under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
MBIE RFP Response Form Template
Pricing schedule
Please submit your pricing using the separate pricing schedule attached
4. Proposed Contract
Having read and understood the Proposed Contract, in the RFP Section 5, I have the following
suggestions to make. If successful, I agree to sign a Contract based on the Proposed Contract subject
to negotiating the fol owing clauses:
s 9(2)(b)(ii)
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
under the
Official Information Act 1982
MBIE RFP Response Form Template
I/we have read and fully understand the nature and
extent of the Buyer’s Requirements as described in
Section 2. I/we confirm that the Respondent/s has the
necessary capacity and capability to fully meet or
exceed the Requirements and will be available to
deliver throughout the relevant Contract period.
In submitting this Proposal the Respondent/s warrants
that it:
a. has not entered into any improper, illegal,
collusive or anti-competitive arrangements with
any Competitor
b. has not directly or indirectly approached any
representative of the Buyer (other than the Point
of Contact) to lobby or solicit information in
relation to the RFP
c. has not attempted to influence, or provide any
form of personal inducement, reward or benefit
to any representative of the Buyer.
Offer Validity
I/we confirm that this Proposal, including the price,
remains open for acceptance for the Offer Validity
Period stated in Section 1, paragraph 1.6.
under the
Conflict of Interest
The Respondent warrants that it has no actual,
potential or perceived Conflict of Interest in
submitting this Proposal, or entering into a Contract
to deliver the Requirements. Where a Conflict of
Interest arises during the RFP process the
Respondent/s will report it immediately to the Buyer’s
Point of Contact.
Details of conflict of interest: Not applicable
We declare that in submitting the Proposal and this declaration:
a. the information provided is true, accurate and complete and not misleading in any material
b. the Proposal does not contain intel ectual property that wil breach a third party’s rights
c. We have secured al appropriate authorisations to submit this Proposal, to make the statements
and to provide the information in the Proposal and I/we am/are not aware of any impediments
Official Information Act 1982
to enter into a Contract to deliver the Requirements.
We understand that the falsification of information, supplying misleading information or the
suppression of material information in this declaration and the Proposal may result in the Proposal
being eliminated from further participation in the RFP process and may be grounds for termination of
any Contract awarded as a result of the RFP.
By signing this declaration the signatories below represents, warrants and agrees that they have been
authorised by the Respondents to make this declaration on their behalf.
Ministry Of Business, Innovation & Employment
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Request for Proposal Response Form
NZBN: 9429 00010 6078
under the
Official Information Act 1982