6 December 2024
Liam Hehir
[FYI request #29073 email]
Tēnā koe Liam
Official Information Act (OIA) request: The Pākehā Project
On 5 November
, you contacted Stats NZ requesting, under the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act), the following information:
“I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982. My request
pertains to the decision made by the Department to have staff attend training by The
Pākehā Project, a programme that, according to recent media coverage and its own
promotional materials, appears to focus on themes that may be perceived as overtly
political, particularly concerning decolonisation and systemic change.
Given the principles of political neutrality and stewardship required under the Public
Service Act 2020, I am seeking detailed information on the rationale, decision-making,
and assessment processes involved. Specifical y, I request the fol owing:
Cost and Analysis: The total amount spent by the Department on staff
attendance at The Pākehā Project, including registration, travel, accommodation,
and other expenses. Additional y, any cost-benefit analysis or justification made
prior to approving the expenditure.
Effectiveness and Outcomes: Documentation or reports detailing the
measurable outcomes or benefits observed fol owing staff participation, along
with any evaluations of the programme’s success or impact on departmental
Approval and Decision-Making: The names or titles of officials who authorized
the expenditure, along with any records of internal discussions or concerns
raised about the appropriateness or potential political nature of the programme.
Political Neutrality: Any steps taken to ensure compliance with the principle of
political neutrality, including an assessment of whether the programme’s
emphasis on decolonization could conflict with public service requirements.
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
Alternative Options: Records detailing whether any alternative cultural
competency training programmes were considered, and the rationale for
selecting The Pākehā Project over other available options.
I am particularly interested in understanding how the decision to engage with this
programme aligns with public service obligations to remain apolitical while pursuing
professional development.”
e Data and Statistics Act 2022 reaffirmed Stats NZ’s commitment as a Te Tiriti partner, requiring
us to meaningfully engage with Māori when collecting, producing, and using data to provide
insights. In particular, section 14 (b) of the Data and Statistics Act 2022 requires that Stats NZ
employees understand te
Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi and the perspectives of Māori
(including iwi and hapū) in relation to the collection and use of data for the production of official
statistics and for research; and engage with Māori about the collection of data, the production of
official statistics, and the use of data for research under this Act to provide useful insights about
the economic, social, cultural, and environmental well-being of Māori (including iwi and hapū).
Statement of Strategic Intentions 2023-2028 outlines the role of Stats NZ, our strategic
priorities and the outcomes we need to achieve over the next five years. One of our strategic
priorities that continue to guide our work is to deliver for and with Māori, iwi, and hapū. Stats NZ
understands that for Māori, iwi, and hapū, data is taonga and we are committed to progressing
Māori data aspirations with regards to the collection, ownership, meaning, and application of
Māori data. This commitment requires an openness to Māori perspectives, an informed
understanding of what long-term intergenerational wellbeing looks like for Māori, and a clear
vision for how data can best support the realisation of that future.
To develop and maintain our capability to better engage with Māori and to understand Māori
perspectives in our work, we launched our Māori Crown Relations (MCR) capability programme
in February 2023. Our MCR capability programme is intended to help strengthen the
organisation’s understanding and application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and applies a team-centric
approach to MCR capability as a means to help employees feel less isolated and confronted by
learning, and more supported by their manager and team to make time for learning.
In addition to meeting our specific obligations under the Data and Statistics Act 2022 outlined
above, our MCR capability programme also forms part of ou
r Whāinga Amorangi plan (related to
public service expectations set out under the
Public Service Act 2020) and our Mahere Reo
(related to Maihi Karauna and public service expectations set out under section 16(2) of
Te Ture
mō Te Reo Māori 2016 Māori Language Act 2016).
To support part of our MCR capability programme, the Pākehā Project provided Stats NZ with
planning, co-design, detailed workshop design, professional supervision and coaching,
facilitator training, and workshops designed to develop capacities for deep reflection and
meaningful action on the role of tangata Tiriti in giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
obligations. While Stats NZ staff are encouraged to enrol in our MCR capability programme,
participation is non-compulsory.
These workshops, delivered by Stats NZ and typical y hosted on-site at our Wellington, Auckland
and Christchurch offices, cover Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Aotearoa History and Institutional Racism, Te
Reo Māori, Tikanga and Kawa, Te Ao Māori and Engagement with Māori.
For clarity, I will respond to each part of your request in turn.
1. “The total amount spent by the Department on staff attendance at The Pākehā
Project, including registration, travel, accommodation, and other expenses.
Additionally, any cost-benefit analysis or justification made prior to approving the
Stats NZ spent $144,970 with the Pākehā Project, which includes travel, accommodation,
and other expenses.
As mentioned in the background information above, public service leaders are mandated to
develop and maintain the capability of their agencies to engage with Māori and understand
Māori perspectives, as per section 14(2)(a) of the
Public Service Act 2020. The Data and
Statistics Act 2022 sets out clear responsibilities for Stats NZ to give effect to the principles
of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the way it conducts its business. Stats NZ’s strategic priority
‘Delivering for and with Māori, iwi and hapū’ also calls out the need to build on Māori Crown
Relations capability to deliver essential data services and data system capability.
