International orientation & enrolment ................................................................................................... 2
Orientation dates .................................................................................................................................... 2
Room bookings ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Orientation and enrolment schedules .................................................................................................... 2
Communicating orientation and enrolment information ................................................................... 3
Welcome DID ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Student groups ........................................................................................................................................ 4
PhD Students ....................................................................................................................................... 4
EPP Students ....................................................................................................................................... 4
International orientation presentations ............................................................................................. 5
Registration desk............................................................................................................................. 5
Vic Crew .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Arrival Meeting Service ....................................................................................................................... 6
Ordering stock for orientation ............................................................................................................ 6
Prizes ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Enrolment ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Trimester one ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Trimester two ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Trimester three ................................................................................................................................... 8
City tours & campus tours ...................................................................................................................... 8
Other ................................................................................................
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Late orientations ................................................................................................................................... 10
Late orientation slips ......................................................................................................................... 10
Post orientation events ......................................................................................................................... 11
Planning ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Two-three months before orientation .......................................................................................... 12
One month before orientation: .................................................................................................... 12
Two weeks before orientation ...................................................................................................... 12
One week before orientation ....................................................................................................... 12
International orientation & enrolment
International orientation and enrolment is run before the start of each trimester to prepare students
for study, living in New Zealand and to complete their enrolment process. Al international students
(excluding EPP and PhD students) are required to attend a two-day mandatory orientation before
they begin their study.
EPP students have a half-day orientation and enrolment and PhD students have a mandatory one-
day orientation and an optional second day.
Orientation dates
Working with the Manager, Admissions and Conversion, orientation and enrolment dates are set for
the main orientations over a year in advance (usual y around T1 orientation for the fol owing year).
Early orientation and enrolments are organised individual y with Admissions and Programme
Directors/faculties. EPP orientation and enrolments are organised with ELI.
It’s helpful to provide late orientation dates as early as possible (particularly with the Conversion
team now managing late orientations).
M:\ISO FILING SYSTEM\Student Services\Orientations, Presentations & Events\Orientation dates
Room bookings
Orientation and enrolment bookings should be emailed through to room-bookings a year ahead.
These requests are held by room bookings until class and exam timetables are confirmed and they
will then email to advise of what can and can’t be booked.
For T1, work with Talya Coates from SRAO for bookings over O week as she wil manage al of these
bookings, including any rooms we need for international orientation.
T1 and T2 room bookings tend to be similar:
• MCLT101, 102, 103 & MC153 (foyer)
• TTR104, TTR205 & TTRLT1
• AM102, AM104 & AM103
• EA201 & EALT206 (particularly for late orientations)
T3 can be a bit more chal enging to secure rooms as exams are stil happening. AM rooms are a good
size for this cohort of students and al ow break out options for different sessions.
Orientation and enrolment schedules
This is the most time-consuming aspect of the planning so start early. Ideal y the schedules are up on
the website 4-6 weeks before orientation, which means they need to be confirmed 8 weeks
beforehand to give marketing time for design and checking. The schedules don’t need to be changed
a great deal unless feedback suggests this is needed, there are changes to the Code of Practice or
presenters are unavailable etc.
Using the previous trimester’s schedule and decide if the timings wil work again for the current
trimester. Contact presenters to check on their availability to facilitate sessions. Also check on
facilitators for other events – pohiri, movie night, welcome to rainbow students, welcome to Muslim
students and students with families sessions – see post orientation events.
We work closely with the VI Marketing team and schedules are put onto the website and also
printed in-house and put into orientation packs. We also request A2 or A3 size schedules for the
Communicating orientation and enrolment information
When the programme is available, send the link out to all relevant services: faculty managers,
enrolments, vic info ihonui, student finance, student counselling, student learning,
Work with the Manager, Admissions and Conversion for any additional information that should be
provided that should go to: Faculty Managers, Enrolment Manager and Team Leader; Student
Finance Manager, Student Counselling Managers; Disability Service Manager; Student Learning
Welcome DID
Contact [email address] to have the Welcome to new international student DID placed on
wallflower screens around campus.
Student groups
Early orientation and enrolment
Smal groups of students begin their programmes early in T1 and T2 and dates for their orientations
and enrolments are organised by Student Support/Admissions/Faculty and Enrolments.
