This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Penalties, admonishments, warnings, or other actions taken by ECan against bus operators'.

24 February 2025 
Cody C 

By email: [FYI request #29767 email] 
Dear Cody, 
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987: Request for information 
I refer to your  email dated 16  January  2025  requesting information on  penalties, 
admonishments, warnings, or other actions taken by Environment Canterbury against bus 
operators from 1 January 2022 to the present date. 
Environment Canterbury has decided to extend the date of reply for this requested information. 
This request wil  now be responded to by Tuesday 18 March 2025, instead of Tuesday 25 
February 2025.  
This extension is  in accordance with Section 14(1)(b) of  the Local Government Official 
Information & Meetings Act (LGOIMA) 1987,  allowing time  for Environment Canterbury to 
consult with bus operators prior to releasing its response.  
You wil  be aware that if you are not satisfied with this extension, you are able to refer this 
matter to the Office of the Ombudsman under s27 (3) of LGOIMA. 
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact 
[ECAN request email]. 
Yours sincerely, 
Giles Southwell 
Director Corporate and Public Transport Services 
File Number: GOVE/INQU/OMBU/2993C