In 2020, Stats NZ ran an internal survey with our staff to understand our cultural capability;
including, attitudes and experiences across the organisation regarding our ability to respond
to Māori information and data needs effectively. The survey highlighted the need for Stats NZ
to build its Te Reo and Māori cultural capability to meet its obligations under the Te Tiriti o
The 2022 Stats NZ Māori Crown Relations Capability survey indicated that while Stats NZ
achieved some small gains across th
e six capabilities defined by Te Arawhiti, the gains have
not been significant or consistent – and was regarded as the most significant capability
challenge at Stats NZ.
2. “Effectiveness and Outcomes: Documentation or reports detailing the measurable
outcomes or benefits observed following staff participation, along with any
evaluations of the programme’s success or impact on departmental objectives.”
3. “Approval and Decision-Making: The names or titles of officials who authorized the
expenditure, along with any records of internal discussions or concerns raised
about the appropriateness or potential political nature of the programme.”
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
Please find attached al documentation identified within the scope of your request. Please note:
• the names and contact details of staff whose roles are below Tier 3 are withheld under
section 9(2)(a) of the Act in order to protect the privacy of natural persons. The need
to protect the privacy of these individuals outweighs the public interest in this
• some information not concerning the scope of your request has been removed as out
of scope.
The contract for services between Stats NZ and the Pākehā Project, specified performance
standards for each agreed deliverable. Please refer to page 4 and 5 of the attached material, which
summarises the agreed outcomes of the contract.
Quantitative results show that our MCR capability programme is achieving our Whāinga Amorangi
goals to lift capability one level across al six competencies and to at-least ‘comfortable’ in the
key competency of Te Tiriti o Waitangi literacy.
Qualitative results show what our people think and feel about our MCR capability programme.
While traditional methods of evaluation such as staff feedback are stil utilised, Stats NZ has been
working to introduce fresh approaches to evaluating the impact of learning, such as data from its
annual engagement survey “Ko Tō Reo”. Feedback from the 2023 Ko Tō Reo Survey highlighted the
value that our staff place on our MCR capability programme and that it has had a positive impact
on staff engagement and employee experience at Stats NZ. Our MCR capability programme was
identified as the second most valuable aspect about working at Stats NZ.
Stats NZ’s MCR capability programme was approved by the People Culture and Capability
Committee in August 2022 and the Executive Leadership Team in December 2022. Please refer to
pages 21 and 25 of the attached material for the names of officials who approved Stats NZ’s MCR
capability programme.
As a public service department, Stats NZ spends public money and demonstrates the highest
standards of public sector integrity and conduct, this includes understanding our obligation to
uphold the principle of political neutrality outlined in the Stats NZ code of conduct and meeting
he Standards of Integrity and Conduct set by Te Kawa Mataaho – Public Service Commission
4. “Alternative Options: Records detailing whether any alternative cultural
competency training programmes were considered, and the rationale for selecting
The Pākehā Project over other available options.”
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
An external provider was selected because Stats NZ did not have the in-house expertise to deliver
the relevant specialised content required to deliver on the legislative, strategic, and operational
requirements mentioned in the background information above. Stats NZ scanned the
Government Panels for tangata Tiriti training services and did not identify any alternative suitable
options for our specific needs.
Stats NZ selected The Pākehā Project to develop and deliver a course that was specifically
tailored to meet the MCR competency ‘Understanding Equity and Institutional Racism’, one of
the six key competency areas identified in Te Arawhiti’s
Māori Crown relations capability
framework for the public service (refer to 3.1.1). This course was designed to build our tangata
Tiriti (non-Māori people) capability to meet obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Pākehā
Project is a pioneering and sector-leading initiative that delivers highly specialised content
focused on providing support to tangata Tiriti who desire to translate their commitment to Te Tiriti
o Waitangi into tangible actions.
Should you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact Stats NZ at:
[email address]. If you are not satisfied with this response, you may contact us via email and have the right to seek
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a complaint is
available a
t www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or 0800 802 602.
It is Stats NZ’s policy to proactively release its responses to official information requests where
possible. This letter, with your personal details removed, wil be published on the Stats NZ
website. Publishing responses creates greater openness and transparency of government
decision-making and helps better inform public understanding of the reasons for decisions.
Nāku noa, nā
Matt Phimmavanh
Principal Advisor – Executive & Government Relations | Office of the Chief Executive
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
GMC Form 1 Crown for SERVICES (3rd Edition)
Contract for Services
Contract Details
Pākehā Project & Tangata Tiriti Training
The Parties
The Buyer:
Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ)
NZBN: 9429038855450
8 Willis St, PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
The Supplier:
Unity House Ltd, Trading As, The Pākehā Project
NZBN 9429046093127
s 9(2)(a)
Out of Scope
GMC Form 1 Crown for SERVICES (3rd Edition)
In signing this Contract each Party acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be bound by it.