Faculty of Education
+ Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary & Secondary) and Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary
& Secondary): TBC
Faculty of Science
+ PGDip/Master of Conservation Biology & PGDip/Master of Marine Conservation, orientation:
TBC, commencement: TBC
+ PGDip/Master of Geographic Information Science: TBC
+ Master of Meteorology commencement: TBC
School of Government
+ Master of Public Policy: TBC
+ Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy: TBC
+ Postgraduate Certificate in Public Policy: TBC
+ Master of Public Management: TBC
+ Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management: TBC
+ Postgraduate Certificate in Public Management: TBC
+ Master of E-Government: TBC
PhD Students
PhD students attend international orientations for one day only, day 2 is optional. A registration link
is set up through Eventbrite and FGR pass this to students when they enrol. Link in with Alana Hamill
at FGR to confirm who should be attending based on enrolments since the previous orientation at
least 3 weeks before orientation. It’s helpful to send an email to those that have not already
registered a couple of weeks before the event, so they are able to attend. Historically, we have
required PHD students to attend international orientation, but this has proven chal enging. We have
more recently sent orientation presentation information by email to all newly registered PhD
students to ensure they have the information as per the Code of Practice.
EAP Students
All EAP students attend a placement test on the Wednesday before their classes start and
orientation and enrolment on the Thursday before.
EPP students begin their trimester within a few days or weeks of the main orientation and we work
closely with the Admissions team for this event. Returning EPP students enrol in the morning new
EPP students given orientation, enrolment and a campus tour in the afternoon.
International orientation presentations
The PowerPoint presentations for international orientation is modified before each intake. Take into
account: feedback from the previous trimester; changes to the Code of Practice;
Registration desk
Managed by the Business support team.
Vic Crew
Each year we recruit up to 20 casual staff who are Victoria students to work as Vic Crew. Vic Crew
are integral to our Arrival Meeting Service and orientation and enrolment.
Recruitment is usual y through word of mouth, students the team meets during the year and
students who have volunteered at previous orientations.
Arrival Meeting Service
Contact Wellington International Airport a few weeks before orientation if you plan to have a desk
set up to greet new students. This is very useful in T1 and T2 when we have large numbers of
students arriving in a short period of time. The current contact at Wellington airport is
and she responds quickly to requests <
>. I usual y request the
We have international orientation coming up again, and we are keen to have a desk set up on the
ground floor of the airport as we did last year. We would like to set the desk up from Sunday 30th
June – Wednesday 3rd July inclusive to welcome new international students – would you be happy
with this? We will bring a fold down table and chair and if we could store these on site that would be
Generally, the AMS Coordinator mans the desk during extended office hours, greets students but
does not transfer with them to their accommodation. When the coordinator is not at the airport, Vic
Crew are utilised as normal to collect and drop off students.
Ordering stock for orientation
See ‘ordering stock for orientation’ for full list and contact details - StudentSupport/ layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BC
• Moore Wilsons for boxes of chocolate fish
• Fruit and vege coop for bags of fruit and veges
• Lighthouse cinemas for movie vouchers (usual y 20 a year wil see us through)
• Rece centre for gym vouchers – we usual y go halves in two T1 and two T2 vouchers –
current contact is
• Vic books will sometimes offer a prize pack - check with them in advance about this.
Tablecloths: Leah Johanson
Engagement and Events Adviser
HU319, Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington
Phone: +64-4-463 6770
These are managed by central marketing and they have our DID – our marketing team can connect
with them directly.
We work closely with the Admissions Team in the planning of orientation and they in turn work with
Enrolments and Faculties to ensure a smooth enrolment process.
Trimester one
Early orientation and enrolment
Trimester one begins with orientation and enrolment for early start programmes (see: Early
orientation and enrolment
Dates for early sessions are set with Admissions, Faculties and Enrolments the previous year.
Sessions are usual y run in the VI meeting room, starting at 9.30am when possible. A larger room
may need to be booked if there are more than 10 students. Following the orientation session,
Admissions wil meet with the students to complete relevant paperwork and if the student needs to
be signed into courses, wil then be taken to faculty or Programme Directors and then to enrolments
by Vic Crew. This is usual y fol owed by a campus tour.
Main orientation and enrolment
Trimester two
Trimester three
Trimester three is our smallest orientation – usual y around 40-50 students, excluding PhD’s which
can be 30-50 students.
The orientation is usual y run in AM with day two on Pipitea campus due to the large proportion of
commerce students in this intake. AM102/104 are a good option and al ow the room to be opened
up and closed down depending on numbers and sessions. The Mezzanine rooms in Pipitea works
As no additional sessions are available to students enrolling in trimester 3 (faculty orientations,
faculty tours, campus coaches etc.) we need to ensure that international orientation provides as
many of these as possible.
A large number of trimester three students will enrol in the VBS PG programmes so a tour of Pipitea
campus is important, along with a tour of Kelburn campus.
City tours & campus tours
Moving students in groups around campus does not require any specific Health and Safety briefing,
but Vic Crew should ensure they remind students to use hand rails when moving up and down stairs,
keep to main pedestrian routes, including using road crossings and to be aware of the weather. Vic
Crew general y lead the tours and can modify these dependent up on cohort. Connect with the Vic
Crew coordinator about organising Vic Crew for each tour.
