23 October 2024
Shane Plummer
[FYI request #28716 email]
Tēnā koe Shane
Official Information Act (OIA) request: Request for 2023 census main means of travel
On 10 October 2024
, you contacted Stats NZ requesting, under the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act), the fol owing information:
We have been waiting patiently for the release of the 2023 census data, specifical y
regarding the "main means of travel". Please refer to the attached Excel file for the
2018 data, which il ustrates the format required for this request.
Below is an example of data fields from a 2018 Statistics New Zealand Excel download:
Data fields:
"SP1, Bridge, SA2_code_usual_residence_address,
SA2_name_usual_residence_address, SA2_usual_residence_easting,
SA2_usual_residence_northing, SA2_code_workplace_address,
SA2_name_workplace_address, SA2_workplace_easting, SA2_workplace_northing,
Work_at_home, Drive_a_private_car_truck_or_van,
Passenger_in_a_car_truck_van_or_company_bus, Public_bus, Train, Bicycle,
Walk_or_jog, Ferry, Other, Total, W1, W2, W3"
Example data from a 2018 Statistics New Zealand Excel download:
193800, Tauranga Central, 1879300.025, 5825025.981, 194400, Tauranga Hospital,
1877444.089, 5822451.312, -999, 42, -999, 6, -999, -999, -999, -999, 57
Please see the attachment for further details.
The Statistics New Zealand website, including its Census product guides, does not
appear to provide this information. Enclosed is a screenshot showing that stats.govt.nz
only offers data up to 2013, with 2018 and 2023 data missing.
This may explain why Tauranga City is relying on 2013 data for transport business
cases, which is now 11 years out of date.
Additionally, I have provided:
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140

A Link to the 2018 download obtained in 2021, which is no longer available.
A Link to a screenshot of the missing information in the Statistics New Zealand
website’s download menu.
Thank you for your assistance in providing the updated data for 2023 in Excel format
as used for 2018 and 2013
2018 Census data
Please note the 2018 Census data is publicly available in the form requested, although it
was not made available on NZ.Stat alongside other 2018 Census data due to the unique
structure and size of the file.
Accordingly, please see the data on the Stats NZ Geographic Data Service, via the
following link:
As such, your request for this information is refused under section 18(d) of the Act on the
basis that the information requested is already publicly available.
2023 Census data
At present Stats NZ plans to release the equivalent data for 2023 Census in June 2025
once the data has been processed for publication. Again, this wil be released via th
e Stats
NZ Geographic Data Service rather than with other 2023 Census data on
Aotearoa Data
Your request is refused under section 18(f) of the Act on the basis that substantial collation
and research would be required to supply the requested information. Although the information
you have requested has not yet been created and published by Stats NZ, it may be created
from the raw data held by Stats NZ, upon receipt of a customised data request. Please note
that there is
a standard charge of $155 plus GST per hour for customised data requests. If you
would like to proceed with a request, one can be made through contacting Stats NZ’s
Information Centre through one of the following methods:
• By phone – 0508 525 525
• By email –
[email address]
Online form
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140
You may also be interested in the tables that we plan on publishing before the June 2025
release (although neither of these tables wil include cross-tabulations of geographic
Main means of travel to work, age, and gender for the employed census
usually resident population count aged 15 years and over, by workplace
address (RC, TALB, SA2, Health), 2013, 2018, and 2023 Censuses
Māori descent indicator, occupation, and main means of travel to work
for the employed census usual y resident population count aged 15 years
and over, (RC, TALB, SA2, Health), 2013, 2018, and 2023 Censuses
Also note that counts for 2013, 2018, and 2023 Census by workplace address and by usual
residence address (though not for cross-tabulations of these addresses) are available in
the ‘Totals by topic for individuals’ tables published on Aotearoa Data Explorer, at the
national level and for several subnational geographies including statistical area 1. For
this view shows counts for Tauranga City (territorial authority).
Should you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact Stats NZ at:
[email address].
If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to seek an investigation and
review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or 0800 802 602.
It is Stats NZ’s policy to proactively release its responses to official information requests
where possible. This letter, with your personal details removed, wil be published on the
Stats NZ website. Publishing responses creates greater openness and transparency of
government decision-making and helps better inform public understanding of the reasons
for decisions.
Nāku noa, nā
Mike Webb
Senior Manager – External & Government Relations | Office of the Chief Executive
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
[email address]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wellington 6140