This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Marsden Fund refocus'.
From: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2024 8:23 PM
To: Hon Judith Collins s9(2)(a)
; Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
Cc: s9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: 2324--2974 Meeting with Marsden Fund Council - Signed by H.Penny.pdf
Yes, will get this done. 
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From: Hon Judith Collins <s9(2)(a)
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2024 8:21:37 PM
To: Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
 Orson Glubb
Cc: s9(2)(a)
Subject: 2324--2974 Meeting with Marsden Fund Council - Signed by H.Penny.pdf
Can you please provide me with a list of the grants made by the Marsden Fund over the last
three years?  I would like that done before the meeting. 
Please find the PDF attached.
Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and comment on this PDF. download
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Letter to Hon David Seymour - Marsden Fund Council Appointments.pdf
Letter to Rt Hon Winston Peters- Marsden Fund Council Appointments.pdf
Hon Judith Collins KC Letter to Caucus - Marsden Fund Council Appointments.pdf
From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:41 AM
To: s9(2)(a)
Cc: Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>
Subject: FW: BRIEFING-REQ-0005954 Marsden Fund Council – Call for nominations
s9(2)  these are good to be distributed.
Thanks, Orson
From: Harry Stanley <[email address]> 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:16 AM
To: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: BRIEFING-REQ-0005954 Marsden Fund Council – Call for nominations 
Hi Orson,
Here are the signed letters.
Harry Stanley 
Private Secretary (Science, Innovation & Technology) | Office of Hon Judith Collins KC MP
Attorney-General | Minister of Defence | Minister for Digitising Government
Minister Responsible for the GCSB | Minister Responsible for the NZSIS
Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology | Minister for Space
 M: Email: [email address]
 | Website: www.Beehive,
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
From: Jeremy Smith <[email address]> 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2024 5:18 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Cc: Harry Stanley <[email address]>
Subject: FW: BRIEFING-REQ-0005954 Marsden Fund Council – Call for nominations 
Hi Orson,
As requested by the Minister (in response to the item in the weekend bag with a shortlist of candidates for the
Marsden Fund Council), the appointments team at MBIE have composed letters from the Minister for all of the
coalition partners to call for nominations for the positions.
You can ignore the cover briefing (it just says they’ve written the letters), then there is a document with the
position description and then letters for each of the parties.

Letter form Hon Judith Collins KC .msg
FW Marsden Fund Letter from Professor Dobbie to Minister Collins.msg
Letter from Hon Judith Collins KC .msg
BRIEFING-REQ-0006530 - Marsden Fund Updated Terms of Reference and Letter to Council IN-
From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2024 2:02 PM
To: s9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: engagement on the Marsden Fund
Please forward to Minister
From: Jeremy Smith <[email address]> 
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2024 11:22 AM
To: Orson Glubbs9(2)(a)
Cc: Erica Julian s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Stanley <[email address]>
Subject: engagement on the Marsden Fund
Hi Orson,
Please find below the key engagements on the Marsden Fund Terms of Reference
and Investment Plan in chronological order. Each of these items are attached for
Letter from Hon Judith Collins KC – 25 October 2024 – Letter to the Chair of the
Marsden Fund Council with proposed changes to the Terms of Reference
20241028-MFCLetterToMinisterCollins – 28 October 2024 – From the Chair of
the Marsden Fund Council (copying in other members of the Royal Society)
acknowledging the receipt of the updated terms of reference
FW: Marsden Fund Letter from Professor Gill Dobbie to Minister Collins – 8
November 2024 – Letter and proposed investment plan from the Royal Society
RE: Marsden – 18 November 2024 – Email from Harry with the approved
investment plan to MBIE following the Minister’s approval (after looking over it
as part of the weekend bag)
Briefing-REQ-0006530 – 20 November 2024 – Briefing from MBIE noting the
receipt of the approved investment plan and indicating a need to update the
Terms of Reference again to better reflect the direction given by the Minister
through the approved investment plan (this came while the Minister was in

