for nomination? by email or other means? if by email, may I kindly request the
email you sent to the nominating agencies requesting for nomination
The Ministry emails nominating agencies when seeking candidates for dif erent health entities,
including the Medical Council. The nominating agencies include Ministry for Women – Manatū
Wāhine, Ministry for Ethnic Communities – Te Tari Mātāwaka, Ministry of Disabled People –
Whaikaha, Ministry of Māori Development – Te Puni Kōkiri, and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples
– Te Manatū mō ngā Iwi ō te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa. These agencies provide the Ministry with
names of potential candidates from their databases whom they wish to endorse. Anyone who
does wish to apply would stil need to submit their own application through the standard
application process. The following documents have been identified within scope of this part of
your request and are released to you in full:
• A copy of the email sent from the Ministry to the nominating agencies
• The Appointments Declaration/Consent Form.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this decision, please feel
free to contact the OIA Services Team on:
[email address].
Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review any
decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be contacted by email at:
[email address] or by calling 0800 802 602.
Please note that this response, with your personal details removed, may be published on the
Ministry website at:
Nāku noa, nā
Sarah Turner
Deputy Director-General
Government and Executive Services | Te Pou Whakatere Kāwanatanga
Page 2 of 2
Document 1
Wednesday, 21 February 2024 9:03 am
Nominations for statutory health roles - responsible authorities
Declaration Form (1).docx
Kia ora
The Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora (the Ministry) is currently seeking nominations for appointments to several
responsible authorities.
The advertisement(s) can be found for the:
New Zealand Medical Radiation Technologists Board | Te Poari Ringa Hangarau Iraruke
Medical Council of New Zealand | Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa
Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand | Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora o Aotearoa
Midwifery Council | Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu
Please forward this email onto the relevant person or department within your organisation if you are not the correct
contact. Any nominations or pātai (questions) can be forwarded to the Ministry's appointments team at
[email address]. The application closing date is
4 March 2024. All applicants require a cover letter, CV
and completed declaration form (attached). We encourage all applicants to apply via the website in the first
We would be grateful if you could inform your networks of this opportunity and invite nominations of candidates
with diverse backgrounds, so that we may ensure representation of all Aotearoa on our boards. When nominating
candidates, please be sure to notify them of the nomination and check if they are prepared to submit an application,
and ensure they fill out a declaration form (attached).
Ngā mihi
Statutory Appointments and Integrity Services Team Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora
Document 2
Appointments Declaration/Consent Form
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health assists the Minister of Health and Governor-General with appointments
to health and disability committees, other groups and to committees/groups it has itself established.
Manatū Hauora also assists the Minister and Governor-General to make appointments to Crown entities.
As part of the appointment process, Manatū Hauora asks candidates to provide certain information and to
make declarations. This helps to ensure that good practice appointment processes are met, and when
necessary, that legislative requirements of the Crown Entities Act 2004 (CE Act) are complied with. It also
ACT 1982
provides candidates with an opportunity to declare any potential conflicts of interest that may arise if they
were to be successfully appointed to any committee/group.
Information obtained through this process is held and used in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and
the attached Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, you can contact the Statutory Appointments and
Integrity Services Team:
[email address]
This form is in five sections:
Section One
Personal / Professional Information
Section Two
Qualifications for Membership
Section Three
Disclosure of Interests
Section Four
Other Matters and Referees
Section Five
Consent / Declaration
Please careful y read and complete
al sections and attach to your application.
Note: Background checks aim to detect and prevent fraud and ensure the integrity of appointments to
public sector boards. These checks will be conducted for shortlisted candidates, however, if you have
completed these for any other board appointments in the past six months, you may share the findings
with Manatū Hauora.
Document 2
Section 1: Personal / Professional Information
First name/s
Preferred name
Family name
Date of Birth
Preferred pronouns
☐ She/Her ☐ He/Him ☐ They/Them
☐ Other pronouns – please state:
☐ Prefer not to say
☐ Female ☐ Male ☐ Another gender – please state:
☐ Prefer not to say
Email address
Phone number
Physical address
Which ethnic group(s) do
Choose an item.
you belong to?
