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COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry

Investigator Group
Lead investigators
Dr Lynn Sadler, perinatal epidemiologist, University of Auckland and Auckland District Health
Associate Professor Katie Groom, maternal fetal medicine subspecialist, University of Auckland
and  Auckland  District  Health  Board.  ON  TRACK  Network  National  Executive  Committee
Associate  Professor  Nicola  Austin,  neonatal  paediatrician,  Canterbury  District  Health  Board.
Paediatric Society of New Zealand (President)
Dr Kasey Tawhara, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Lakes District Health Board. Te Kāhui Oranga
ō  Nuku  Royal  Australian  and  New  Zealand  College  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynaecologists  (New
Zealand Office) He Hono Wāhine (member). Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Porou
Ms Rebecca Hay, research midwife, University of Auckland
Ms Laura Mackay, clinical research coordinator, University of Auckland
Ms Julie Arthur, senior midwife, Hawkes Bay District Health Board. Lead New Zealand Midwifery
Leaders Forum, Midwifery Director
Associate  Professor  Nicola  Austin,  neonatal  paediatrician,  Canterbury  District  Health  Board.
Paediatric Society of New Zealand (President)
Dr  Malcolm  Battin,  neonatal  paediatrician,  Auckland  District  Health  Board.  New  Zealand
Newborn Network (Chairperson), Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network
Dr Sarah Corbett, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Counties Manukau Health
Professor Stuart Dalziel, emergency medicine paediatrician, Auckland District Health Board and
University of Auckland, New Zealand Paediatric Emergency Departments Network (Chairperson)
Dr Matthew Drake, obstetric anaesthetist, Auckland District Health Board. New Zealand National
Obstetric Anaesthetic Leaders Network (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Leigh Duncan, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Hawkes Bay District Health Board. Te Kāhui
Oranga ō Nuku Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(New Zealand Office) He Hono Wāhine (Chairperson), Taranaki Tūturu
Dr  Mavis  Duncanson,  public  health  physician  and  epidemiologist,  University  of  Otago.  New
Zealand Paediatric Surveillance Unit (Co-Director)
Ms Alison Eddy, senior midwife. New Zealand College of Midwives (Chief Executive)
Dr Christina Fullerton, consumer. PhD Food Science, University of Auckland. Postharvest scientist
Plant and Food Research, Auckland
Ms Kass Jane, Senior Advisor Maternity, Ministry of Health
Tamara Karu, midwife and childbirth educator, Te Puna Oranga (Waikato District Health Board
Maori Health Unit). Hapu Wananga Kaupapa Maori Antenatal Education (Waikato District Health
Board, Ngāti Taratokanui, Ngāti Tamaterā 
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The COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry Protocol 
Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Professor  Judith  McAra-Couper,  senior  midwife.  Auckland  University  of  Technology,  National
Maternity Monitoring Group (Chairperson)
Dr  Colin  McArthur,  intensive  care  physician,  Auckland  District  Health  Board.  Short  Period
Incidence  Study  of  Severe  Acute  Respiratory  Infection  (SPRINT-SARI)  Lead  Investigator  (New
Dr Claire McLintock, obstetric physician, Auckland District Health Board, Australasian Maternity
Outcomes Surveillance Survey (investigator)
Dr Sally Roberts, infectious disease physician, Auckland District Health Board  
Dr  John  Tait,  obstetrician  and  gynaecologist,  Capital  and  Coast  District  Heath  Board,  Royal
Australian  and  New  Zealand  College  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynaecologists  (Vice  President),
Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee (Chairperson)
Te Rukutia Tongaawhikau, consumer, National Public Health Leader for Kaiwhakarite Bicultural
Relationships for Problem Gambling Foundation Services and Addiction Leadership Network for
midlands district health boards (member). Taranaki, Araukuuku & Ngā Puhi
Dr  Sue  Tutty,  general  practitioner,  Local  Doctors  East  Tamaki.  Royal  New  Zealand  College  of
General Practitioners (representative)
Dr Lesley Voss, paediatric infectious disease physician, Auckland District Health Board
Dr Michelle Wise, obstetrician and gynaecologist, University of Auckland and Auckland District
Health Board. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists New
Zealand COVID O&G Network (Co-Chairperson)
Libby Whyte, consumer,  licensed cadastral surveyor, Alexandra, Otago

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The COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry Protocol 
Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Management Team
Dr Lynn Sadler, Associate Professor Katie Groom, Associate Professor Nicola Austin, Ms Rebecca
Hay, Ms Laura Mackay and Dr Kasey Tawhara