Laos and had not been previously signalled, due to the team identifying that the
Investment Plan changes would require a further change to the Terms of
Final Letter from Hon Collins KC – 3 December 2024 – Letter and final version of
the updated Terms of Reference and Investment Plan
Note: In the intervening time between the Minister approving the investment plan on
the 18th of November and the letter being sent on the 3rd of December, there was no
engagement with the Royal Society on the matter. It seems MBIE were waiting for the
briefing to be signed before they engaged the Royal Society on the updated
Investment Plan.

From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2024 4:17 PM
To: s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: Fw: Removing humanities and social sciences from Marsden Fund short-sighted
Thanks for the heads up s9(2  – we are comfortable with the refocus
)( )
From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2024 4:03 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: Fw: Removing humanities and social sciences from Marsden Fund short-sighted
I have been forwarded this….
From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 3:33 PM
Subject: Removing humanities and social sciences from Marsden Fund short-sighted
This email is sent to all staff on behalf of Margaret Hyland, Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
By now, some of you will have seen Minister Judith Collins’ announcement today about
changes to the Marsden Fund to disband the humanities and social sciences panels
This announcement has taken us and the whole sector by surprise. We have fundamental
concerns about the changes, which we believe are short-sighted and will have significant
negative effects on all universities’ ability to carry out valuable and critical research in
humanities and social sciences.
A coordinated response is being prepared by Universities New Zealand. We are united in
our condemnation of the changes.
We know that humanities and social sciences research is hugely valuable to us as a
university, and necessary for the wellbeing of society in general.
We’ll be doing everything in our power to ensure such valuable research is supported.  
Ngā mihi,


From: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2024 4:34 PM
To: s9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: Marsden Fund | Letter from Professor Dobbie to Minister Collins
I need to get some more detail on what they mean by 'implementing the terms for the
next selection round' - will ack once I have some more clarity on this tomorrow 
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From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 4:25:13 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Subject: Fw: Marsden Fund | Letter from Professor Dobbie to Minister Collins
Please ack once read and happy. 
From: Mark Stagg s9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 4:04:12 PM
To: Hon Judith Collins s9(2)(a)
Cc: Gill Dobbie s9(2)(a)
; Danette Olsen <[email address]>;
Heather Penny <[email address]>; Catherine Hunter
<[email address]>; Paul Atkins s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: Marsden Fund | Letter from Professor Dobbie to Minister Collins
Tēnā koe Hon Judith Collins KC MP
Please find enclosed an amended letter to you from the Chair of the Marsden Fund Council,

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

Marsden Fund ToR 2024 -FINAL.pdf
From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 2:13 PM
To: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
 Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: Marsden Updates
From: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 1:34 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
 Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: Marsden Updates
Can you send the full newTOR? Thx again 
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From: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 1:20:53 PM
To: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
 Julia Noh-Stent <s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: Marsden Updates
Find attached – just an FYI that the performance framework will be updated once the Minister has approved the new
investment plan (which the Marsden fund are yet to submit to us)
From: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 1:15 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
; Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: Marsden Updates
Thanks Orson is there a copy of the performance framework mentions in the TOR? And most recent
performance reporting?
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From: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 1:11:30 PM
To: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
 Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: Marsden Updates
Find attached – as you will see these are the same terms from 2017
From: Julie Johnston s9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 1:10 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)

