Email: [email address] Website:
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
From: Nicola Willis <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 3:39 PM
To: Dominic Cowell-Smith <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Thorndon Quay Roading Changes
Will your office lead the reply?
From: Paul Robinson <[email address]>
Document 4
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 3:12 PM
To: Councillor Diane Calvert <[email address]>; Christopher Bishop (MIN) <[email address]>; Simeon
Brown (MIN) <[email address]>
Cc: Nicola Willis (MIN) <[email address]>; Steve Piper <
[email address]>; Kirk Hope
[email address]>;
[email address];
[email address]; [email address]
Subject: Re: Thorndon Quay Roading Changes
Dear Ministers
Please find attached a letter expressing concern about the conduct of the Thorndon Quay cycleway and bus lane project.
You may care to read this letter in conjunction with a communication you will have received from Councillor Calvert of the
same date(see below)
Nga Mihi
Paul Robinson
(For the Thorndon Quay Hutt Road Collective)
Sent from
Outlook for iOS
From: Councillor Diane Calvert <[email address]>
Appendix B Document 1
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2024 3:23 PM
To: [email address] <[email address]>;
[Simeon Brown request email] <[Simeon Brown request email]> Cc:
[email address] <[email address]>; Paul Robinson <[email address]>; Steve Piper <steve@i->; Kirk Hope <[email address]>; [email address] <
[email address]>
Subject: Concerns about WCC planning, delivery and funding of transport and water infrastructure projects including transparent and
effective decision making
Kia ora Ministers
I know that you have both recently clearly expressed that Wellington City Council (WCC) work better with businesses in respect
of delivering the Golden Mile transport project (ex LGWM) funded 51% through funding provided by NZTA.
However I and others (both public and elected members) continue to hold concerns about the intention and capability of WCC
to deliver this project amongst myriad other piecemeal transport projects and in accordance with
Information Government’s direction and
funding via NZTA.
I say this because:
1. There is
no integrated plan for all transport routes through the CBD (despite LGWM having this in their brief for seven
years) which WCC has received in part or due to apply for NZTA funding. The concern here is that ratepayer and tax
payer funding may not be allocated fairly leaving gold plated designs on one route and sub-optimal design on others.
new plan for Wellington, post-Let’s Get Wellington Moving | The Spinoff
2. There has been
no active engagement with businesses by WCC along the Golden Mile since the Government made its
intentions known to Council in December 2023 and your subsequent “please explain” letter Government vs Wellington
council tensions laid bare in Golden Mile stoush | The Post
3. WCC is
not intending to change its Golden Mile design in any way other than potentially delay the Lambton Quay
portion. It still retains the entire funding of $141 million in its draft budget Pg 14.
4. WCC officers have recently claimed the
Golden Mile design cannot be altered because the 51% funding by NZTA will be
forfeited (despite potentially some of this funding could be better applied to other CBD transport projects). This seems
inconsistent with other WCC advice given that WCC proposes not planning on proceeding with the Hutt Rd portion of
the Thorndon Quay/Hutt Rd transport project and seemingly able to adjust the NZTA funding without loss of the entire
allocated funding.
5. The construction of the Thorndon Quay/Hutt road multimillion dollar bike lane has been
bereft with issues for
businesses facing disproportionate financial harm
6. Thorndon Quay businesses have recently expressed concerns on the lack of engagement and support by WCC and its
contractors despite undertakings made by WCC for the construction phase.
7. At the time of both WCC and NZTA approval of the Golden Mile ($141 million) and Thorndon Quay/Hutt Rd ($93.6
million) projects in June/July 2023,
there was no inclusion or mention of the water infrastructure renewal costs for
either routes. Note subsequently the Golden Mile water infrastructure renewal work of an additional $30 million is now
included in its long term plan- Pg 33 and
to be funded solely by WCC (removing funding from more critical water
infrastructure renewal work elsewhere in the city)
8. WCC officers recently admitted that they did not inform elected members or the public of the
need to replace the
water infrastructure under Thorndon Quay as part of the construction. This renewal work (as at June 2020 the figure
was $10.6 million) is not planned or budgeted for in the Council’s draft 10 year plan despite officers admitting that the
work will likely need to be completed within five years of the plan (51% funded via NZTA). The yet to be completed
work will now need to be ripped up for the water infrastructure renewal work in a few years because of lack of planning
and information provided by WCC officers. What a waste of ratepayers and taxpayers funding.
