Te Tari Taiwhenua
Internal Affairs
13 February 2025
Ministerial Services
45 Pipitea St, Thorndon
PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Website: www.dia.govt.nz
Mr Hunger
leeed21b@reg uests. fyi.org. nz
Dear Mr Hunger
Official Information Act request (OIA 2425-0624)
Thank you for your request for information dated 4 January made under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department). You
requested the following information:
1. A copy of the Self-drive Vehicle Catalogue which is used by Ministers to select a Self
drive vehicle for their needs.
2. All available info regarding Make/Model/Year and the Purchase Price of the current
Self-drive fleet. Where possible please include the install costs of charging
infrastructure on a per-vehicle basis.
3. A summary of ongoing operating and maintenance costs, servicing, RUCs,
fuel/electricity etc.
Response to your request
Ministers1, former Prime Ministers2 and surviving spouses or partners of former Prime
Ministers are eligible for the private use of a self-drive vehicle as part of their Ministerial
entitlement. All Ministerial self-drive vehicles are Crown-owned and administered by the
Department's Ministerial Services group through VIP Transport on behalf of the Crown.
1 Ministers Travel Services within New Zealand Determination 2020, part 2, cl 2.3
2 Members of Parliament (Former Prime Ministers Travel Services) Determination 2017, part 2, cl 9