Contact details
Dr Lynn Sadler

T 021535187
E [email address] OR [email address]
A National Women’s Health, Auckland City Hospital, 2 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023

Associate Professor Katie Groom
T +64 9 373 7599 ext 89823 or 0212459622
E [email address]
A Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland, Building 503, Level 2, 85 Park Road, Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142

Associate Professor Nicola Austin
T +64 27 229 0598
E [email address]
A Department of Child Health, Canterbury District Health  Board, PO Box 1600, Christchurch 8140

Ms Rebecca Hay
T 027 453 6992
E [email address]
A Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland, Building 503, Level 2, 85 Park Road, Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, NZ

Ms Laura Mackay
T +64 9 373 7599 ext 81366
E [email address]
A Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland, Building 503, Level 2, 85 Park Road, Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, NZ

Dr Kasey Tawhara
T 0273229244
E [email address]
A Rotorua Hospital, Corner Arawa Street and Pukeroa Road, Private Bag 3023, Rotorua 3046

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The COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry Protocol 
Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Severe  acute  respiratory  syndrome  coronavirus  2  (SARS-CoV-2)  is  the  cause  of  the  pandemic
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Only small numbers of births have been reported among
women infected with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy and, to date, these are almost exclusively
reports of births to women infected in the third trimester of pregnancy who were severely unwell
including approximately 50% of cases complicated by pneumonia. Within these small case series
and reports a disproportionate number of babies were born before 37 weeks and by caesarean
section.1 Previous influenza epidemics including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
(SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and influenza A virus
subtype H1N1 (H1N1) were all associated with severe illness and mortality in pregnant women.
As yet, no reliable data are available for rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant populations or
on pregnancy outcomes for women, or neonatal outcomes for their infants, affected by COVID-19
in pregnancy whether unwell and requiring hospital admission or for those who remain well and
are managed within the community.
Risk of in utero or vertical transmission is currently unknown.2  Inconclusive evidence from China
based on IgG/IgM data only in three babies suggests vertical transmission may occur. Previous
data on nine babies with RT-PCR (also from China) suggested no in utero transmission.3 The risk
of  horizontal  transmission  from  mother  to  newborn  baby  after  birth  is  also  unknown.  New
Zealand is taking a pragmatic approach to newborn care after maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection,
encouraging breastfeeding and joint self-isolation of mother and baby with physical distancing
and mask and hand hygiene for contact. This is different from some other countries where babies
have been isolated from their mothers. The safety of each approach is yet to be determined.
Establishing  the  COVID-19  in  Pregnancy  New  Zealand  Registry  will  allow  us  to  provide  New
Zealand specific data on how common COVID-19 in pregnancy is; what are the risks of severe
illness for pregnant women; if there is any effect on unborn babies, such as pregnancy loss or
congenital anomaly if they are infected early in pregnancy, or fetal growth restriction, or preterm
birth if infected later in pregnancy; and what are the risks for the newborn from in utero infection
or infection at or soon after birth.