Leaky pipes buried under
new $55m bus and cycle way that could be ripped up | The Post
9. WCC is proposing to
defer 25% of transport renewals yet still wants to proceed with new transport projects costing
ratepayers even more Pg 27
A number of elected members including me are supporting both residents and business owners by holding WCC to account for
its continuing lack of engagement with impacted businesses, reduced service levels to Wellingtonians and the less than
adequate quality delivery of major transport projects Seven Wellington City councillors sign notice to pause on Golden Mile |
The Post This is all against a backdrop of a very fragile overall financial situation facing the city and its ratepayers.
Business owners are also attempting to hold WCC to account. ‘A disaster unfolding’: Businesses face nine months of Thorndon
Quay roadworks | The Post This is not helped by WCC officers seemingly using their resources to minimise, deflect and
discredit both business owners and elected members’ concerns. Wellington City councillors, staff clash over alleged meeting
ban | The Post
However we need support from Government to ensure the public’s broader concerns are addressed and government agencies
do not contribute to WCC undertaking projects it cannot afford. This includes more active monitoring by NZTA of funds
allocated and ensuring benefits are real, improved monitoring by the Ministry of Transport of NZTA and improved monitoring
by Department of Internal Affairs (Local Government) ensuring WCC is acting in good faith in accordance with the Local
Government legislation.
In the meantime, both the Government and public would benefit from having an independent observer to ensure information
being provided by WCC is both accurate and is not misleading through omission of facts or the timely access to information.
The observer (supported by a team) would give assurance to both the Government (including its respective agencies) and the
public (residents and business owners) on the quality and delivery of the WCC’s engagement practices, its decision making
(including the quality of advice provided by officers) and how elected members are able to carry out their duties effectively
and unhindered. under
I am happy to meet with you along with small business owners to further discuss my concerns and seek a reasonable solution
to the issues facing the capital city, its citizens and businesses.
Councillor Diane Calvert
Wellington City Council | Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
P 029 971 8944 | E
[email address] | W | F dianecalvertnz | T
dianecalvertnz | W
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to
respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents.
If received in error, you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.
Document 1A
Document 2
Councillor Diane Calvert
Simeon Brown (MIN); Brian Anderton
Thorndon Quay Project (WCC and NZTA)
Tuesday, 9 July 2024 2:02:08 pm
2024 07 09 Letter to NZTA re Thorndon Quay.pdf
Good afternoon Minister and Brian
As I and others have previously communicated with you around a number of WCC transport
projects (partially funded through NZTA), I am sending you a copy of a letter provided to NZTA
today, for your information. We have also sent a similar letter (in terms of content) to WCC, CEO
calling on Ms McKerrow to review the matter.
We initially called upon our Mayor to take the necessary governance oversight into this project
when the matter of 110 year old water pipes under the construction zone became known. Her
response was “
I’m satisfied your questions have been answered in full by officers and that there is
no need to pause construction or commission additional reports.” However our questions were
not addressed satisfactorily and we (along with many Wellingtonians and businesses) remain
very concerned about the design and the imprudent use of both ratepayer and taxpayer funding.
This has been further heightened by additional new public concerns raised due to an
extraordinary number of “speed bumps” incorporated into the design.
Councillor Diane Calvert
Wellington City Council | Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
P 029 971 8944 | E
[email address] | W | F dianecalvertnz | T dianecalvertnz | W
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents.
If received in error, you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.