From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 3:27 PM
To: 'Hilary Candiliotis' <[email address]>; Sharon Lundy
Cc: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>; Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Ruth Larsen
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Possible announcement :Marsden Fund 2024
Hi Hilary,
Minister will not be involved in this announcement.
We will be doing comms around the new TOR & investment plan once we have completed these.
Thanks, Orson
From: Hilary Candiliotis <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 3:21 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
; Sharon Lundy
Cc: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>; Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Ruth Larsen
<[email address]>
Subject: Possible announcement :Marsden Fund 2024
Hi Orson and Sharon,
Through the latest round, the Marsden Fund will award $78.8 million funding for 113 proposals.
The list of successful projects is attached ( ref. doc MF-PUBLIC-titles-descriptions-2024).
Would the Minister be interested in announcing this years’ successful Marsden projects?
The announcement window is: s9(2)(f)(iv)
, with the preferred
announcement date of Thursday 7th November.
Most Marsden Fund projects are awarded to researchers in universities. A quick announcement
date is required to ensure contracting begins and they can plan the staffing for next year.  If the
Minister is unable, the Royal Society Te Apārangi would lead the announcement.

Whether or not the Minister would want to announce this year’s successful projects; I will work
with the team here on additional comms for the office on the role of the Marsden Fund in the
science system, why certain projects are funded and what benefits these bring to wider NZ.
In addition to the attached, I understand that the Minister has approved the updated Terms of
Reference and, from this a new Investment plan will be developed by the Marsden Council.
Does the Minister want to be involved in announcing the new ToR and Investment plan? I
understand the Investment plan is yet to come, so we can hold this question until you’ve had a
chance to check that over.
Ngā mihi nui
Hilary Candiliotis (she/her)
Communications, Design and Ministerial Services Branch
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Hīkina Whakatutuki
[email address] | Mobile:  s9(2)(a)
From: Catherine Hunter <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 8:42 AM
To: Jeremy Smith (Parliament) <[email address]>
Cc: Hilary Candiliotis <[email address]>; Ally Koehler
<[email address]>; Heather Penny <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Marsden Fund announcements 2024 | briefing documents for MBIE/Minister
Good morning, Jeremy,
Please find attached the Funding Round results for the 2024 Marsden Fund. Please note that
applicants have not been informed of the results so please ensure these remain confidential. The
Minister may wish to announce these and the Marsden Fund Council has worked through the
titles to make them appropriate for public release (following on from the recent discussions
between the Council and the Minister).
The results need to be announced around November 7th. The Council requires a confirmed date
to notify the applicants a week prior and will also do some in depth interviews with around 20
successful applicants for public release.
Please let me know if the Minister wishes to make the announcement, and if so what date suits.

Hilary and Ally will work with your office as required.
Ngā mihi
Catherine Hunter
Principal Investment Manager, Specialised Investments
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Level 6
15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Monday, 9 December 2024 4:39 PM
To: Hilary Candiliotis <[email address]>; Jeremy Smith
<[email address]>; Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
Cc: Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Astrid Smeele <[email address]>;
Harry Stanley <[email address]>; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Hi Hilary,
This is what we will be going back with by COP.
Last week’s announcement reallocated science funding towards core science. The overall
funding to science is not changing. In a fiscally constrained environment, it is crucial that we
focus our funding on areas that can provide clear benefit to New Zealand.
I met with the Marsden Fund Council in early August and told them of my intention to refocus
the fund. At this meeting I indicated that I would be updating the Terms of Reference and
Investment Plan. In addition, I frequently engage with the Council through my officials, with a
final investment plan being provided on 18 November. Consultation with the University sector is
not a requirement on these documents, nor would it be usual process to consult with the sector.
It is also important to note that only 50% of funding needs to show economic benefit, the
Marsden Fund will continue to support blue-skies research that advances new ideas, innovation
and creativity and where the benefit may not be immediately apparent.
The Science System Advisory Group was set up to look at the challenges and opportunities facing
our science system and recommend a bold vision for the future. The science sector has not had a
major shakeup in nearly 30 years and it is crucial we take the time to get these reforms right. I
expect the report and the government’s response to be made public early next year.
From: Hilary Candiliotis <[email address]> 
Sent: Monday, 9 December 2024 3:48 PM
To: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; Orson Glubb
; Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
Cc: Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Astrid Smeele <[email address]>;
Harry Stanley <[email address]>; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes

Apologies, I forwarded the wrong email earlier, - As an FYI - are we able to please see
the final sent response to the media Q about Marsden.
Ngā mihi nui
Hilary Candiliotis (she/her)
Communications, Design and Ministerial Services Branch
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Hīkina Whakatutuki
[email address] | Mobile:  s9(2)(a)
From: Hilary Candiliotis 
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 12:23 PM
To: 'Jeremy Smith' <[email address]>; '[email address]'
Cc: Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Iain Cossar <[email address]>; Astrid
Smeele <[email address]>
Subject: RE: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Apologies, I have had some additional advice come through – Please use updated messaging
Universities say yesterday's announcement took them by surprise. Can the Minister please
confirm what consultation was had with stakeholders who would be affected by the changes to
the terms of reference? If there was no consultation, what was the rationale behind that? 
I made the decision to update the Marsden Fund Terms of Reference and Investment Plan to
align with our priorities as a government.
Consultation with the sector is not a requirement on these documents, nor would it be usual
process to consult with the sector. s9(2)(f)(iv)
Can the Minister please confirm what consultation / discussions were had with the Marsden Fund
Council / The Royal Society about the TOR changes?  Again, if there was no consultation, why

I met with the Marsden Fund Council in early August, where I told them of my intention to align
the fund with government priorities. At this meeting I indicated that I would be updating the
Terms of Reference and Investment Plan.
Members of the science sector have expressed disappointment that these changes were made
outside of the SSAG review. How does the Minister respond, please? 
The Marsden Fund Terms of Reference and Investment Plan are reviewed regularly. Every
Science, Innovation and Technology Minister has the opportunity to update these documents.  
The changes also appear to contradict the original intent of the fund,  set up by Simon Upton 30
years ago - ie. The intent of the fund was to enhance and broaden NZ's research skill base. Funds
would not be granted on the basis that the research would be useful or solve an urgent problem -
How does the Minister respond? 
The Marsden Fund continues to enhance New Zealand’s research skill base, in a more focused
way. Our economy is quite different now than it was 30 years ago. For example, the pace of
change and the technological advances that we’ve seen over the last 10 years were
unforeseeable 30 years ago.
Importantly the Marsden Fund continues its main purpose which is to support blue-skies
research, the type that advances new ideas and encourages innovation and creativity and where
the benefit may not be immediately apparent or directly accrue in a linear fashion.  The direction
in the Investment Plan is clear to fund blue-skies research that will have the potential to benefit
the economy, health or environment.
Finally, will the SSAG report phase one be delivered before Christmas this year? We understand it
has now been pushed to 2025. Can the Minister please confirm when the phase one report will be
made public and explain the reasons for the delay? 
The Science System Advisory Group was set up to look at the challenges and opportunities facing
our science system and recommend a bold vision for the future. The Group’s recommendations
have been shared with Ministers. We expect the Group’s report will be made publicly available
once we announce the Government’s response to its recommendations.

Ngā mihi nui
Hilary Candiliotis (she/her)
Communications, Design and Ministerial Services Branch
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Hīkina Whakatutuki
[email address] | Mobile:  s9(2)(a)
From: Hilary Candiliotis 
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 12:03 PM
To: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; s9(2)(a)
Cc: Ally Koehler <[email address]>; Iain Cossar <[email address]>; Astrid
Smeele <[email address]>
Subject: RE: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Hi Jeremy and Orson, please see below suggested responses to the RNZ query,
Universities say yesterday's announcement took them by surprise. Can the Minister please
confirm what consultation was had with stakeholders who would be affected by the changes to
the terms of reference? If there was no consultation, what was the rationale behind that? 
I made the decision to update the Marsden Fund Terms of Reference and Investment Plan to
align with our priorities as a government.

