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Official Correspondence
[email address]
Arina Lala
Tuesday, 6 August 2024 4:52:00 PM
NZT-9579-2 Response.pdf
Kia ora Diane
Please find attached a response from Howard Cattermole - Chief Financial Officer, to your
correspondence of 9 July 2024
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services 
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships 
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
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From: Councillor Diane Calvert <[email address]
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 1:01 PM
To: [email address]; Nicole Rosie <[email address]>
Cc: Councillor Nicola Young <[email address]>; Councillor Tony Randle
<[email address]>; Councillor Ray Chung <[email address]>
Subject: Thorndon Quay, Wellington - transport project
Kia ora Simon and Nicole
Please attached a letter from four Wellington City Councillors articulating their concerns and that
of many constituents (residents and businesses) that they represent in respect of the work being
currently undertaken on Thorndon Quay (funded 51% by NZTA).
Councillor Diane Calvertunder the Official Information Act 1982
Wellington City Council | Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
P s 9(2)(a)  | E [email address] | W | F dianecalvertnz | T dianecalvertnz | W
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44 Bowen Street 
Private Bag 6995 
Wellington 6141 
New Zealand 
T 64 4 894 5400 
F 64 4 894 6100 
6 August 2024 
Council or Diane Calvert  
Council or Ray Chung 
Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward 
Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward 
Wel ington City Council   
Wel ington City Council  
Council or Tony Randle 
Council or Nicola Young 
Takapū/Northern Ward 
Pukehīnau/Lambton Ward 
Wel ington City Council 
Wel ington City Council 
c/o [email address] 
Ref. NZT-9579 
Dear Council ors Calvert, Chung, Randle and Young 
Thank you for your letter of 9 July 2024 to Simon Bridges, Board Chair, and Nicole Rosie, Chief 
Executive, concerning the delivery of Wel ington City Council’s (the Council) Thorndon Quay project. 
Your letter has been referred to me for response. 
I wil  respond to each point listed in your letter in turn below. 
Address the significant public concerns raised about the design in terms of the raised 
crossings (including proposed numbers) and the lack of investment in renewing the 
ageing water infrastructure. 
In making decisions to invest in land transport projects, the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) 
Board considers public feedback. NZTA was satisfied that the LGWM programme had carried out a 
robust consultation process on the Thorndon Quay Hutt Road (TQHR) project. This included alignment 
with the Let’s Get Wel ington Moving (LGWM) objectives and the Government Policy Statement on 
land transport (GPS) 2021. NZTA was represented on the LGWM Governance Group, which oversaw 
under the Official Information Act 1982
how the different feedback (both in support and opposed to different elements of the project) was 
Regarding the lack of investment in renewing the aging water infrastructure, it is not NZTA’s role to 
ensure that the Council has sufficient funding and planning underway for underground infrastructure. 
Funding from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) must only be used for land transport 
purposes. As such, the NLTF cannot be used to fund the renewal of water infrastructure. 

Ensure the ongoing suitability of the project design. 
The NLTF funding decision was based on information available at the time.  It is the responsibility of 
the Council through its Project Manager and governance arrangements to ensure the ongoing 
suitability of the project design through detailed design and construction processes.  
NLTF funding is linked to the GPS, and NZTA continues to ensure that investment is aligned to the 
current transport priorities. If the Council wishes to change the design and/or scope of the TQHR 
project from what was approved, the Council is required to apply for NZTA’s approval of the 
Ensure that construction adheres to agreed-upon specifications. 
NZTA is not the contract signatory for the project. It is up to the Council officials to ensure the 
specifications are met through the construction process. 
Implement robust quality assurance measures to guarantee the efficacy of NZTA's 
contribution and the realisation of anticipated benefits. 
NZTA works to ensure investment is in line with the Government Policy Statement on land transport 
(GPS). Projects must achieve the following four main areas: 
•  agreed scope of works, 
•  agreed funding to complete the works, 
•  generate benefits and outcomes aligned to the GPS, and  
•  ensure the project provides value for money. 
NZTA also applies a range of levers prior to and after making an investment decision. Levers after 
investment decision include: 
Non-compliance with a 
Inform the AO that a condition is not met and therefore claims wil  
not be paid out of the NLTF. 
NZTA may decline to approve a change in scope or increase in 
Changes in scope or cost 
costs of a past investment. 
NZTA may withhold payment, or part payment, against a claim as 
Withholding payment 
enabled under section 36 of Land Transport Management Act 
NZTA may request reimbursement of funds where an NZTA audit 
under the Official Information Act 1982
identifies claims where funding has been applied outside of 
investment guidelines, e.g. fraud or expenditure outside of NZTA 
funding applications. 
NZTA may notify an AO of NZTA requirements that need to be met 
if the AO is seeking subsequent funding. This may arise out of an 
audit or from issues encountered through monitoring of the AO.  
Meeting NZTA requirements   
NZTA may request the AO make an improvement in reporting, 
procurement practices, governance, cost estimations, etc. This 

would not affect a past investment decision but would affect future 
investment decisions. 
If an AO encounter delays with a project, the AO is required to re-
forecast its cashflows. Where this results in a reduced NLTF 
commitment in the NLTP period, that reduction can be real ocated 
to other activities within the activity class (or in limited 
circumstances, may be reallocated to another activity class). 
In the case of the TQHR project, I can confirm that an Investment Quality Assurance (IQA) and 
independent peer review were completed in 2022. The IQA ensured the business case submitted to 
NZTA was fit for purpose. NZTA’s own assessment at the time was that the project aligned with the 
GPS 2021 priorities, delivered the right outcomes and value for money. The decision in July 2023 
reconfirmed this earlier decision and approved a cost increase with no scope change. 
NZTA has been requested by the Minister of Transport to review al  projects to ensure alignment to the 
GPS 2024. NZTA wil  work closely with the Council to understand the impacts of changes to the TQHR 
project and identify potential options for resolution, where necessary. 
If you would like to discuss this matter further with NZTA, you are welcome to contact the Ministerial 
Services team by email at [NZTA request email]. 
Yours sincerely 
Howard Cattermole 
Chief Financial Officer 
under the Official Information Act 1982