17 March 2025
Pen Parker
fyi-request-29878-5d89301 [email address]
Dear Pen
Request for information
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 25 January 2025, in
which you requested the following information:
1. A comprehensive list of all events where pro-Palestinian groups have been
involved in activities that resulted in legal violations or required police intervention.
For each event, please include:
Date and location
Description of the incident
Nature of the legal violations or disturbances reported
2. Details of actions taken against the perpetrators in each event, including:
Number of individuals arrested, detained, or fined
Specific charges filed
Outcomes of any legal proceedings, if available (. . .)
I am
particularly interested in understanding the full scope of such incidents and
the measures taken by law enforcement in response.
In response to your request, please find enclosed with my response
Appendix One
which includes a list of Pro-Palestinian events resulting in legal violations being
investigated and police involvement since November 2023.
I trust this information is of assistance.
Yours sincerely
Dan Wildy PhD
Director, National Intelligence
New Zealand Police
9 October 2024
Student protester involved in Disorderly
Not applicable.
No charges filed.
an altercation at Otago
Behaviour (Likely to
cause violence)
13 October 2024
Protesters interrupted a NZ
Both individuals
First public conference.
Behaviour (Likely to
Behaviour (Likely charged. One
cause violence)
to cause
charge withdrawn
by leave and the
other dismissed by
the court.
9 November 2024
Individual with pro-Palestine Of ensive Behaviour One
Not applicable.
No charges filed.
offensive messaging on