Ngā mihi nui
Hilary Candiliotis (she/her)
Communications, Design and Ministerial Services Branch
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Hīkina Whakatutuki
[email address] | Mobile:  s9(2)(a)
From: Jeremy Smith <[email address]> 
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2024 5:54 PM
To: Hilary Candiliotis <[email address]>
Cc: Ally Koehler <[email address]>
Subject: RE: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Importance: High
Hi Hilary,
We’ve been asked for a draft response to the below query from RNZ by 12pm.
Happy to feed in from this side if useful, but am sure Heather and Landon’s teams
will be across most of it.

From: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2024 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Smith <[email address]>; Harry Stanley
<[email address]>
Cc: Erica Julian s9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Draft response by 12pm tomorrow please.
Thanks, Orson
From: Mary Argue s9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2024 4:37 PM
To: Orson Glubb s9(2)(a)
Cc: Sharon Lundy s9(2)(a)
Subject: RNZ - request for comment - Marsden Fund TOR changes
Kia ora Orson,
I'd like to put the following questions to Minister Judith Collins following the Marsden Funding
changes, please. 
      Universities say yesterday's announcement took them by surprise. Can the Minister
please confirm what consultation was had with stakeholders who would be affected by the
changes to the terms of reference?
      If there was no consultation, what was the rationale behind that? 
      Can the Minister please confirm what consultation / discussions were had with the
Marsden Fund Council / The Royal Society about the TOR changes? 
Again, if there was no consultation, why not? 
      Members of the science sector have expressed disappointment that these changes were
made outside of the SSAG review. How does the Minister respond, please? 
      The changes also appear to contradict the original intent of the fund,  set up by Simon
Upton 30 years ago - ie. The intent of the fund was to enhance and broaden NZ's research skill
base. Funds would not be granted on the basis that the research would be useful or solve an
urgent problem
 - How does the Minister respond? 
      Finally, will the SSAG report phase one be delivered before Christmas this year? We
understand it has now been pushed to 2025. Can the Minister please confirm when the phase
one report will be made public and explain the reasons for the delay? 
A response to the above questions by Sunday 8 December would be greatly appreciated. 
Thanks very much for your help !

Ngā mihi
Mary Argue | Reporter
RNZ, PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand, 6140 
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Note on Marsden Fund.docx
From: Orson Glubb 
Sent: Saturday, 6 July 2024 8:26 PM
To: Hon Judith Collins s9(2)(a)
Cc: Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: SIT
Hi Judith,
Please find attached – this was simply a failure on my end as officials had provided this
information in a document unrelated to the Marsden Fund, hence it was missed. I have taken
this information and turned it into a briefing which I believe will clarify as requested.
Key points are:
The Fund is a non-statutory Ministerial Advisory Committee under a Terms of Reference
approved by the responsible Minister, and comprises of a Chair and ten eminent
multidisciplinary researchers appointed by you. There is no underpinning legislation, and
the Marsden Fund is accountable to you as the Minister of Science, Innovation and
Technology under delegated authority.
No material changes have been made since 2017, when the responsible Minister, Hon
Paul Goldsmith, put in place the requirement for a triennial Investment Plan, to be
approved by the Minister. The current Plan (2021-2024) is due for renewal, providing an
opportunity for you to influence the disciplines are supported.
With regard to Social Sciences, the Social Science Panel was introduced in 1995, and then
split in 2006 with the creation of an Economics and Human and Behavioural Sciences
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks, Orson
From: Hon Judith Collins s9(2)(a)
Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2024 5:46 PM
To: Julia Noh-Stent s9(2)(a)
; Orson Glubb
; s9(2)(a)
Subject: SIT
Importance: High

I asked for information as to how and when the Marsden Fund’s remit was expanded
to include funding social sciences and also what action I need to take to remove this. 
Perhaps I did not make myself clear. Could someone please respond on this and
advise Paul Metcalf that I am not at all happy with a proposal to continue to appoint
anyone without that question being addressed fully to my satisfaction. 
Thank you
Judith Collins
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