This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Stormwater overflow calculations, St Mary St'.

7 February 2025 
File ref: IRC-7718 
Thorndon Residents’ Association 
[FYI request #29634 email] 
Tēnā koe Thorndon Residents’ Association 
Thank you for your email of 20 December 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council (the 
Council), requesting the following information: 
1)  Please provide a copy of ALL the calculations, that informed the designer, and WCC's decisions, on 
the stormwater considerations for this modification of the kerb and channel. 
2)  Please ensure the inclusion of any calculations that demonstrate how the results compare with the 
City Corporation's specific Code and clauses for stormwater management. 
3)  Please provide any information that indicate these calculations were completed to ensure protection 
of adjacent property from inundation or damage. 
4)  Please provide copies of any correspondence, notes, documents, or records of ANY kind that relate 
to stormwater concerns, or issues, with this intervention at the bottom of St Mary St. 
5)  What was the grand total cost of these works at the bottom of St Mary St? i.e. from original concept 
to final engineering sign-off of the installed structure (including all contractor and WCC time and 
materials, etc). 
Your request is being considered under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 
This letter is to advise you that the Council needs to extend the due date of your response for 10 working 
days, pursuant to section section 14(1)(b) of the LGOIMA, as consultations necessary to make a decision on 
the request are such that a proper response to the request cannot reasonably be made within the original 
time limit. 
For this reason, you can expect a response from the Council no later than 24 February 2025
You have the right, by way of complaint under section 27(3) of the LGOIMA, to request an investigation and 
review of WCC’s decision to extend by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a complaint is 
available at or freephone 0800 802 602.  
If you require further information, please contact [email address].  
Nāku noa, nā 
Chelsea McHugh 
Senior Advisor Official Information 
Risk & Assurance Team 
Wellington City Council