This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Equipment on Appliances Westcoast/Tasman/Marlborough'.

National Headquarters 
Fire and Emergency New Zealand 
National Headquarters 
Spark Central, Level 7 
42-52 Willis Street 
Wellington Central 
Wellington 6011 
Phone +64 4 496 3600 
27 September 2024  
             Ref: 15353 
Harwood Wilson 
[FYI request #28101 email]  
Tēnā koe Harwood 
Thank you for your request of 18 August 2024, to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, asking for 
information relating to equipment carried on appliances in the Westcoast, Tasman, Nelson & 
Marlborough areas. Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 
(OIA) and our response is below. 
1.  List of minimum equipment required to be carried on type 1 appliances. 
Please find attached, as Appendix One to this response, the standard equipment list for type 1 
2.  List of minimum equipment required to be carried on type 2 pump appliances and type 2 
PRT appliances. 
Please find attached, as Appendix Two to this response, the standard equipment list for type 2 
3.  List of minimum equipment required to be carried on any rural or similar type appliance 
acting as callsign "1,2,3" 
There is no standard equipment list for rural appliances on the West Coast, Tasman, Nelson, or 
Marlborough areas for the following reasons: 
•  The types of appliances and available locker space varies across our brigades. The types of 
appliances include double cab rural trucks, single cab 4X4 trucks and type 1 urban 
appliances. Due to this we add or remove equipment to utilise the space where possible. 
•  The different types of appliances have differing axle weight limits that we must adhere to. 
This means the amount of gear carried varies depending on the type of appliance. 
•  Brigades vary the type of equipment carried depending on the risk profile of the 
community and the types of calls that each brigade attends.   

•  Brigades are trained in differing skills sets, for example, external attack firefighting or 
medical response. As a result, we adapt the type of equipment carried for these differing 
skill sets. 
As no standard equipment list exists for rural appliances in these areas, or rural appliances 
nationally, this aspect of your request is refused under section 18(e) of the OIA, as the document 
alleged to contain the information requested does not exist. 
4.  List of Breathing apparatus carried on front line appliances, be that urban or rural within 
the Westcoast, Tasman, Nelson & Marlborough areas. Please include the appliance call 
sign and number of BA each. 

Please find attached, as Appendix Three to this response, a list of the appliances carrying 
breathing apparatus (BA). Appliances carrying BA carry a set of four as standard.  
5.  List appliances carrying MVA cutting tools, be that a full compliment or minimal of either 
urban or rural appliances within the Westcoast, Tasman, Nelson & Marlborough areas. 
Please include the appliance call sign. 

Please refer to Appendix Three for a list of appliances carrying motor vehicle accident (MVA) 
cutting tools. 
6.  Are their any current planned changes to appliances carrying BA or MVA cutting 
equipment within the above areas? 
There are no planned changes to the allocation of equipment in the Nelson and Marlborough 
areas. Recently, Whataroa Volunteer Fire Brigade has removed a set of MVA cutting tools that 
have reached end of life. They are not a Pump Rescue Tender (PRT) brigade, and the equipment 
was rarely used. A neighbouring station now has PRT.  
We removed some MVA cutting tools from Franz Josef Volunteer Fire Brigade for similar reasons 
as above and this equipment will be replaced with patient access equipment through this year’s 
Capex bid. The station is isolated and, as a result, it can take significant time to reach them.   
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602. 
We trust that the information being provided is of assistance. If you require further information, 
please email [FENZ request email]  
Please note that because of the identified public interest in the information that you have 
requested, we intend to publish this response on our website. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Aidan Saunders 
Manager, Information Requests