Reference: 20240642
13 January 2025
Regan Gibbons
[FYI request #27961 email]
Dear Regan
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act (OIA) request, received on 7 August 2024. You
requested the following:
The current investment holdings of Crown Financial Institutions in the following companies,
broken down by market value and percentage of fund:
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.
Bezeq, the Israel Telecommunication Corp Ltd Booking Holdings Inc Energix Renewable
Energies Ltd General Mil s Inc Motorola Solutions Inc TripAdvisor Inc Expedia Group Inc
Israel Discount Bank Ltd Alstom S.A.
Altice Europe N.V.
As advised on 13 August 2024, the Treasury does not hold information relating to your request,
but we believed information of relevance could be held by the New Zealand Superannuation
Fund (NZSF), Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Government Superannuation Fund
Authority (GSF) and National Provident Fund (NPF). You were provided with contact details for
these agencies should you wish to request information from them directly. In addition, you were
provided with publicly available information relating to NZSF.
The Treasury understands that you were not satisfied with our response. I have therefore
decided under sections 14(b)(i) and 14(b)(i ) of the Official Information Act to transfer your
request, this is because Treasury does not hold a copy of this information and we believe that
some of the information you have requested is more closely connected with the functions of the
above named departments.
In the case of GSF and NPF, I wil be transferring the request to Annuitas Management Limited
(AML) who provide secretariat services to both organisations. As AML wil be considering the
release of information on behalf of both and GSF and NPF, only one transfer letter is required in
respect to those agencies.
NZSF, ACC and AML have 20 working days from receipt of this transfer to make a decision on
your request.
Yours sincerely
Glen Thomson
Manager, Commercial & Institutional Performance: Investment
1 The Terrace
PO Box 3724
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
tel. +64-4-472-2733