Document 2A
9 July 2024
Simon Bridges – Chair, NZTA
Nicole Rosie - Chief Executive, NZTA
By email
Dear Simon and Nicole,
In July 2023, NZTA's board approved the Thorndon Quay/Hutt Road project under the Let’s
Get Wellington Moving programme
Thorndon Quay | WCC Transport Projects. However, this
decision sparked controversy primarily due to concerns over the justification of benefits, design
issues, and inadequate engagement with local businesses.
Subsequent developments have revealed a lack of critical oversights and design omissions,
notably the absence of water infrastructure renewal considerations despite the age of pipes
exceeding 110 years.
Wellington's Thorndon Quay business owners fear road upgrade woes far from over | RNZ
‘A disaster unfolding’: Businesses face nine months of Thorndon Quay roadworks | The Post
Water pipe bursts under Wellington woman's car: 'Written off' (
Additionally, recent observations have highlighted the installation of five raised signalised
crossings on an 1.8 km stretch of road that has a 30km speed limit, raising concerns over
excessive spending and their appropriateness especially given the location of essential
emergency services nearby, including the main ambulance station (50 metres from the route)
and a central city fire station (on the route).
Traffic light crossing bonanza raises hackles | The
Fire and Emergency Wellington have previously told both council and elected members via
submissions that raised pedestrian crossings and speed bumps are increasing the time it takes
for their crews to get to emergency callouts.
Concerns have also been voiced by Greater Wellington Regional Council/ Metlink regarding
raised crossings impacting a major bus route, although there appears to be hesitation in
advocating for a redesign with Wellington City Council.
There are currently two public petitions calling for work to be halted.
Petition: Save Thorndon Quay - Taxpayers' Union Petition · Halt Thorndon Quay Roadworks until an independent project review is completed. -
Wellington, New Zealand ·
Wellington City Council, while overseeing the project, seems reluctant to acknowledge design
flaws and has not considered pausing to ensure the effective use of the substantial budget
Considering NZTA's substantial funding commitment of 51%, we urge you to consider the
widespread and growing concerns expressed by the public, elected members, and other
Specifically, we request clarification on NZTA's monitoring of their contribution and the
adherence to best practice roading design to:
Address the significant public concerns raised about the design in terms of the raised
crossings (including proposed numbers) and the lack of investment in renewing the
ageing water infrastructure.
Ensure the ongoing suitability of the project design.
Ensure that construction adheres to agreed-upon specifications.
Implement robust quality assurance measures to guarantee the efficacy of NZTA's
contribution and the realisation of anticipated benefits.
Given the significance of the issues, we also suggest you consider an independent review to
consider the above concerns. Such a review could be conducted in conjunction with Wellington
City Council who along with NZTA have been closely involved with this project through design
and funding. It would be appropriate for the project to be paused in the meantime.
Work on this route is currently underway but is not due to be completed until June 2025. We
would appreciate you considering our concerns (and any forthcoming action) as a matter of
Cllr Diane Calvert
Cllr Ray Chung
Cllr Tony Randle
Cllr Nicola Young
Wellington City Council | 2 of 2
Document 3
Text messages from Diane Calvert
19 January 2024 Diane Calvert:
• Text: Thank you re letter!!!
21 January 2024 Diane Calvert:
• Text: I’m on NewstalkZB just before 6am tomorrow
(before you) re WCC & water
15 April 2024
Diane Calvert:
• Text: Great move re Tunnel through Wgtn CBD. ‘Bring
back Alice’ as in Waterview Tunnel.
3 July 2024
Diane Calvert:
• Text link to The Post article: “Traffic light crossing
bonanza raises hackles”
• Text: Front page of The Post today. Lucky no water
leaks! This is being funded half by NZTA. Concerns
raised by businesses & emergency services as wel .
21 August 2024
Diane Calvert:
• Text: Thanks for your speech this morning. I think you
can see by the number & nature of questions from Cl rs
that the govt’s direction is not making its way to us
Information as
well as expected.
12 October 2024 Diane Calvert:
• Text link to LinkedIn article: “Diane Calvert on LinkedIn:
I write this a few weeks back and it’s stil as relevant as
ever following….”
Document Outline