Relevant Studies on COVID-19 Infection in New Zealand
The  Australian  and  New  Zealand  Intensive  Care  Society  (ANZICS)  Clinical  Trial  Group  has
commenced collection of COVID-19 data via an international collaboration called the Short Period
Incidence Study of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection4 (SPRINT-SARI) Study. SPRINT-SARI began
in 2016 to establish research preparedness for future pandemics. SPRINT-SARI will collect data
in eight (and possibly a further three) hospitals in New Zealand. Only two of these hospitals are
planning to collect data on all hospital admissions with COVID-19, with most only collecting data
on intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. No collection of data from community managed cases is
currently planned. SPRINT-SARI data includes a limited amount of data on pregnancy, including
gestation  at  diagnosis/time  of  admission  to  hospital,  stage  of  pregnancy  (antepartum  or
postpartum) at diagnosis of infection, pregnancy outcome (live or still birth), date of birth, viral
testing and results of viral testing of babies of mothers with COVID-19, along with comprehensive
clinical information on ICU admission. Dr Colin McArthur, the New Zealand lead on SPRINT-SARI,
1 Cochrane review of cases reported 26/3/2020;
2 Kimberlin DW, Stagno S. JAMA. Published online March 26, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.4868
3 Chen  H, Guo  J, Wang  C,  et al.  Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of
COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records.  Lancet.
2020;395(10226):809-815. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30360-3
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has agreed in principal to share data on pregnant women in New Zealand who are included in the
SPRINT-SARI study.  
We are also aware of other potential COVID-19 studies and data collection systems in pregnancy
that are being considered.
The Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System (AMOSS) was established in 2009 to
provide  a  surveillance  system  for  selected  severe  maternal  morbidities.  Case  identification  is
performed prospectively with retrospective data collection to allow incidence reporting and case-
control studies. AMOSS is planning to collect data on COVID-19 in pregnancy in some Australian
states (confirmed in New South Wales) and this study could include New Zealand. They are in the
early stages of developing their response, which will follow their usual process, co-opting local
coordinators of the New Zealand Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee (PMMRC)
in each district health board to collect data. This will provide data retrospectively and so will not
be able to provide contemporaneous information on the developing pandemic of infection in New
Zealand.  Dr  Claire  McLintock,  a  Chief  Investigator  of  the  AMOSS  group,  and  Dr  John  Tait,
Chairperson of the PMMRC, support a New Zealand specific approach to collection of data about
COVID-19 in pregnancy.
Clinicians and researchers from Melbourne, Australia, are also planning to collect pregnancy data
on COVID-19 in Victoria. They have approached maternal fetal medicine subspecialists in other
states in Australia and New Zealand to contribute state and country data. It is likely that these
researchers  will  work  with  AMOSS  to  create  a  single  COVID-19  in  pregnancy  reporting/data
collection system for Australian states.
While joining an Australian system may be feasible there are several advantages to New Zealand
having its own registry. These include:
•  New Zealand specific methodology to ensure all cases are identified;
•  Opportunity to safeguard use of New Zealand data;
•  Prioritise equity and Māori;
•  Ensure control of data for early reporting and ongoing review to assist in the national
COVID-19 pandemic response;
•  Data  can  be  interpreted  in  the  context  of  New  Zealand’s  unique  maternity  healthcare
system and New Zealand’s policies and approach to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any  New  Zealand  specific  dataset  can  be  created  to  be  compatible  with  other  international
datasets such as those planned, e.g., in Australia, and those already established, e.g., in the United
Kingdom via the United Kingdom Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS), which commenced data
collection on 1st March 2020 but will only include COVID-19 in pregnancy cases where hospital
admission occurred. Ensuring compatibility will allow for a global perspective on COVID-19 in
pregnancy as well as comparisons between countries.
We are also aware of other potential COVID-19 studies and data collection systems for neonates
and children and other relevant specialist groups that are being considered.
The  Australian  and  New  Zealand  Neonatal  Network  (ANZNN)  was  established  in  1994  as  a
collaboration  of  all  neonatal  intensive  care  and  special  care  units  across  New  Zealand  and
Australia. Within New Zealand all secondary and tertiary units providing newborn special care
contribute data. All units provide a core dataset of outcomes to a clinical quality registry to enable
benchmarking  and  collaborative  audit,  as  well  as  to  facilitate  research.  ANZNN  are  currently
planning to extend their dataset to include all admissions to neonatal units of newborns of COVID-
19 positive mothers and/or COVID-19 positive newborns. They do not plan to collect data on
newborns of COVID-19 positive mothers and/or COVID-19 positive newborns who are cared for
on postnatal wards, in primary birthing units or in the community. It is likely that ANZNN will
collaborate with the International Network for Evaluation of Outcomes (iNeo) of Neonates which
will  include  data  from  a  number  of  national  neonatal  networks.  Dr  Malcolm  Battin  is  the
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Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Chairperson the New Zealand Newborn Network and a New Zealand representative in ANZNN.
We  will  work  with  all  New  Zealand  units  to  ensure  data  collection  is  complimentary  and  not
The  Pediatric  Emergency  Research  Network  (PERN),  led  by  Professor  Stuart  Dalziel,  plan  to
collect data related to emergency department presentations with SARS-CoV-2 infection in over
50 emergency departments globally, including data from New Zealand. Further Professor Dalziel,
together with colleagues from the New Zealand Paediatric Surveillance Unit will collect data on
all paediatric admissions to hospital with COVID-19 in New Zealand. This University of Otago
group, led by Dr Mavis Duncanson, was established as a national surveillance unit for acute flaccid
paralysis  but  also  aims  to  facilitate  national  surveillance  of  other  uncommon  childhood
conditions in New Zealand. It is also possible that an infectious disease-led observational study
may be considered but further detail is currently unavailable.
No other groups are currently planning a New Zealand COVID-19 in pregnancy specific study and
no other group is planning to include all newborn infants exposed to and/or infected by COVID-
19 during fetal and/or early newborn life. We plan to continue to collaborate with all groups in
New Zealand working in this space to ensure that data collection is as effective and efficient as
possible, and that where possible safe and effective data linkage occurs to reduce duplication of