City tours are a standard activity as part of the VI orientation programmes. These are run by the Vic
Crew who take on additional responsibilities to ensure students are safe and accounted for.
require more planning before the day to ensure al health and safety issues are considered and risk
minimised. Ronnie Cowley is the current Senior Advisor at Safety, Risk and Assurance and can talk
you through any concerns.
Late orientations
Inevitably there will be students who are unable to arrive in time for the main international
orientation each trimester. Student numbers can range from a few to close to 100 depending on
circumstances. Students will advise us they will be unable to make the main international orientation
through the vi-support inbox in the months, weeks and days leading up to orientation, and some
students wil not notify us at al . This makes planning for late orientations chal enging and it is always
best to over-estimate numbers who may attend.
Late orientation dates should be scheduled in the weeks leading up to orientation and room spaces
booked to more than accommodate anticipated numbers. EA206 is a good option for trimester one
and two as it seats 70 and is very convenient for access to the VI team. The meeting room is fine for
smaller numbers.
We usually plan late orientations to start at 9.30am at Victoria International with enrolment
fol owing at around 10.30am. Arrange a Vic Crew (or more than one depending on numbers) to be
available from around 10am to help with the enrolment process and to provide a campus tour to
late arriving students.
The orientation presenter should ensure a list of students who have arrived is given to the
Admissions team as soon as possible after the orientation has begun. This al ows them time to
prepare for the enrolment that follows.
Late orientation slips
We give these to students who have either a) just arrived after orientation and need to enrol and
attend late orientation or b) have completed enrolment but not attended orientation. The late
orientation slips are updated each trimester and students are required to attend the closest session.
The reception team can add students details directly onto the late orientation Sharepoint doc.
Post orientation events
Consider further engagement with students through events run after hours or outside of the main
international orientation programme. Events that are regularly used:
Movie night (run by the International Buddy Programme Coordinator). Need to book a room
in advance, provide snacks/drinks; Coordinator selects movie.
Pōhiri – offered each trimester through the Te Herenga Waka Marae. Book online and need
to guestimate numbers well in advance. Need to book a room for pōhiri briefing (usual y
facilitated by one of the VI team – Amber, James). Contact al VI staff to invite them to
attend pōhiri to welcome new students. Book a room.
Students with Families session (T1 and T2). This is coordinated by VI and includes: VI
Insurance and Visa Advisors, Student Finance, Student Health and Counselling; Careers and
Employment, VUWSA, PGSA and Vic Kids. This session usual y runs on the Friday before
classes starts and promoted at orientation. Short presentations from: VI Insurance advisor,
Student Health, Careers and Student Finance with the other services available as a mini expo
after presentations. VI usual y cater this event with morning/afternoon tea. Remember to
cater for those students who come with their partners, as well as those who come with
children. Book a room and provide snacks.
Meet and greet – run at the end of the 2-day orientation programme as a chance to have a
non-alcoholic drink and snacks with students' groups: V-ISA, PGSA, IBP, VUWSA etc
Welcome to Rainbow students: working with Georgia Andrews – Rainbow and Inclusion
Advisor. An informal evening event to learn about supports at the university and connect
with other student and staff from the Rainbow community.
Welcome to Muslim students: started after the Christchurch terror attacks. Work with
) and Rana Daoud ([email address]) who co-
facilitate the session. Book a room and provide snacks.
Other possible events:
• Tour of Beehive. Book well in advance through
learn/visit/guided-tours/. Need to guestimate numbers and it’s helpful if a Vic Crew can
accompany students.
• Capital Safaris – have not been run since 2016 due to difficulties with Health and Safety with
large numbers of students. Select a number of popular tourist activities for the weekend
fol owing orientation. Consider timing of public transport, cost of transport, safety when on
tour etc. Tours are run by Vic Crew and volunteers who need to be well-briefed on the day
to ensure any risks are mitigated. At least on VI staff member should facilitate this process
on the day and have oversight of the planning of activities.
• Beach trip with V-ISA. V-ISA organise a trip to oriental parade for all new international
students following orientation. VI include this event as part of the orientation events and
promote. Usual meeting places are Kelburn campus and at the beach with a start and return
Two-three months before orientation
• Pohiri booking with Marae – email [email address]
• Start checking on col ateral with marketing and what is currently held at VI. Order additional
stock as needed.
One month before orientation:
• Orientation meetings should be weekly at this stage
• Arrival meeting service training and packing
• Schedule orientation training for Vic Crew
• Send email to the fol owing advising of timings, rooms and include the link to the orientation
Two weeks before orientation
• Email airport to request space for Arrival Meeting Service Coordinator to have a desk during
busy times
One week before orientation
• Send reminders to all presenters of their date, time and room