29 January 2025
Chris McCashin
By email: [FYI request #29491 email]
Tēnā koe Chris
Official information request for Climate Change Research Institute - Extract
of Accounts Payable
I refer to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act)
dated 8 December 2024:
“I would like an extract of the annual amount spent with all suppliers for the
2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 financial year.
I would like this data in an open format, csv or json formats would be suitable per
this similar response from MOE.
I would like the following details provided:
- Supplier Name
- Suppliers NZBN number (if available)
- Total Amount Spent
Please include any monies paid to overseas companies / NGOS
- Supplier Name
- Services Rendered
- Total Amount
Please provide the GST Exclusive amounts.
Can you also provide all of the funding / revenue generated including in the same
- Total Received
- Reason for payment to institute - services rendered, grants, etc etc”
The only external expenditure the University holds a record of for the New Zealand
Climate Change Research Institute (NZCCRI) is $5.25 for mail services with G3 Group
limited, trading as New Zealand Mail Group in 2022.
Please note, the majority of expenditure related the NZCCRI is attributed to salaries and
associated costs. Costs for external suppliers of research institutes such as NZCCI are
often funded through grants associated with individual researchers or projects. Whilst the
research may be presented under the banner of the research institute, expenditure
associated with the research is recorded against the cost centres of the grants rather than
the cost centre of the research institute. I also note that this centre is currently inactive.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of the
decisions made regarding this request. Information about how to make a complaint is
at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
I also apologise for the delay in responding to this request and advise of your right to
complain to the Ombudsman about this delay.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact me at
[VUW request email].
Ngā mihi nui
Blair Doherty
Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy
Legal Services
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington