This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Live Export'.

19 December 2024 
Anna Wilson 
[email address] 
Dear Anna 
Thank you for your email of 25 November 2024 requesting the following: 
1)  Al  correspondence between your office and MPI regarding live export of animals.  
2)  Al  correspondence between your office and the Prime Minister's office 
I wil  not be able to respond within the timeframe set out in the Official Information Act 1982 
(OIA) in accordance with sections 15A(1)(a) as your request necessitates a search through a 
large quantity of information and meeting the normal 20-working-day time limit would 
unreasonably interfere with the operations of my office. 
I wil  reply to your request by no later than 13 February 2025, earlier if possible. 
You are advised of your right to raise any concerns with the Office of the Ombudsman. You 
can contact the Ombudsman at [email address].  
Yours sincerely 
Hon Andrew Hoggard 
Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare, Skil s)