4 February 2025
John Wilson
[FYI request #29268 email]
Ref: OIA-2024/25-0470
Dear John Wilson
Official Information Act request relating to designation of Hezbollah as Terrorist
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 20 November
2024. You requested:
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I am requesting the following:
1. All briefing documents related to the decision to designate Hezbollah in its entirety
and Ansar Allah (also known as The Houthis) as terrorist entities.
Please also include related correspondence and documents, such as communications
with the Attorney-General and the Prime Minister, National Security Board papers, and
any communications or engagement plans.
Additionally, I request the following:
2. Any communications with foreign governments or non-governmental organisations
regarding the designation of Hezbollah and the Houthis as terrorist organisations.
3. Information on when the process to designate Hezbollah and the Houthis as terrorist
organisations was initiated, including details of the individuals, agencies, or
departments responsible for starting the process.
4. Documentation or records detailing the initiation of this process, including internal
communications, memos, or any other relevant materials.
5. Any documents or analysis that considered the acts of terror committed by the Israeli
Defence Forces (IDF) or Mossad against the Lebanese and Palestinian people
concerning Hezbollah's actions, particularly in the context of the decision to designate
Hezbollah as a terrorist entity.
Please note that I do not seek information already in the public domain, specifically the
Statement of Case to Designate (Hezbollah/Houthis) As A Terrorist Entity.
On 3 December 2024, we wrote to you advising that the following parts of your request have
been transferred:
Part [1] of your request as it relates to information from Crown Law (CLO), including
a letter from the Attorney-General in response to a consultation letter from the
Prime Minister, has been transferred to CLO.
Part [2] of your request as it relates to any relevant communications with foreign
governments and any communications with foreign non-governmental organisations
held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), has been transferred to
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz
Parts [3] – [4] of your request about the initiation of the process for the designation of
terrorist organisations has been transferred in full to NZ Police.
The time frame for responding to your request was extended under section 15A of the Act by
20 working days because consultations were needed before a decision could be made on
the request. Following this extension, I am now in a position to respond.
Please note, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet does not hold any
information relevant to
Part [5] of your request. I am therefore refusing these aspects of your
request under section 18(g), as the requested information is not held, nor do I believe it is
held by another department or agency.
Information being released
In regard to
Part [1], I have decided to release the relevant parts of the documents listed
below, subject to information being withheld as noted.
Title or Document description
Item 1 21/08/2024 Cover Sheet for NSB Item 4
Release with
some information
withheld under:
Item 2 21/08/2024 Considering terrorist designations of the entirety of Release with
Hizbollah and the Houthi
Terrorism some information
Suppression Act 2002
withheld under:
Item 3 17/09/2024 Briefing: Designation of Hizbollah and the Houthi as Release with
terrorist entities
some information
withheld under:
Item 4 20/11/2024 Designation of Hizbollah and the Houthi as terrorist Release with
some information
withheld under:
Item 5 Undated
Letter from the Prime Minister to the Commissioner of Release in full
Police (filed 20 November 2024)
Item 6 Undated
Letter from the Prime Minister to the Attorney-General Release in full
(filed 20 November 2024)
Item 7 Undated
Letter from the Prime Minister to members of the Release in full
Intelligence and Security Committee (filed 20 November
The relevant grounds under which information has been withheld are:
• Section 6(a), to protect the security or defence of New Zealand or the international
relations of the Government of New Zealand
• Section 6(b)(i), to protect the entrusting of information to the Government of New
Zealand on a basis of confidence by the Government of any other country or any
agency of such a Government
• Section 6(d), to maintain the safety of any person
• section 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of individuals
• section 9(2)(g)(i), to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free
and frank expression of opinion
• section 9(2)(g)(ii), to prevent improper pressure or harassment
• section 9(2)(h), to maintain legal professional privilege
Information being withheld
We have identified two email threads relevant to your request. These are withheld in their
entirety in accordance with section 9(2)(ba)(ii), to prevent damage to the public interest.
Also identified as relevant to your request are some briefings provided by the DPMC Policy
Advisory Group to the Prime Minister. These briefings are provided to the Prime Minister in
confidence to support him in his role as leader of the Government and chair of Cabinet.
These briefings are withheld in their entirety under the following sections of the Act:
• section 6(a), to protect the security or defence of New Zealand or the international
relations of New Zealand.
• section 9(2)(f)(iv), to maintain the confidentiality of advice tendered by or to
Ministers and officials
• section 9(2)(g)(i), to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free
and frank expression of opinion
Where section 9 of the Act applies, in making my decision, I have considered the public
interest considerations in section 9(1) of the Act. No public interest has been identified that
would be sufficient to outweigh the reasons for withholding that information. You are entitled
to ask the Ombudsman to review this response under section 28(3) of the Act.
This response will be published on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s
website during our regular publication cycle. Typically, information is released monthly, or as
otherwise determined. Your personal information including name and contact details will be
removed for publication.
Yours sincerely
Bridget White
Executive Director
National Security Group