20 December 2024
James Webb
[FYI request #29569 email]
Ref: PMO OIA 234-2024-25
Dear James,
Official Information Act request: [Webb] DPMC OIA statistics during the month of
November 2024
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request, received on 17 December
2024. You requested:
“…[1] How many OIAs has your Office received between November 1 2024 and
November 30 2024? Can you please note how many of those were transferred
from other departments, agencies, or Ministers?
[2] What was the average number of days taken to respond to requests?
[3] How many requests have been extended?
[4] How many requests have been responded to after 20 days? Can you please
note how many of those were not extended?
[5] How many requests do you have that are overdue as of the date of this
request? (i.e. have not been extended but have not been responded to in the
statutory 20 days from receipt).”
For ease of reference, I have numbered the parts of your request, one to five, above. The
answers to each part of your request are based on data as of the day upon which we
received your request – 17 December 2024.
Part one
This Office received a total of 46 requests under the Act between 1-30 November 2024, nine
of which were transferred to us under the Act.
Part two
The average number of working days to respond to requests received between 1-30
November 2024 was 10.79, rounded to two decimal places. This figure excludes the 13
requests to which, as of 17 December 2024, this Office had yet to respond.
Part three
Nine requests received between 1-30 November 2024 were extended.
Part four
As of 17 December 2024, one request had been responded to after the 20th working day.
This had been extended within the statutory timeframes, in accordance with section 15A of
the Act.
Part five
As of 17 December 2024, one request was overdue. This was the result of human error and
officials from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, who provide this Office with
administrative support, given their assurances that they will improve their processes to
ensure requests are identified accurately and in a timely manner.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Cameron Burrows
Chief of Staff