19th February 2025
Dear Danson Stevens,
Official information request - Inquiry on statistics regarding late arrivals
I refer to your official information request dated 10th February 2025 for “
some basic statistics
regarding students who are late to Pakuranga Col ege during the first period of any regular school
day, starting at 8:40am. This request excludes half days, Mufti days, Fridays, and the given population
should not include students who are absent … If possible, I would appreciate it if the data could cover
any full week in mid-2024.”
Part of the information you have requested is enclosed below. As requested, the data below is for
Monday 10 June 2024 through to Thursday 13 June 2024.
We have decided to grant your request in part, namely information which relates to your first three
A count of how many students regularly attend school (Population 1)
10/6/2024 – 1955/2199 (88.9%)
11/6/2024 – 2021/2199 (91.9%)
12/6/2024 – 1999/2199 (90.9%)
13/6/2024 – 1988/2199 (90.4%)
An approximate average count of the number of students who are late on any given
applicable date (for students in Population 1, if possible)
10/6/2024 – 39
11/6/2024 – 26
12/6/2024 – 47
13/6/2024 – 57
A percentage of students who regularly attend school who were late on any chosen date
10/6/2024 – 2.0%
11/6/2024 – 1.3%
12/6/2024 – 2.4%
13/6/2024 – 1.4%
However, given the amount of resources required to process your last two requests, we have
decided to charge for making the requested information available:
A percentage of students who regularly attend school who were late on the same chosen
date, who signed in before 8:45am (i.e. students who arrive after 8:40 but before 8:45)
A percentage of students who regularly attend school who were late on the same chosen
date, who signed in before 8:50am (i.e. students who arrive after 8:40 but before 8:50)
Due to the constraints of our Student Management System, there is no automated way to retrieve
the information you have requested; this will require a process of initially searching 7,963 records
(number of present students over the time frame requested) and then individual y sorting and
recording 169 student records (number of students arriving late over the time frame requested),
then individually collating the annotated time of late arrival, followed by individually applying your
requested time stamp criteria.
To complete the required work, we estimate the maximum charge will be $228.00. Any unused
component of this charge wil be refunded to you.
Details of the charge:
Labour charge of three hours, at $76.00 per hour. Total of $228.00
The labour charge is to cover the costs of the resources required to search and retrieve, collate, edit,
and peer review the data to ensure that this task has been carried out correctly. Before we proceed
further with this part of your request, please confirm your agreement to the charge and pay the full
amount ($228.00) into our account:
Name: Pakuranga College Board
Account Number: 12-3089-0131878-00
Reference: OIA request 30015-0909abc
We wil send you the requested information within 10 working days of your payment.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact me. I will be able to assist you
should you wish to change or refine your request to reduce or remove the need to charge.
Yours sincerely,
Billy Merchant