This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Parking meters'.

31 January 2025 
File Ref: IRC-7679  
[FYI request #29532 email] 
Tēnā koe James 
Thank you for your email of 12 December 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council 
(the Council) requesting information regarding parking meters. Your request has been considered 
under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). Please find my 
response below.  
Wellington City Council installed 400 new pay by plate parking meters in the in the Central 
Wellington, Kelburn and by the Botanic Gardens areas. 
1.  From January 3rd 2023 through to December 12th 2024, how many times has te reo been 

selected and used to complete a transaction? 
Neither the Council nor the supplier of the meters record the number of transactions 
completed in te reo. Therefore, this portion of your request is refused under section 17(e) of 
the LGOIMA, that the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist 
or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it, cannot be found. 
2.  Please provide the total number of transactions for the same period from the 400 parking 
The new parking meters have been operational since 3 January 2024. 2,165,479 parking 
meter transactions were completed in the Central Wellington, Kelburn and Botanic Gardens 
areas between Jan 3rd, 2024 and December 12th, 2024.  
You have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(1) of the LGOIMA, to request an 
investigation and review of the Council’s decision to withhold information by the Ombudsman. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602.  
If you require further information, please contact [email address].  
Nāku noa, nā 
Chelsea McHugh 
Senior Advisor Of icial Information 
Complaints & Information Assurance 
Wellington City Council