11 December 2024
James By email: [FYI request #29231 email]
Tēnā koe James,
I am writing in reference to your official information request to the CAA for the fol owing
information with CAA’s response to each part of your request in bold.
" Under the OIA request the following:
All communications if any, notifying the CAA that a drone will be filming the hikoi on the
motorway and part way up the Harbour bridge.
CAA response – The information is refused under s18(e) the information does not exist.
The CAA holds no such communications.
All communications if any, granting permission a drone could be used to film over the road
corridors and part way up the Harbour bridge, if applicable.
CAA response – The information is refused under s18(e) the information does not exist.
Where an aviation participant holds a part 102 certificate, CAA is not required to provide
specific authorisation, and such permission is not required.
Confirmation that the drone pilot was CAA qualified.
CAA response – The information is refused under s18(e) the information does not exist.
Drone pilot training is not conducted by the CAA and we hold no record of pilots who have
completed training through an approved Part 141 training organisation.
Is the CAA currently investigating any unauthorised drone use concerning the hikoi harbour
bridge crossing?"
CAA response – The information is refused under s18(e) the information does not exist. No
investigations are underway regarding drones used during the Hikoi.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Nga Mihi,
Official Information Team | Tīma Mōhiohio Whai Mana
PO Box 3555, Wel ington 6140, New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 560 9400, Fax: +64 4 569 2024, Email: [email address], Web: www.caa.govt.nz