This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Council's day to day services'.

4 September 2024 
File Ref: IRC-6839  
Geoff Palmer 
[FYI request #27852 email] 
Tēnā koe Mr Palmer 
Thank you for your email of 29 July 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council (the 
Council) requesting the following information: 
On the web page "Your Wel ington City Council rates, explained", 
and-events%2Fnews-and-information%2Four-wel ington%2F2024%2F07%2Frates-
0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=93VubEigv30C8hBPAFENQyoFlUKRPlq6ViUu3nAam3w%3D&reserved=0), it 
says, "Rates help Wel ington City Council deliver more than 400 day-to-day services..."  
Can I have a list of these services, please? 
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 
1987 (LGOIMA). Please see our response below and the Excel file attached.  
How we define ‘service’  
The Local Government Act states that one of the purposes of local government is to promote the 
social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the 
Within the legislative context of activities, and for the purpose of answering your question, the Council 
considers ‘day-to-day services’ to be actions or sets of actions provided to meet needs or demands of 
Wel ingtonians and the city. These are provided by, or on behalf of, the Council and include:  
•  The provision of infrastructure assets, facilities and amenities  
•  The making of grants  
•  The performance of regulatory and other governmental functions.  
In accordance with the different parameters outlined in the Local Government Act 2002, Wellington 
City Council considers it:  
•  Makes available:  The service is provided for use by the public or for public and city benefit. 
Council may provide services directly or some wil  be provided by others on behalf of the 
•  Manages: The Council provides a day-to-day service through operating, processing or 
oversees assets, facilities or amenities, grants or regulatory functions.  
•  Maintains: The Council renews or upgrades an asset, facility or amenity, reviews grants, and 
updates regulatory functions according to any changes.  

For some services, al  three of the areas above apply. For example, we provide swimming pools, we 
also manage the day-to-day operations of the pools, including lifeguards and learn-to-swim 
programmes, and maintain the assets to ensure the service continues.   
Our services are grouped within seven strategic activity areas which are outlined below. This is the 
framework within which those services operate.   
•  Governance – information, consultation and decision-making, and public engagement 
(including engagement with Māori residents and mana whenua partners),  
•  Environment and infrastructure – gardens and beaches, green open spaces, waste 
reduction and energy conservation, environmental conservation attractions and the quarry, 
drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater,  
•  Economic development – city promotions, events and attractions, and business support,  
•  Cultural wellbeing – gal eries and museums, community arts and cultural support, and arts 
•  Social and recreation – libraries, recreation facilities and programmes, housing and 
community support,  
•  Urban development – urban planning and policy, heritage and character protection, and 
public spaces development,  
•  Transport – transport planning and policy, transport networks and parking. 
The list attached provides the services under each of these seven areas. Along with those listed, each 
activity/group of activities, as well as each physical asset, facility and/or amenity, may have many 
(sometimes hundreds) additional services associated with it. 
Our services can also be grouped into those carried out on behalf of Wel ington (for example, creating 
and setting bylaws, and applying for funding from Central Government for infrastructure), and services 
that customers may choose to access or receive (for example, recreation facilities and building 
consent services).  
The list of services includes those funded through rates as well as other funding sources. For 
example, facilities such as swimming pools and recreation centres, are part-funded through rates and 
part-funded through admission charges. Our Council-controlled organisations (for example, 
Wel ington Zoo and Wel ington Water Limited) also receive funding from the Council and are charged 
with delivering services on our behalf, however they are also funded through other sources. 
Further information about our services can be found on our website -  Wellington City Council Long-
term Plan 2024-2034.  
Please note while the attached list has been provided, there are over 1000 service interactions that 
can be grouped under over 40 service categories. The list provided has been produced on the above 
definition and should be understood to not be an exhaustive list.   
If you require further information, please contact [email address].  
Nāku noa, nā 
Chelsea McHugh 
Senior Advisor Of icial Information 
Complaints & Information Assurance 
Wellington City Council 
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