Signed for and on behalf of the Buyer:
Signed for and on behalf of the Supplier:
Rhonda Paku
Rebecca Sinclair
GMC Form 1 Crown for SERVICES (3rd Edition)
Description of Services
Description of Services
Stats NZ has selected the supplier Unity House Ltd, Trading As, The Pākehā Project to build its Te Reo
and Māori cultural capability to meet its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Pākehā Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier," is a pioneering initiative led by a team of
dedicated educators who collaborate across various organisations. The Supplier's primary focus is to
provide support to tangata Tiriti (non-Māori people) at Stats NZ, who are eager to translate their
commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi into tangible actions. The project aims to address the need for
practical and sustainable implementation of the principles embedded within Te Tiriti, recognising that it
is a shared responsibility for both tangata whenua (Māori people) and tangata Tiriti.
The Supplier's programmes, workshops, coaching, and leadership development opportunities provide
individuals with the tools and understanding required to navigate complexities, examine their own
cultural identity, and engage meaningfully with wider systems. The Supplier to draw upon research-
informed methodologies and practices, incorporating elements of design process, experiential learning,
and creative facilitation to foster deep inquiry and transformation.
Deliverables and Milestones
The Supplier, Pākehā Project, will deliver a range of services to meet the requirements of Stats NZ.
These services are tailored to align with the specific deliverables outlined in the contract. Under the
leadership of co-founders Louise Marra and Rebecca Sinclair, the Supplier will deliver the following
1. Tailored Pākehā Project Programme Workbook for Stats NZ:
The Supplier will develop a customised Pākehā Project Programme Workbook specifically
designed for Stats NZ. This workbook will serve as a comprehensive resource to support the
organisation in implementing the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Supplier will work closely
with Stats NZ to ensure the workbook meets the organisation's requirements and performance
standards. Milestones and timelines for the development of the workbook will be determined
in collaboration between the parties.
2. Training of Stats Internal Trainers:
The Supplier will provide comprehensive training sessions to Stats NZ internal trainers,
empowering them to deliver Pākehā Project content effectively. As part of the total planned
program consisting of 28 workshops, the Supplier will conduct the initial seven workshops,
focusing on Te Tiriti understanding and cultural competency. The remaining workshops will be
conducted by Stats Internal Trainers, ensuring continuity.
3. Delivery of Initial Workshops to Stats Staff:
The Supplier will conduct a series of initial workshops for Stats NZ staff members. These
workshops will focus on deepening and synthesising understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and
the impacts of colonisation, promoting cultural competency, and exploring strategies for
incorporating the principles of Te Tiriti into daily work practices. The workshops will provide an
interactive and conducive learning environment, accommodating a maximum of 50 staff
members per session.
GMC Form 1 Crown for SERVICES (3rd Edition)
This agreement does not have a minimum number of workshops commitment with the Supplier, and it
is completely in the discretion of Stats NZ to determine the actual number of workshops planned for a
year or during the entire contract period (with the agreement of the Supplier) to achieve the
deliverables under this contract, at the agreed per workshop price.
Deliverables and Milestones
Deliverable/Milestone Performance
Expected no. of
Particulars & Unit
(exc GST)
1. Develop tailored
A practical and
Fixed price
Pākehā project
programme and
implementation of
workbook for Stats
the principles
embedded within
Te Tiriti, in
collaboration with
Tangata Tiriti
Capability team
2. Delivery of training
Ensure Stats
Fixed price
to Stats internal
internal trainers
are equipped to
conduct workshops
on their own.
3. Delivery of initial
Each workshop will
7 workshops, one The fixed unit price
workshops to Stats
be a duration of 1
workshop each
for each 1-day
month, starting
workshop is $12,147.
Maximum of 50
August 2023 till
Total amount
staff for each
February 2024.
payable for 7
Minimum of two
($12,147 x 7) =
trainers from the
Supplier required
for each workshop.
Total (excl GST) $130,029
Specific code of conduct / policies / health & safety / protective security / legislative
In delivering services to Stats NZ, the Supplier will comply with the NZ Public Service Standards of
Integrity and Conduct:
Out of Scope
Minutes ELT Monthly meeting 2 December 2022
Out of Scope
Item 4. Māori Capability Relationship
The purpose of this item was to discuss and approve the funding for the Māori Capability Relationship
initiative, which was agreed at the People, Culture and Capability Committee in August this year as a priority
piece of work that should be undertaken to uplift Māori Capability through targeted learning campaigns.
The ELT discussed the opportunity to explore funding the remainder of this year using the identified
underspends from the budgets. It was also highlighted that this was a strategic priority and was an important
piece of work that needs to continue progressing. It was mentioned that going forward this work would be
included in the business planning process and would be funded through a portion of the learning and
development budgets.
The Executive Leadership Team:
Agreed that ELT are supportive of the Initiative
Approved funding the $216,000 required for the remainder of the 2022/23 budget year from
Noted that this initiative would be captured as part of the business planning process for next year
and will be allocated funding from budget.
Out of Scope
Minutes ELT Monthly meeting 2 December 2022
Out of Scope
Minutes ELT Monthly meeting 2 December 2022
Document Outline