This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Official Information Request to the Ministry of Transport Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding'.

25 September 2024 
Ben Watkins 
[FYI request #28001 email] 
Tēnā koe Ben, 
I refer to your email dated 10 August 2024, requesting the following under the Of icial Information 
Act 1982 (the Act): 
“Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all 
formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft documents, reports, memos, letters, 
notes, electronic communications, transcripts, visual presentations, photography, and 
video/audio recordings containing information pertaining to geo-engineering, weather 
modification and Solar Radiation Management/Mitigation (SRM) with particular emphasis on 
cloud seeding, marine cloud brightening/engineering/seeding and Stratospheric Aerosol 
Injection (SAI). 
Additionally, please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any 
and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft documents, reports, memos, 
letters, notes, electronic communications, transcripts, visual presentations, photography, and 
video/audio recordings containing information pertaining to barium, nano aluminium-coated 
fibreglass (known as chaff), radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, copper sulphate, nickel, 
strontium, graphene, desiccated blood, mould spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene 
dibromide and polymer fibres with relation to their uses, or potential uses, in geo-engineering, 
weather modification, Solar Radiation Management/Mitigation, cloud seeding and Stratospheric 
Aerosol Injection. 
And Finally, please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any 
and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft documents, reports, memos, 
letters, notes, electronic communications, transcripts, visual presentations, photography, and 
video/audio recordings containing information pertaining to any mention of smart particles, 
nano machines, nano aerosols, nano-particulates or nano-sized aluminium particles with 
relationship, if any, to geo-engineering, weather modification, Solar Radiation 
Management/Mitigation, cloud seeding and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.” 
on 11 September 2024, we reached out to you to clarify the scope of the request: 
“We’d like to reach out to confirm the scope of your OIA request. 
During our consultation process we have been advised that you have requested the 
same information from NIWA and have recently refined the scope of your request to : | 
HEAD OFFICE: PO Box 3175, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. PH: +64 4 439 9000 
AUCKLAND OFFICE: NZ Government Auckland Policy Office, PO Box 106483, Auckland 1143, New Zealand. PH: +64 4 439 9000 

‘’all information your department has on Cloud Seeding, Stratospheric Aerosol 
Injection, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Brightening’’.
Currently, the Ministry of Transport only holds information related to marine 
engineering. Based on this information, we want to confirm if you are interested in 
continuing with your request and receiving this information’’  
On 15 September 2024, you emailed the Ministry clarifying the scope of your request by noting 
“In your ministry's response, you state: "Currently, the Ministry of Transport only holds 
information related to marine engineering."  
I assume that this is quite literally to do with the mechanical operation of maritime 
vehicles and infrastructure? I'm not at all interested in that. I'm looking for any 
information the Ministry of Transport may hold on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, 
Marine Cloud Brightening, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding. 
Please provide any information the ministry may have on these above listed topics’’. 
We further advised via email that the Ministry does not hold any information related to ‘’ 
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Marine Cloud Brightening, Solar Radiation Management 
and Cloud Seeding’’, and that the only documents we have pertain specifically to Ocean 
We are now responding to your request in accordance with what we advised via previous 
I am refusing your request under the following section of the Act: 
that the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist 
or, despite reasonable ef orts to locate it, cannot be found 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by the Ombudsman, in 
accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. The relevant details can be found on the Ombudsman’s 
The Ministry publishes our Of icial Information Act responses and the information contained in our 
reply to you may be published on the Ministry website. Before publishing we wil  remove any 
personal or identifiable information. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Nick Paterson 
Manager Environment | 
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