15 October 2024
Ref: DOIA-REQ-0004497-John Luke
John Luke
Email: [FYI request #28437 email]
Tēnā koe John
Thank you for your request which was transferred from the Office of Hon Andrew Bayly on 2 October
2024 to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) requesting, under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), the fol owing information:
I noted, you have recently call for nomination for your Accreditation Council
May I ask how you called for public nomination and on what platform you have call for public
nominations e.g. govt.jobs website. Also, how many applications you have received from the
public and how many you have received from other nominating agencies such as TPK or Ministry
of women etc for your role. How many you have shortlisted and how many you have interviewed
in this recruitment round. May I also seek a copy of the ad went out to public and the appointment
letter sent to the appointee, feel free to redact any personal information.
I have considered your request under the Act.
The role was advertised on the MBIE website, Seek.co.nz and Jobs.govt.nz. The Ministry for Women,
Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Ministry for Disabled People, Ministry for Pacific Peoples and Te Puni
Kokiri were nominating agencies.
There were 21 applications received for the role. MBIE is unaware how many were received from
nominating agencies because candidates applied directly through MBIE’s application system and were
only informed about the opportunity by the agencies.
Three people were shortlisted and al were interviewed. Sir Neville Jordan was appointed as a member by
the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
The advertisement to the public and the letter of appointment are attached as listed below.
# Date
1 February 2024 Accreditation Council – Member position description
Released in full
2 11 September
Letter of Appointment –Sir Neville Jordan
withheld under
section 9(2)(a)
I do not consider that the withholding of any information is outweighed by public interest considerations
in making the information available.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, or if you require any further assistance,
please contact
[email address].
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Yours sincerely
Paul Metcalf
Manager Appointments and Governance
Labour, Science and Enterprise, MBIE