27 November 2024
C J Williams
[FYI request #28988 email]
Tēnā koe C J Williams
Thank you for your request of 30 October 2024 to Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities under the
Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act) for the following information:
“about the decision made by the CEO regarding the non-funding of end of year
celebrations for staff.
1. Specifically, I would like to receive copies of any correspondence, including emails,
Teams messages and texts received or sent by the CEO that discusses this decision. I
also request copies of any notes or meeting minutes that mentions this decision.
2. Can you also list the people who the CEO consulted with prior to making his decision.
3. I would also like to receive any drafts of the CE's update that was sent to staff on 30th
October 2024.”
I wil respond to each part of your request in an asked and answered format below.
1. Specifical y, I would like to receive copies of
any correspondence, including emails, Teams messages and texts received or sent by
the CEO that discusses this decision. I also request copies of any notes or meeting
minutes that mentions this decision.
Kāinga Ora has identified five documents in scope of your request as outlined in the document
schedule below. Please note that the meeting date on Document 3 should be 15 October
2024 instead
of 15 October 2023.
Some information is being released to you as an excerpt only, as per section 16(1)(e) of the Act.
Further, some information has been redacted as it is either out of the scope of your requests or
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Act, to protect the privacy of natural persons as outlined in the
document schedule.
Repeated or duplicate emails have been removed.
I do not consider the withholding of the information from this response is outweighed by public interest
considerations in making that information available.
2. Can you also list the people who the CEO consulted with prior to making his decision.
The Chief Executive (CE) consulted with the Chief Executive Leadership Group (CELG) before
making the decision not to allocate funding for end of year celebrations in 2024. The CELG comprises
the Kāinga Ora CE, Deputy Chief Executives and General Managers.

On 15 October 2024, the CELG discussed the approach to funding end-of-year gatherings at its
meeting, supported by a paper which recommended a contribution of $25 per head ($5 less than the
previous year). The minutes of this meeting note that the CELG did
not endorse this recommendation
and agreed that the Chief Executive would make the decision outside of the CELG forum. This paper
and an excerpt of the minutes have been provided to you.
The CE advised the CELG of his decision not to fund end-of-year gatherings at a subsequent CELG
meeting held on 23 October 2024.
3. I would also like to receive any drafts of the CE's update that was sent to staff on 30th
October 2024.
I am releasing the draft CE update dated 30 October 2024
in part to you, as outlined in the document
schedule below.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of my decision on your
request. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
Freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note that Kāinga Ora proactively releases its responses to official information requests where
possible. Our response to your request may be published at
https:/ kaingaora.govt.nz/publications/official-information-requests/, with your personal information
Nāku noa, nā
Rowan Macrae
General Manager - People Governance and Capability
2 of
Document Schedule
Document no Document
Document title
Decision on
OIA sections
Chief Executive
Chief Executive
Released in part.
Out of scope
update - 30
October 2024
Email chain dated
Email released in 9(2)(a)
29 October 2024
and 30 October
update for 30
2024 between
Attachment (draft 9(2)(a)
Manager Internal
CE update for 30
October) released Out of scope
and the CE –
in part.
attached to the
email is the draft CE
update for 30
Paper presented to Kāinga Ora
Released in part.
the CELG meeting
15 October 2024
contribution to
functions 2024
CELG meeting 15
Relevant extract of Released in part
October 2024
CELG meeting 15 as an excerpt.
October 2024
CELG meeting 23
Relevant extract of Released in part
October 2024
CELG meeting 23 as an excerpt.
October 2024
3 of