Ref: OIA 2024-046
Chris McCashin
[FYI request #28876 email]
16 December 2024
Tēnā koe Chris
Thank you for your request of 23 October 2024 seeking the following information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
I would like an extract of the annual amount spent with all suppliers for the 2021/2022, 2022/2023
and 2023/2024 financial year.
I would like this data in an open format, csv or json formats would be suitable per this similar
response from MOE.
I would like the following details provided:
- Supplier Name
- Suppliers NZBN number (if available)
- Total Amount Spent
Please include any monies paid to overseas companies / NGOS
- Supplier Name
- Services Rendered
- Total Amount
Please provide the GST Exclusive amounts.
Can you also provide all of the funding / revenue generated including in the same format
- Total Received
- Reason for payment to commission - services rendered, grants, etc etc”
Thank you for your patience with regard to our extension of the response date, this afforded us the time to
compile the information you have requested.
Please note that the link you provided that shows another agency’s response is not live, so we cannot
compare the response example. Additionally, for clarification, we have interpreted “
supplier” as any entity
providing goods or services to the Commission.
On this basis, I can advise as follows.
The information you have requested is attached as “Document 1. Suppliers – for OIA release”. Please note
that personal information has been redacted (replaced by XXXXX), in reliance on section 9(2)(a) of the Act
to protect the privacy of individuals. In making this decision, I believe the public interest does not outweigh
the need to withhold this information.
Furthermore, please note that the Commission does not require suppliers to supply an NZBN - it is an
optional field when setting up an account in our system. Therefore, we do not hold NZBN for all suppliers
but this information is available public
ly here by using the supplier names in the attachment. In this case,
we rely on section 18(d) of the Act to not provide it here.
In terms of the Commission’s funding, you may be aware that we are funded by two non-departmental
appropriations under Vote Environment: a main output expenses appropriation (titled ‘Advisory and
monitoring function) and a smaller capital expenditure appropriation (titled ‘Capital Contribution’). For
each financial year, the details for this are available publicly in our Annual Reports, found here:
Reports » Climate Change Commission. Please note that we do not generate revenue.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by the Office of the Ombudsman, in
accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. Contact details for the Ombudsman can be found on their website
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz Please note that the Commission proactively releases its responses to requests made under the Act. This is
to help ensure others can also have access to this information. As such, this letter will shortly be published
on our website with your name and contact details redacted to protect your privacy.
Nāku noa, nā
Astrid Nunns
General Manager, Corporate Accountability and Operations
Enc: Document 1. Suppliers for OIA release.