This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Nuclear Power in New Zealand'.
Fiona Montgomery on behalf of Ministerials
Andrea Speir
14-M-00881 Understanding Nuclear Energy
Monday, 19 May 2014 5:07:23 pm
Hi Andrea
Re Ministerial response 14-M-00881 (think you got the folder today)
See Matts suggestions
From: Matthew Smith [mailto:[email address]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014 2:10 p.m.
To: Ministerials
Subject: FW: Understanding Nuclear Energy
Hi folks
Can you please draft up a response to this Ministerial? It’s nominally climate change. Might be
worth saying that with our high use of renewables we don’t need nuclear generation. Could then
use the paragraph that the Govt is acting where we can most difference and go to agriculture
and the GRA.
From: Bibiana Marsh 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014 9:44 a.m.
To: Matthew Smith
Subject: FW: Understanding Nuclear Energy
Hi Matt – is this for FYI only?
Bibiana Marsh
Office of Hon Tim Groser
Minister of Trade | Minister for Climate Change Issues
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs
Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
From: 9(2)(a)
Sent: Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:28 a.m.
To: Ian McKelvie Feilding Office; Scott Simpson; Hon. Kate Wilkinson; N Smith; Hon. Todd McClay;
Dr Cam Calder MP - Manurewa Office; Tim Macindoe; T Groser (MIN); Colin King; Maggie Barry;
Chris Auchinvole
Subject: Fw: Understanding Nuclear Energy
Dear Bluegreens

The Keeling Curve attached on 14th April indicates how rapidly the
atmospheric changes are now happening.  This accelerating stage of climatic
equilibrium is vital to understand.  The hourly line on the 14th hit 404 ppm:
it was during the Pacific storms and the instruments were stopped.  Storms
bring down stratospheric Sulphates
captured in the atmosphere.  Sulphates can cool the earth for a short time as
it deflects the sun and conceals the buildup of other light pollutants.  The
Sulphates are absorbed by the sea which makes it acidic and the chemistry
ruins coral which is the beginning of the food chain for fish.  It also acidifies
the forests which slowly kills trees.   After this flushing of heavier
atmospheric pollutants the true trend of the heating of the planet starts to
show up. Officially and this includes over half of all the Nobel Prize winners
in Science who are still alive today have been saying that we may have at 
most ten years to turn things around and 400 ppm was the number they  had
to keep in mind as the tipping point.   This was reached May 9th 2013 – the
hourly rate of the curve has settled now but the upward trend as at May 2014
is above 401 ppm and rising. 
Now, Russian fires are auto lighting from methane captured over eons of
time and exposed by the melting permafrost.  This is contributing
atmospheric Sulphates to the amount countries that are still burning coal for
energy such as Australia Germany, China India - Refer Keeling Curve and
Scribbler Group 1, below.
During the last 2 weeks while researching this letter I became aware of
Greenpeace funding via WWF and the line back to the Koch brothers – Tea
Party Republicans plus alarmingly religions who have their money in Coal, Oil
& Gas.  Their methods to fight their only real competition – new generation
nuclear energy- are insidious and the technique at times, Hitleresque.   Globally
we have been duped.  Refer Group 1  ATMOSPHERE.   For instance, right now
their technique is to suggest the earth is cooling The Sulphates will do this for a
time but the trend is upwards.  More research shows a scientist in the Antarctic
doing Ice Cores comes from a university funded by O&G.
At this point we need the hope that peer reviewed scientists, CERN AND
ITER research might bring, but the science as yet is unproven and well
down the track.  It might also be a realistic means to develop Carbon capture
methods but again decades away. Thorium technology is close to 40 years
away from being up and running but uranium has 50 years more commercial
97% of scientists qualified in the field point out our immediate hope will be
to understand and use new generation nuclear energy – it is the one

technology advanced enough to use immediately.   Some units are small,
plug into existing grids when needed and can be at sea on a barge or
installation that would ride the swell at sea caused by a tsunami and if they
sink they would do little or no damage.
