This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Costs'.

16 October 2024 
File Ref: IRC-7114  
[FYI request #28429 email] 
Tēnā koe James 
Thank you for your email of 18 September 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council 
(the Council) requesting the following information: 
1.  Number of direct reports to Karepa Wall, Chief Māori Officer. 
2.  Number of overall team members (head count inclusive of direct reports) for 2022,2023 and 
current year. 
3.  Annual budget for this department 2022,2023 and current year. 
4.  Number of contractors if any, employed in this department in 2022,2023 and current year and 
associated costs of the contractors. 
5.  Please provide the total costs for the Mahau app, this should include total development costs, 
translation costs, ongoing support costs, and any promotional costs to date. 
6.  Please provide the monthly downloads of the Mahau app since launching in 2022. 
7.  Please provide the cost for installing the English or te reo Māori function for WCC's new 
parking meter system. 
8.  Please provide the approximate number of WCC employees as September 2024, and the 
number of WCC employees who identify as fluent in te reo. 
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 
1987 (LGOIMA) and it has been partially granted. Some information has been refused under section 
17(g)(i) of the LGOIMA, the information requested is not held by the local authority and the person 
dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the information is held by another local 
authority or a department or Minister of the Crown or organisation. 
However, it will take us a little more time to prepare the information for release. I hope to provide you 
with a response by 23 October 2024, if not sooner. 
You have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(1) of the LGOIMA, to request an 
investigation and review of the Council’s decision to withhold information by the Ombudsman. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602.  
If you require further information, please contact [email address].  
Nāku noa, nā 
Chelsea McHugh 
Senior Advisor Of icial Information 
Complaints & Information Assurance 
Wellington City Council