Lauren Riddle
Lauren McDonald
Thursday, 1 August 2019 11:52 a.m.
Community Board - Otago Peninsula 2016-2019
FW: Tomahawk Road Safety Improvements- Action List for Otago Peninsular Community Board
August 2019
Chicane Cycleways P.3.pdf; Chicane P.1.pdf; Chicane P.2 pdf.pdf; Chicane Cycleways P.1.pdf;
Chicane Cycleways P.2.pdf; Speed Humps.pdf
Good Morning
Please find below an email response from Richard Saunders, Group Manager Transport on the
Tomahawk Road
Safety Improvements project which was raised at our June meeting for an update.
This report will also be included in the Chairperson’s Report at the 8 August meeting.
Lauren McDonald
Governance Support Officer
P 03 477 4000 |
DD 03 474 3428 |
E [email address] Dunedin City Council, 50 The Octagon, Dunedin
PO Box 5045, Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
From: Richard Saunders
Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:17 a.m.
To: Paul Pope <[email address]>
Cc: James Tyson <[email address]>; Hjarne Poulsen <[email address]>; Lauren McDonald
<[email address]>
Subject: FW: Tomahawk Road - Action List for Otago Peninsular Comm Board August 2019
Morning Paul
Sorry for the delay on this one. Here is an update on the following action from the OPCB action list:
OPCB 31 January 2019 meeting :
Tomahawk Road – Safety matters - Speed humps – Richard Saunders confirmed looking at improvements in road
Action: The Community Board to receive a copy of the letter before it is issued to the community on feedback re
installation of speed humps.
Please advise what is the status of the Tomahawk Road Safety Improvements project?
The safety team have developed a number of concepts for Tomahawk Road. I have attached these for the boards
Option 1: Speedhumps – Install rubber speed humps at even spacings along Tomahawk Rd to achieve vehicle speeds
of 30-40kmph.
Option 2: Chicane – Install 4 chicane’s. Buildouts will be trialled first as bollards.
Option 3: Chicane cycleways – Install 4 chicane’s and paint cycle lanes. Buildouts will be trialled first as bollards.
The key difference in the chicane options is that one provides a dedicated lane for cyclists on the outside of the
buildouts where the other option requires cyclists and drivers to share the space through the chicane and cyclists
would be required to follow the same give way rules as drivers when approaching the chicane.
Depending on board feedback on the proposals staff could progress to consultation with the community on the
attached options. The plan would be to trial one of the options through temporary speed humps or with markings
and bollards for the chicane and then seek further feedback on the success of the trial before a permanent proposal
is implemented.
The issue for us at present is that NZTA have withdrawn any additional funding for minor safety improvement during
the current NLTP period. This is an about turn on previous messages from them that additional funding was
available to accelerate safety improvements. DCC is over-committed in the minor improvement space currently and
we are having to prioritise our spending over the next two years carefully.
Tomahawk will also be included as a site for driver feedback signs in future. These are a good tool for making drivers
aware of their speed.
The team will be interested to hear the thoughts of the board before progressing to a discussion with the
community. Please respond to James Tyson and copy Hjane in following the next board meeting and they will
progress this work.
Document Outline