I was struck by an illness that needed a cat scan.  I had the usual fear and
lack of radiation knowledge of the average NZ’er and refused the scan.   I
now know that the radiation level for health and dentistry is centrifuged to
the same 4% level as for nuclear reactors for energy.  At each centrifuge
stage gas is taken off and reprocessed until the 4% purity is achieved.  An
explosion is impossible at this level either in a hospital or a reactor.  The gas
is formed in small pockets which are stored in glass beads and then kept in
metal rods.  A scientist gave me this analogy to explain the gap between
health and a reactor… ‘Think of a hand held torch for Health and one of
those big yellow torches used for outside purposes, for reactors’.   The waste
for reactors these days is valuable and reused.  Weapons grade has to be
96% pure and the centrifuge procedure is complicated involving huge
numbers of technicians, generators to purify the gas at each stage and which
goes to 96% purity.
We have been drip feed misinformation by the well-financed coal, oil and
gas industries with the encouragement of their unions, for decades - they
employ sophisticated advertising agencies as did the Tobacco industry and
the result is insidious.    They fund relevant departments in Universities,
media outlets where people are muted by their pay packet.  The Senate in
USA are mainly Republicans with their money making ability in oil wells,
gas and fracking .  The term LNT (Linear No-Threshold) is a low level of
radiation set in another age that is now used to create fear- most of us don’t
understand levels of radiation measurements in Becquerel's, mille and micro
Sieverts, Sieverts, Joule, Gray and this has given the oil & gas industries a
field day so far. Scientists, our dentists and doctors know the truth.  The UN
controls the LNT level and Republican representatives have voting power
there.   In Britain Whitehall has top business men as non-executives to give
civil servants business nous and BBC is a branch.  Check the background of
Lord Browne on Wikipedia and decide whether you think he’d remain -
arms- length where BBC reporters are concerned. 
NZ according to Prof. James Lovelock - excerpts attached above - said we
are going to be one of 4 surviving countries and food bowls of the globe as
the continents become deserts, but we can’t be complacent.  The Himalayas
observed in photos of the recent accident have lost snow which supplies
artesian water to many countries including China - the water goes under the

Gobi.  The snow won’t come back to where it was.   This will happen to our
Alps and means less water in the Manapouri a lake we rely on.  Lovelock
points out we will get rain because we have the mountains to precipitate it. 
My observation is that a bulk of it is going out to the narrow West Coasts
then out to sea.  I feel we need to find means to capture it actually in the
mountains up and down the country.   Irrigation plans we have now
probably won’t be enough…we may need to store water on the West Coasts
and plan the energy to pump it?
NZ’s other main source of power is geothermal.  Most of us are not mindful
of the fact Hamilton already has 80% of arsenic removed out of the drinking
water.  The water is clean at Taupo then at Waireke the waste arsenic and
mercury from the geothermal procedure leaches into the river. 
I found when I went onto talkback with the information in the Lovelock
Excerpts that my call was followed up by 5 farmers at 4.30 am one
morning.  I hope you swat up and speak out about new generation nuclear as
the ray of hope for as you notice from the references below there are top
scientists trying to reach out to you.  Their budget has never been as large as
the coal oil and gas industries that early realized that nuclear was their only
real competitor.  The majority of the scientists are parents and more
particularly grandparents.  It is those children that will be facing the
aftermath of what we have allowed to happen to this planet.     Sincerely.   
GROUP 1.  THE ATMOSPHERE  Note on 14th April during storms in the
Pacific the hourly average reached 404 ppm at which point the instruments
were closed down.
 Scroll down to ‘Why Don’t Global Surface Temperatures Trends Match
Atmospheric CO2 Increases.’  A highly relevant question…Scroll down
further - I made a Comment 5th down, giving a NZ perspective and
importantly a segment of Natalia Shakhova’s work on gas hydrates and
methane gas suspected trapped beneath
permafrost region now burning in the Arctic region.  Natalia Shakhova YouTube Published
July 2013
ebook/dp/B00E70CI6S  Go to ‘Look Inside’ on book displayed there is a
good analogy of Equilibrium – scroll down free sample chapter..
inevitable-update/  Lovelock wrote when ppm settled at 400.   Dated 19th
Feb. 2014
short-road-to-hell-living-in-a-world-at-480-co2e/     I found graph on
Nitrous Oxide interesting in this – scroll down to his N2O Nitrous Oxide
graph.…  Russian fires  What the Aussies think
of their own kind.
nuclear-phase-out-leading-more-coal-burning   German thinking on coal
00144feabdc0.html#axzz2zepQCjju  German coal use highest since 1990     Koch
and Greenpeace funding.