If other, please state:
Iwi (if applicable)
Current profession
Are you a public servant?
☐ Yes ☐ No
(The Public Service Act 2020
sets out the definition of a
If yes, have you sought and obtained approval from your Chief Executive
public servant.)
to be considered for appointment to this entity?
☐ Yes ☐ No
List all committees/groups you are applying for
Which position are you
Choose an item.
applying for?
Current employer/s
Role and Employer
Date Appointed
(Please state your role,
employer, and date appointed)
Government Appointments
Date Appointed
Document 2
Appointments held
(Board or committee
memberships, directorships or
Directorships and Private/Voluntary Sector Appointments
Date Appointed
(Please state your role, the
entity, and date appointed)
(Please state the certificate,
discipline, institution and year)
Document 2
Section 2: Qualifications for Membership
The CE Act contains grounds that disqualify certain persons from membership of Crown entities. These
grounds, contained in
section 30 of the CE Act, are reflected in the following questions. If you are unsure
how to answer, or require further clarification of any of the grounds, please contact the Statutory
Appointments and Integrity Services Team:
Are you an undischarged bankrupt?
The Insolvency Act 1967 sets out bankruptcy and discharge procedures.
Are you prohibited from being a director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking
part in the management of, an incorporated or unincorporated body under the
Companies Act 1993, or the Securities Act 1978, or the Securities Markets Act 1988, or
the Takeovers Act 1993?
Are you subject to a property order under the Protection of Personal and Property
Rights (PPPR) Act 1988?
Are you someone in respect of whom a personal order has been made under the
PPPR Act that reflects adversely on your competence to manage your own affairs in
relation to your property, or your capacity to make or to communicate decisions
relating to any particular aspect or aspects of your personal care and welfare?
Have you been convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of 2
years or more (or been sentenced to imprisonment for any other offence), and have
not obtained a pardon, served the sentence, or otherwise suffered the penalty
Are you a member of Parliament?
Are you disqualified under another Act?
If your answers to all of the above questions are ‘No’, then you are not disqualified from being a member
of a Crown entity. If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, or if you have reason to believe
that any of the criteria might affect you in the foreseeable future, please provide details below.
I wish to provide further information as follows:
Document 2
Section 3: Disclosure of Interests
Before a candidate can be appointed, they must disclose the nature and extent (including monetary value,
if quantifiable) of all interests that they have at that time, or are likely to have, in matters relating to the
committee/group/board. The following information will help ascertain whether you are interested in a
matter relating to the committee/group/board that you wish to be appointed to.
A matter relating to a committee/group/board means:
a committee/group/board’s performance of its functions or exercise of its powers; or
an arrangement, agreement, or contract made or entered into, or proposed to be entered into, by
the committee/group/board.
You are
interested in a matter relating to a committee/group/board if you:
may derive a financial benefit from the matter; or
are the spouse, civil union partner, de facto partner, child, or parent of a person who may derive a
financial benefit from the matter; or
may have a financial interest in a person to whom the matter relates; or
are a partner, director, officer, board member, or trustee of a person who may have a financial interest
in a person to whom the matter relates; or
are otherwise directly or indirectly interested in the matter.
You are not interested in a matter related to the committee/group/board:
only because you are a member or an officer of a subcommittee of the committee/group/board; or
because you receive an indemnity, insurance cover, remuneration, or other benefits authorised under
legislation or the committee/group/board’s terms of reference; or
if your interest is so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence
you in carrying out your responsibilities under the committee/group/board’s terms of reference; or
only because you have past or current involvement in the relevant sector, industry, or practice; or
if the committee/group/board’s terms of reference provides that you are not interested, despite the
above indicating that you are.
Having read the above, I make the following disclosure as to the nature and extent (including monetary
value, if quantifiable) of all interests that I have at this time, or are likely to have, in matters relating to the
committee/group/board (if none, please write
I intend to manage any conflicts of interest that arise out of these declared interests in the following
manner (mandatory, if any interests are listed above):
Document 2
Section 4: Other Matters and Referees
Please list any matters which the Minister should be aware of in considering your suitability for
appointment. This includes anything that may influence your judgement, raise doubts about your ability
to act with honesty and integrity, or could be relevant to your governance responsibilities if appointed.
