National Headquarters
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
National Headquarters
Spark Central, Level 7
42-52 Willis Street
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
Phone +64 4 496 3600
26 March 2025
Ref: 16789
Mike Hunua
[FYI request #29751 email]
Tēnā koe Mike
Thank you for your request of 15 January 2025, to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, requesting
information relating to the Local Advisory Committee (LAC) outcomes.
Thank you for your email on Monday, 10 February 2025, clarifying the following:
We are looking for any advice from any LAC that relates to the response capabilities of
FENZ in the way of resourcing or planning from the LACs and what FENZ has done with that
advice. This flows into a large question surrounding their usefulness to FENZ as a whole in
creating safer, better-prepared communities.
In line with our obligations under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), we advised on 13 March
2025 that we decided to
grant your request. Please find our response below.
For context, LACs are independent committees around New Zealand which provide advice with a
strong local perspective to help Fire and Emergency understand communities’ needs and engage
with them effectively. They are established under our legislation and their statutory role is to
engage with communities and stakeholders on behalf of our Board, provide advice on community
risks and issues, consider and promote the interests of our volunteers and consider industry
brigades and operational service agreements and memorandums of understanding in their local
LACs provide a community perspective, help broaden our engagement with communities and
stakeholders, strengthen our understanding of community risks, needs and strengths and
influence our planning. Fire and Emergency currently works with eleven LACs around the country
to ensure communities’ voices and interests are reflected in our national and local planning.
We receive advice and insights from LACs in several ways including annual insights reporting from
individual committees and LAC Chairs at meetings and through direct engagement between LAC
members and our Fire and Emergency personnel and Board.
1. Have local area committees made or recommended any changes that have been
implemented or are documented?
We have interpreted your request as relating specifically to LAC advice to Fire and Emergency
relating to response capabilities. We have included in our response any advice we have received
from LACs relating to response capability and the response that has been provided to LACs. Please
find attached, as
Appendix One to this response, the insights our LACs have provided us as
recommendations towards changes.
2. Has FENZ changed its emergency response capabilities, local FENZ resources or procedures
directly from LAC recommendations or consultation since there inception?
LAC advice is one of the factors required by legislation to be considered within our planning at
local, regional and national levels. Please find attached, as
Appendix Two to this response, the
responses from the Board to the LACs’ insights which also include programmes and changes
underway to address LAC feedback.
We trust that the information being provided is of assistance. If you require further information,
please email [FENZ request email]
Nāku noa, nā
Aidan Saunders
Manager, Information Requests