20 November 2024
Michael Chung
[FYI request #28984 email]>
Dear Michael Chung
Request for Information – Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act (the Act) 1987
We refer to your email of 30 October 2024 for:
The ROI for the Ricoh Sports Centre states that if multiple candidates are
shortlisted after evaluation then these candidates wil be invited to
participate in a second stage Request for Proposals (RFP) process. If only
one candidate was considered viable then Council reserves the right to
enter into direct negotiations.
Did Council shortlist multiple candidates? If so, could Council please
provide a copy of the RFP and any associated documents that were
provided to shortlisted candidates?
I also request a copy of any documents associated with the evaluation
process. For clarity this includes any records of the evaluation process, and
any documents provided to evaluation panel members in relation to the
evaluation process.
Council invited four submitters to proceed to the RFP. Three took up the option
and two submitted RFPs, with one late withdrawal. That process is stil underway.
Once this process has been completed, we wil be able to release the RFP
30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt
Private Bag 31912, Lower Hutt 5040
0800 488 824
[email address]
▲The pattern at the top of this page is inspired by the natural landforms, hil s, river, and coastline surrounding Lower Hutt. It represents our people, our place, and our home.
Therefore, wwe are withholding this Information under section 7(2)(i) of the Act,
as withholding hte inforamtion is necessary to enable any local authority holding
the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this
decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note that this response to your information request may be published on
Hutt City Council’s website. Please refer to the following link:
Yours sincerely
Philip Rossiter
Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy
Document Name / XX Month XXXX / Version XX