This encompasses factors such as previous convictions, bankruptcy, or any known interests, including those
involving related parties such as your spouse, partner, close relationships, or dependents, which might be
perceived as affecting your capacity to carry out governance responsibilities objectively and impartially.
I would like the Minister to be aware of the following other matters:
(if none, please write
Please provide the names and contact details of two referees who will be able to discuss your suitability
for appointment.
Referee One
Mobile phone
Work phone
Referee Two
Mobile phone
Work phone
Document 2
Section 5: Consent / Declaration
I acknowledge that providing false information will likely result in my removal from office
if I am appointed, as would a failure to include information pertinent to the consideration
of my suitability for appointment.
If my application is successful, I consent to the information contained in the provided cover
letter, curriculum vitae (CV) and declaration form being retained by Manatū Hauora in
accordance with the Privacy Policy attached to this form. I note that this information will be
used for statutory appointment purposes only and destroyed after a period of 10 years, or
after the end of my term of appointment/reappointment, whichever is longer.
If my application is unsuccessful, I consent to the information contained in the provided
cover letter, CV and declaration form being retained by the Ministry in accordance with the
Privacy Policy attached to this form. I note that this information will be used for statutory
appointment purposes only and destroyed after a period of 10 years.
I acknowledge that the information contained in this form, my CV and cover letter may be
provided to the Minister of Health and/or Associate Ministers of Health (and their offices)
and other individuals involved in the assessment of candidates for this statutory role, and
note that all information I provide will be treated in accordance with the attached Privacy
I acknowledge I may be subject to a number of due diligence checks in relation to my
application for this role, which may include but is not limited to, criminal conviction check,
qualification check, and New Zealand Security Intelligence Service screening.
Please sign and date the consent/declaration:
In relation to my potential appointment to the committee/group/board:
I consent to being a member of the committee/group/board, should the Minister wish to appoint
• I have declared all of the interests that I currently have, or am likely to have, in matters relating to the
committee/group/board, in Section 3 of this form (if applicable).
• I have declared any other matters that the Minister should be aware of in considering me for
appointment, in Sections 2 and 4 of this form.
• I declare that the information provided in this form is true and complete to the best of my belief.
Name / Signature or
Please retain a copy of this completed declaration form for your records.
Document 2
Privacy Policy
1. Manatū Hauora uses the information collected on this form to ensure that good practice appointment
processes are met, including advising the Minister of Health on the appointment of members to
Storage and security of personal information
2. Manatū Hauora, and the Office of the Minister of Health and/or the Offices of Associate Ministers of
Health (the agencies), will ensure that:
(a) the personal information the agencies hold on you shall be protected by such security safeguards
as it is reasonable in the circumstances to take, against:
(i) loss
(ii) access, use, modification or disclosure, except with the authority of the agencies
(iii) other misuse
(b) if it is necessary for the information to be given to a person in connection with the provision of
a service to the agencies, everything reasonably within the power of the agencies is done to
prevent unauthorised use or unauthorised disclosure of the information
(c) if the agencies are required by law to disclose any personal information about you, the agencies
will do everything reasonably within their power to consult you before making such disclosure.1
Access to personal information
3. Where the agencies hold personal information in such a way that it can readily be retrieved, you are
(a) to obtain from the agency in question confirmation of whether or not the agency holds such
personal information
(b) to have access to that information.
4. Where, in accordance with the above clause, you are given access to personal information, you will be
advised that you may request the correction of that information.
5. The agencies will not hold your personal information longer than is required for the purposes for which
the information may lawfully be used.
For questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact the Statutory Appointments and Integrity
Service Team:
[email address]
Retention / destruction of information
6. If you do not consent to Manatū Hauora retaining your declaration form, we will safely destroy it:
• within 1 week if you are not appointed
• as soon as the term of your appointment ends if you are appointed.
1 For example, pursuant to a request made under the Official Information Act 1982.