This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Meeting Minutes relating to the failure to set up the 4 regional consumer councils.'.

19 December 2024 
[FYI request #29516 email] 
Tēnā koe  
Your request for official information, reference: HNZ00075027 
Thank you for your email on 10 December 2024, asking Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora 
for the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):  
I request a copy of meeting minutes and emails that relate to the failure to set up the 4 
regional consumer councils. 

There has been no failure to set up the regional consumer councils. For part one of your 
request “copy of meeting minutes”, we were unable to locate any meeting minutes relating to 
the failure to set up the 4 regional consumer councils, as such this part of your request is 
refused under section 18(e) of the Act as this information does not exist or, despite reasonable 
efforts to locate it, cannot be found. 
For the second part of your request “emails”, we have identified two emails within scope, 
please refer to the attached document. Redactions on attachment are applied as the 
information is “out of scope”. 
Health NZ acknowledges that the regional consumer council has taken longer than hoped to 
get up-and-running.  The regional consumer councils are important to ensure we strengthen 
opportunities for feedback and are focused on patient and whānau experience. 
The first meeting is expected to occur in the first quarter of the 2025 calendar year. 
How to get in touch 
If you have any questions, you can contact us at [email address]. 
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the 
Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available at 
or by phoning 0800 802 602.  
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public, Health NZ may 
proactively release a copy of this response on our website. All requester data, including your 
name and contact details, will be removed prior to release.  
Nāku iti noa, nā 
Danielle Coe 
Manager (OIA) Government Services 
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora 
Health NZ, PO Box 793, 
 Wellington 6140, New Zealand 

Email 1 of 2
Jeanette Harris
Mike Agnew
Nicola Ehau
update from combined RIT support hui this afternoon
Thursday, October 31, 2024 3:05:00 PM
Focus on Regional Consumer Council and  Out of Scope
Acknowledgement that the work will take a lot of resourcing to onboard, orientate, and set up
Council members initially - possibly until March
All regions except TMT are trying to meet the November target to have an inaugural hui.  Not
sure if they can achieve.  Central has already received a complaint about failure
Budgets need to be checked whether they actually exist I have sought help from Natsuko
RCC Work programme – draft is coming from Vanessa at NO which I’ll share with the rest of
this group
Out of Scope
Jeanette Harris (she/her/ia)
Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Hāua
Regional Integration Team Lead
Office of the Regional Commissioner,
Te Manawa Taki
nder the Official Information Act 1982

 īmēra: [email address]
Waiora, Level 1 , 87 Alexander Street, Private Bag 3200, Hamilton 3240
Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand

Email 2 of 2
Tyson Smith
Christine Chandler
Hector Matthews; Cath Cronin; Jeanette Harris
RE: Update - Health NZ Regional Consumer Council - Te Manawa Taki
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 9:30:58 AM
I hope this email finds you well. Earlier this year, I was informed about my appointment to the Te
Manawa Taki Regional Consumer Council,
However, to date, the council has not convened. Given the significant changes currently taking place
within the health system, it is concerning that these developments are proceeding without
meaningful consumer involvement. This directly contrasts with the obligations outlined under the
HQSC Code of Expectations for Consumer Engagement, which emphasizes placing consumers,
whānau, and communities at the center of health service design, development, and monitoring.
In light of these obligations, I believe it is critical to initiate discussions with other members of the
council to ensure that consumer voices are actively contributing to these transformational changes.
To facilitate this, I kindly request the contact details of the other council members. This will allow us
to arrange an independent meeting to begin collaborative efforts in alignment with the council’s
intended role and objectives.
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata!
From: Hector Matthews <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2024 3:12 pm
 Christine Chandler <[email address]>; Cath Cronin
<[email address]>; Jeanette Harris <[email address]>
Subject: Update - Health NZ Regional Consumer Council - Te Manawa Taki
Kia ora koutou,
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.
I want to share with you an update about the Te Manawa Taki Regional Consumer Council, to which
you were appointed earlier this year.
My team has been working hard with Regional Deputy Chief Executive Cath Cronin and her team to
ensure the Council is successfully established. Apologies for the time this has taken.
I want to thank Cath for her support and leadership as we pursue this important mahi.
We are all committed to ensuring that your voices and insights are heard as we work together to
improve health services for all New Zealanders.

Your participation is invaluable. Each of you brings unique perspectives shaped by your experiences
and the needs of your communities, and these insights are crucial in guiding Health NZ | Te Whatu
Ora to provide effective health services.
There is still have some work to do to set up our inaugural meeting.  Please bear with us as we work
through this, and if you have any queries in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact Regional
Manager for Consumer Engagement and Whānau Voice, Christine Chandler
-[email address].
Thank you for your commitment to this important initiative, and I wish all members every success on
the journey together.
Nāku, nā
Hector Matthews (ia/he/him)
Te Rarawa
Director Consumer Engagement and Whānau Voice |
Kaihautū i te Hohenga Kiritaki me te Reo ā-Whānau
Planning, Funding and Outcomes
īmēra: [email address]
32 Oxford Terrace, Central City, Christchurch 8011  |  PO Box 1600, Christchurch
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under the Official Information Act 1982
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