8 January 2025
Tēnā koe
Official Information Act request
Thank you for your email of 30 November 2024, requesting information about
Social Housing and Emergency Housing in Ohakune.
I have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
Please find my decision on your request set out below.
1. The number of families or people waiting for social housing in Ohakune.
As at 30 November 2024, there were 10 households waiting for Social Housing,
made up of 23 people. These 10 households were compromised of 3 single person
households, 6 households with 1-2 children and 1 household with three or more
children. This includes both the Housing Register and the Transfer Register.
Please note that this figure is the number of applicants in the Ohakune area, not
the number that list Ohakune as their preferred location. The above clients may
not list Ohakune as their preferred location and households who don’t reside in
Ohakune may have it listed as their preferred location.
2. The number of families or people waiting for emergency housing in
Emergency Housing is for clients who are experiencing a severe and immediate
need. The Emergency Housing Grant is available to people who cannot remain in
their usual place of residence and do not have access to other accommodation
which is adequate for them or their family’s needs.
As such, there are no clients who are waiting for emergency housing. However,
we have provided the
Table below, detailing the demographic breakdown of
primary clients in Emergency Housing as at 30 November 2024, in the Ruapehu
District Territorial Local Authority.
You will note that some of the numbers in this table have been replaced with an
‘S’. This information is withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Act to protect the
privacy of natural persons. The need to protect the privacy of these individuals
outweighs any public interest in this information.
I will be publishing this decision letter, with your personal details deleted, on the
Ministry’s website in due course.
If you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact
[MSD request email].
The Aurora Centre, 56 The Terrace, PO Box 1556, Wellington
– Telephone 04-916 3300 – Facsimile 04-918 0099
If you are not satisfied with my decision on your request regarding Social Housing
and Emergency Housing, you have the right to seek an investigation and review
by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi nui
Magnus O’Neill
General Manager
Ministerial and Executive Services
Demographic breakdown of primary clients in Emergency Housing
as at 30 November 2024 in Ruapehu District Territorial Local Authority.
Demographic Breakdown
Number of households
Household Breakdown
Number of adults
Number of children
Couple with children
Couple no children
Household composition
Single with children
Single no children
General notes:
• Territorial Local Authority is based on the clients address at the time of the
grant. It may not be the same as the address of the Emergency Housing
• This data represents primary clients in Emergency Housing as at the report
• Household composition is based on the declared adults and children
staying in Emergency Housing and may not be reflective of their actual
family size.
• Household composition of Emergency Housing Special Needs Grants
applicants was not captured prior to 1 April 2020.
• From 2 December 2019, The Ministry of Social Development has three
options to record a client's or child's gender: Male, Female or Gender
Confidentiality notes:
• To protect confidentiality the Ministry of Social Development uses
processes to make it difficult to identify an individual person or entity from
published data.
• These data tables have had random rounding to base three applied to all
cell counts in the table.
• A value of one or two may be rounded to zero or three.
• The impact of applying random rounding is that columns and rows may
not add exactly to the given column or row totals.
• The published counts will never differ by more than two counts.
• In certain circumstances, low numbers may potentially lead to individuals
being identified.
• Due to these privacy concerns, numbers for some categories of clients
have been suppressed or aggregated.
• Secondary suppression rules have also been applied when required.
• Suppressed numbers have been replaced by an 'S'.