Study Aims
To create a registry of all cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy and the newborn period in New Zealand
to answer these, and other, research questions:
What is the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection/COVID-19 in pregnancy in New Zealand;
and are there differences in incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection/COVID-19 in pregnancy for Māori
and non-Māori? Including contemporaneous reporting of cases to support local maternity and
neonatal care responses.
What  is  the  natural  history  of  SARS-CoV-2  infection/COVID-19  in  pregnancy  in  New
Zealand, including outcomes for mothers and babies, from infection in early (<20 weeks) and
later  (>=20  weeks)  pregnancy?  Are  there  differences  in  outcomes  for  mothers  and  babies  for
Māori  and  non-Māori,  and  if  so  why?  What  is  the  risk  of  infection  in  babies  by  vertical
transmission and horizontal transmission in the first six weeks of life?
How do rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection/COVID-19 in pregnancy and its effect on adverse
outcomes (such as maternal death, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), maternal ICU
admission,  and  requirement  for  ventilation,  miscarriage,  fetal  anomaly,  preterm  birth,  fetal
growth restriction, stillbirth and perinatal death) vary by country where onset of widespread
infection  occurred  early  or  late,  with  different  approaches  to  containment,  and  with  different
models of maternity care?
The  impact  of  COVID-19  vaccination  on  the  incidence  and  severity  of  SARS-CoV-2
infection/COVID-19 in pregnancy in New Zealand. (Addition October 2021).

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Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Study Design
This is a prospective registry study of all cases of probable or confirmed COVID-19, and SARS-
CoV-2  infection,  occurring  in  pregnancy  and  up  to  six  weeks  postpartum  in  New  Zealand,
including outcomes for mother and baby.

Study Population
The registry will aim to include all maternal cases of probable or confirmed COVID-19, and SARS-
CoV-2 infection, that are diagnosed in pregnancy or within six weeks of birth in New Zealand,
including the outcome of the babies of these women.
We  will  aim  to  include  all  cases  from  the  date  of  first  confirmed  case  in  New  Zealand  (28th
February 2020).

Inclusion Criteria (case definition
•  All women with confirmed or probable COVID-195 or laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2
infection during pregnancy and up to six weeks postpartum.
•  All  newborns  born  to  mothers  with  COVID-19  or  laboratory  confirmed  SARS-CoV-2
infection during pregnancy and up to six weeks postpartum regardless of  SARS-CoV-2
Cases managed in hospital and in the community will be included.
Infection in pregnancy at all gestations will be included (confirmed pregnancy by urine or blood
hCG test and/or ultrasound).

Study Procedures
To  enable  the  establishment  and  effective  use  of  this  registry  the  study  investigator  group
includes representatives from the wider maternity community including consumers. To optimise
engagement with Māori, we are working in partnership with members of Te Kāhui Oranga ō Nuku
He  Hono  Wāhine  (Māori  women’s  health  subcommittee  of  the  New  Zealand  office  of  Royal
Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG). To identify
women with SARS-CoV-2 infection both in the community and from hospitals it will be important
to have support from general practice, midwifery lead maternity carers (LMCs), obstetric LMCs
and hospital clinicians. To this end, we have taken advice from, and enlisted as co-investigators,
representatives  from  the  New  Zealand  College  of  Midwives  (NZCOM),  the  Royal  New  Zealand
College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and RANZCOG.

Study  promotion:  
The  Registry  will  be  promoted  to  healthcare  providers  by  email  via  the
appropriate Colleges (NZCOM, RNZCGP and RANZCOG).
We will also generate public awareness through a dedicated webpage on the Liggins Institute
website and via social media. To maximise understanding and interest for Māori we will provide
5 As at 31/03/2020 defined as 
Probable: A case that meets both clinical and epidemiological criteria where other known aetiologies 
that ful y explain the clinical presentation have been excluded, and either has laboratory suggestive evidence 
or for whom testing for SARS-CoV-2 is inconclusive. 
Confirmed: A case that has laboratory definitive evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection. 
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Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

Māori specific messages and ask that they be distributed via Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā and
Tumu Whakarae (the National DHB Māori General Managers Group) for dissemination to DHB
Māori Directorates.

