National Headquarters
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
National Headquarters
Spark Central, Level 7
42-52 Willis Street
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
Phone +64 4 496 3600
4 October 2024
Ref: 15581
E Marshall
[FYI request #27991 email] Tēnā koe E
Thank you for your request of 6 September 2024, to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, requesting
the following information:
Thank you for providing this, and the total figure is part of the request however I may not
have made myself clear in my request. Please could you provide me with the costings
broken down per line rather than a sing figure total cost.
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
Please find attached, as an
Appendix to this response, the annual costing for each building in use
by Fire and Emergency in Canterbury and Mid-South Canterbury.
Fire and Emergency NZ is an organisation in the heart of its communities, which delivers public
good and is largely crewed by volunteers. We are mainly funded by insurance levies and benefit
from community donations at a local level.
We rely on community leases of public land and, in some cases, generous lease conditions by
members of the public. This enables our fire stations to be sited to serve communities. These are
often at a nominal sum to reflect the public good that the fire station and associated volunteer
workforce brings to the community.
We trust that the information being provided is of assistance. If you require further information,
please email [FENZ request email].
Nāku noa, nā
Aidan Saunders
Manager, Information Requests