This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Events and travel costs'.

Eli Templeton 
No address provided 
Via email:  [email address] 
19 September 2024 
Kia ora Mr Templeton 
Official Information Act request dated 2 September 2024 
We refer to your email dated 2 September 2024 requesting information under the 
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). The answers to your specific questions are set 
out below.  
Request One: How much did TVNZ spend on parties or holding events in 2021, 2022, 
and 2023? Could you break this down by specific events or instances of spending? 
Response One: TVNZ does not record information in the manner that you have 
requested; that is, we do not have a financial reporting category for all parties or 
events across the business. For context, TVNZ holds a variety of different events for 
different purposes; for example, internal events such as Christmas parties which are 
staff only, and external events such as programme launches for advertisers, and larger 
events for advertisers and content partners. Collating this information for each year 
will require substantial research and collation, and a charge for provision will therefore 
apply. The charge is $304. This has been calculated on an hourly rate of $76 per the 
Charging Guidelines, Please let us know if you would like to proceed with your request.  
Request Two: So far in 2024, how much has the TVNZ chief executive been 
reimbursed for expenses incurred while undertaking work activity? What were the 
figures for the entire years in 2023, 2022 and 2021?  
Response Two: Please note that for the purposes of this response (including all 
answers within this letter): 
  “Travel” expenses include all expenses that have been coded to “travel” in our 
financial reporting software. This means that expenses such as meals, parking 
and transport are included as “travel” if incurred while on business travel. 
  Accordingly, the figure set out in response 2 does not include expenses 
claimed while traveling.  
  Finally, all figures in our responses reflect TVNZ’s financial year (which runs 1 
July to 30 June).  
For FY24, the CEO was reimbursed for $523 in expenses (as above, this excludes 
travel coded expenses). 
Figures for each of 2021, 2022 and 2023 require a level of research and collation (in 
part due to a change in IT systems during this period). A charge for provision of this 
information will therefore apply. The charge is $304. This has been calculated on an 
hourly rate of $76 per the Charging Guidelines, Please let us know if you would like to 
proceed with your request.  

Request Three: How much did TVNZ spend overall on staff travel in 2021, 2022, and 
2023? Can you provide a breakdown of flights versus other travel? And: how much 
was spent on business or premium economy flights during these years? 
Response Three: The overall spend is set out in the table below.  
Financial Year 
Flight Costs 
Total Travel Expenditure 
(Includes Flight Costs) 
FY22 (1 July 2021-30 June 2022) 
FY23 (1 July 2022-30 June 2023) 
FY24 (1 July 2023-30 June 2024) 
Note that the higher figure in FY23 has been driven by significant news events 
requiring increased news travel costs including the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the 
Commonwealth Games, and Cyclone Gabrielle.  
Whether spend was for business, premium economy, or economy cannot be made 
available without significant research and collation, so this aspect of the request is 
declined in accordance with section 18(f) of the Act. However, in accordance with the 
Act’s principle of transparency and to assist with your query, we refer you to our 
Travel Policy which provides:  
Class of Travel  
  Domestic - economy class 
  International 
o  Australia and Pacific Islands – economy class 
o  Other – premium economy with CEO approval 
In exceptional circumstances the Chief Executive Officer may approve business 
class travel. Factors such as total travel time, time spent away from NZ and 
obligations immediately following travel will be considered. 
Request Four: How much has been spent on travel for the TVNZ chief executive this 
year? What were the figures for the entire years in 2023, 2022, and 2021? 
Response Four: For FY24, TVNZ spent $28,008 in travel for the CEO. As above, all 
figures in our responses represent TVNZ’s financial year (1 July to 30 June).  
Figures for each of 2021, 2022 and 2023 require a level of research and collation (in 
part due to a change in IT systems during this period) and wil  require us to consult 
with former CEOs to request their views on the provision of this information. A charge 
for provision of this information will therefore apply (in respect of the collation 
element, not the consultation element). As above, the charge is $304. This has been 
calculated on an hourly rate of $76 per the Charging Guidelines, Please let us know if 
you would like to proceed with your request.  
Request Five: How much has been spent on travel for members of the TVNZ executive 
team this year? What were the figures for the entire years in 2023, 2022, and 2021? 

Response Five: This information is as follows: 
Financial Year 
Travel Costs 
(Note travel costs include expenses incurred 
while traveling, including meals, 
accommodation, all forms of transport etc). 
FY22 (1 July 2021-30 June 2022) 
FY23 (1 July 2022-30 June 2023) 
We are unable to provide these figures for FY24 without significant collation or 
research due to a change in our executive structure and financial reporting, which 
means that costs are now attributed to each executive function (e.g. Operations, 
News and Current Affairs, Revenue etc) rather than attributed to the executive team 
as a whole. The request for travel expenditure for the executive team in FY24 is 
therefore declined in accordance with section 18(f) of the Act.  
Request Six: How much did TVNZ spend overall on Uber, taxis, or equivalent in 2023, 
2022, and 2021? 
Response Six: This information is as follows: 
Financial Year 
Domestic Taxi Costs (including Uber etc) 
FY22 (1 July 2021-30 June 2022) 
FY23 (1 July 2022-30 June 2023) 
FY24 (1 July 2023-30 June 2024) 
  Taxi costs are included in travel costs, so these costs form part of the 
responses above; they are not in addition to travel costs.  
  These figures relate only to domestic travel. Overseas transport is attributed 
to a different code in our financial reporting system and cannot be separately 
identified without significant collation or research. This aspect of your request 
is therefore declined in accordance with section 18(f) of the Act. 
Please also note the following relevant excerpt from our Travel Policy: 
Public transport should be used wherever it is reasonable and safe to do so. If 
taxis are used, use Uber in the first instance and share the ride with colleagues 
where possible to help reduce costs. 
Request Seven: How much has the TVNZ chief executive spent on Uber, taxis, or 
equivalent this year? What were the figures for the entire years in 2023 and 2022? 
Response Seven: TVNZ does not record information in the manner that you have 
requested; that is, we do not have a financial reporting category for all of the CEO’s 
road transport (whether uber or taxi or otherwise). Collating this information for each 
year will require substantial research and col ation in the form of manually reviewing 
every receipt for each of these years. This request is therefore declined on the basis 
of section 18(f) of the Act.   

Request Eight: How much have members of the TVNZ executive team spent 
specifically on Uber, taxis, or equivalent this year? What were the figures for the entire 
years in 2023, 2022 and 2021? 
Response Eight: We are unable to provide these figures for FY24 without significant 
collation or research due to a change in our executive structure and financial 
reporting, which means that costs are now attributed to each executive function (e.g. 
Operations, News and Current Affairs, Revenue etc) rather than attributed to the 
executive team as a whole. The request for travel expenditure for the executive team 
in FY24 is therefore declined in accordance with section 18(f) of the Act. 
Request Nine: What has been the financial cost associated with the legal challenges 
faced by TVNZ in the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court this 
Response Nine:  The  invoiced  amount  of  external  legal  cost  for  proceedings  in  the 
Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court regarding action taken by 
the E tū Union over the cancellation of programmes earlier this year is $275,798.15.  
Please note that section 28 of the Act sets out the circumstances in which you may 
make a complaint to the Ombudsman in order to seek an investigation and review of 
this decision. 
Yours sincerely, 
Official Information Requests Team