27 February 2025
By email
: [FYI request #29917 email]
Dear Neonlightsupermarket
OIA 25.208 Law Scores
I refer to the Official Information Act (the Act) request dated 29 January 2025 regarding Law scores. You have
specifical y requested:
Would you be able to provide for the fol owing courses in 2024:
(1) every 300-level LAWS or LLAW paper,
(2) the five 200-level LAWS papers (LAWS202-LAWS206),
(3) the three 400-level Honours papers (LAWS410, LAWS420 and LAWS430)
The fol owing data:
(1) The number of students who completed the paper, and
(2) Students' final scores (i.e a list of every score for every student after rounding, e.g. 90/100,
Please see overleaf the numbers of students that completed papers.
We contacted you for clarification on 30 January 2025 and fol owed up on this on 13 February 2025 regarding
question 2. As you have not provided any clarification, we wil now close our file.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about
how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Information and Records Management
Classification: Public
Categories of Law papers
2024 Completions
(1) every 300-level LAWS or LLAW paper
(2) the five 200-level LAWS papers
(3) the three 400-level Honours papers
(LAWS410, LAWS420 and LAWS430)
Classification: Public