GROUP 2 – SCIENTIST CONTACTS.  Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information.  
Within this page you’ll find vital knowledge to understand.  The LNT
hypothesis Is flawed. Do we abandon it? Who will lead the political effort -
Nuclear industry or the medical establishment? 
Emiritus Prof .Wade Allison.  You will also find up to date material on his
Twitter page.  A little nuclear radiation is quite harmless and in a world of other
dangers -- social and economic instability, global warming, population growth, shortages
of power, food and water -- the pursuit of the lowest possible radiation levels is in
nobody's best interest. Levels should be permitted as high as is relatively safe
(AHARS). Radiation, far from being a major cause of cancer, is one of its major cures
through radiotherapy applied in every major hospital.  S.A.R.I. Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information
reactivate-nuclear-power-plants-and-expand-thermal-capacity.html   - 11th
March Japan reactivating
reactors also developing use of thermal potential of reactors.  Japan reuses
nuclear waste.  Rod Adams Pro-nuclear advocate with extensive small
nuclear plant operating experience.  UK energy grid.  I found this helpful in understanding the O&G
propaganda techniques  Robert Stone DVD available in NZ or for hire.  Geoff Sleeman wrote
Extinction: The Climatic Time Bomb/Kindle download, in NZ at same time
as Robert Stone began his film in USA – both influenced by Wade Allison

Published by Penguin in 2006 
From Chapter 1 
….”Some parts of the world may escape the worst.  The northern regions of Canada, 
Scandinavia and Siberia, where not inundated by the rising ocean will remain 
habitable and so will oases on the continents, mostly in mountain regions where snow 
and rain still fall.  But the more important exceptions to this planet-wide distress will 
be the island nations of Japan, Tasmania, New Zealand, the British Isles and 
numerous small islands.  Even in the Tropics, global heating may not disable island 
communities such as those on the Hawaiian Islands, Taiwan or the Phillipines.  The 
British Isles and New Zealand will among the least affected by global heating.  Their 
temperate oceanic position is likely to favour a climate able to sustain abundant 
agriculture.  They will be among the lifeboats for humanity.  For the nations that 
occupy the continents, all may depend on their population density……. 
……..I hope that the Green Movement and their attendant lawyers do not continue 
their mistaken opposition to nuclear energy.  Most of it is irrational and based on an 
unsustainable concatenation of mistakes and misinformation that are amplified by the 
media.  It would be good if journalists and editors tempered their desire to tell a scary 
story with the reality that without an ample supply of nuclear energy life on our 
islands may in one or two decades decline to a state of poverty.  By putting humanity 
first, and neglecting Gaia too many Greens have sown the seeds of their own 
destruction and, if they persist, ours as well;  they could mitigate their error by 
dropping their delaying tactics against nuclear energy more importantly they would be 
helping to power the lifeboat not, as now, sabotaging its engine. 
……It is absurd to think that we in the UK can alter the earth’s response in our favour 
by using wind or solar voltaic energy.  A wind farm of twenty 1MW turbines requires 
over 10,000 tonnes of concrete.  It would require 200 of these wind farms covering an 
area the size of Dartmoor to equal the constant power output of a single coal-fired or 
nuclear power station.  Even more absurd, a full sized nuclear or coal fired power 
station would have to be built for each of these monster wind farms for the 75% of 
time when the wind was either too high or too low.  As if this were not enough to 
damn wind energy, the construction of a 1GW wind farm would use a quantity of 
concrete 2 million tonnes, sufficient to build a town for 100,000 people living in 
30,000 homes.  Making and using that quantity of concrete would release about 1 
million tons of carbon dioxide into the air…..”