Case identification and notification:
We will use several methods to maximise the opportunity
to include all eligible cases including via DHB clinical leads/nominated contacts, colleges, Lead
maternity carers (LMCs) and consumers.
A  REDCap  database  hosted  by  the  Liggins  Institute  Clinical  Data  Research  Hub  (CDRH)  was
planned from the outset to record notification of cases and for later data collection. The provider
quote was greater than $30,000 to host and maintain this database. There were not enough cases
to  justify  this  cost  and  an  initial  funding  application  for  the  Registry  was  unsuccessful.  The
management  team  subsequently  explored  commencing  notification  and  data  collection  via
hardcopy  forms,  rather  than  through  a  REDCap  database  (as  documented  in  Protocol  V4,
21Aug2020).  After  consultation  and  consideration  of  data  privacy,  hard  copy  forms  were  not
utilised and a series of REDCap databases were established through the University of Auckland
FMHS REDCap. All data has been collected via the electronic REDCap databases. Case notification
is  via  a  REDCap  survey,  and  the  permalink  to  access  this  is  present  on  the  registry  website,
information  sheet  for  health  professionals,  and  has  been  distributed  to  DHB  contacts  and  the
Primary care (general practice, midwifery, obstetric) and hospital clinicians will be asked
to notify cases of confirmed or probable COVID-19 or laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
link:  We  will  work  with  health
professional colleges (NZCOM, RNZCGP and RANZCOG) and DHBs (via named representatives) to
advertise and promote the Registry and to develop regular reminder systems.
The Registry webpage will provide opportunity for
women  to  self-report  SARS-CoV-2  or  COVID-19  diagnosis.  Contact  details  of  their  healthcare
provider (LMC, GP or DHB) will be requested and the research team will make direct contact with
their healthcare provider to commence the notification process.
We will work with other systems that are expected to collect data on COVID-19 cases that
may include or relate to pregnancy, to cross-reference our registry notifications, including:
•  district health board (DHB) records;
•  the  Ministry  of  Health  public  health  surveillance  system  (which  includes  a  flag  for
•  regional public health services such as ARPHS; and
•  ANZNN and the New Zealand Paediatric Surveillance Unit (NZPSU) reporting systems;
to ensure ascertainment of cases is as complete as possible.
We will strive to ensure the notification of cases is  straight-forward and is as time-limited as
possible,  with  the  option  to  include  minimum  mandatory  fields  only.  We  anticipate  multiple
notifications per case are likely to occur and will develop the system to accommodate this.

Consent: We applied to the Health and Disability Ethics Committees for a waiver of consent on
the following grounds:
Notification of cases by healthcare workers is not considered research
The research component of this proposal is observational research of only de-identified
routinely collected data.
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Version 6.1, 20Jan2022 

All data will be de-identified beyond the notification set, which will only be used for the
purpose of requesting missing and prospective data, and merging data from various sources. No
identifiable  data  will  be  included  in  the  dataset  for  analysis,  and  no  individual  data  will  be
reported. The re-identification key will be carefully protected in a separate secure database at the
University of Auckland.
Collection of consent will be burdensome for individual cases, healthcare providers and
researchers.  Notifications  will  be  requested  from  a  large  group  of  providers,  and  from  cases
where contact (including of time, and with paper and electronic devices) is advised to be strictly
limited to essential requirements only in order to reduce transmission of infection. Specifically,
caregivers are currently advised not to handle or store ‘infected’ hard copy materials and should
not share a device to gain electronic consent, and so in practical terms consent could only be
provided verbally.
COVID-19  is  a  serious  and  potentially  fatal  infection  that  is  causing  a  pandemic  of
unprecedented scale and cost to human health, not seen since the influenza pandemic of the early
20th  century.  Accurate  national  epidemiological  data  are  urgently  needed  to  plan  the  national
response to this (and future SARS infections), in order to prevent massive loss of life.
Data collection systems and studies of this type are in existence in New Zealand in the
areas of maternal and newborn health including ethics approval for use of routinely collected
data without participant consent for use of de-identified data (AMOSS, ANZNN and NZPSU).
The  use  of  waiver  of  consent  was  declined  by  the  Northern  B  Health  and  Disability  Ethics
Committee and subsequently a request for use of opt-out consent has been made and approved.
The information sheet for mothers who are included in the Registry (Appendix 1) provides brief
information on the purpose of the Registry, the data that will be collected and ways it will be used.
It is clear that women will not be required to take any additional actions as a consequence of their
data  being  included.  It  includes  information  on  how  to  request  to  opt-out-  of  inclusion  in  the
registry as well as contact details for the research team to request a copy of individual data and
published results. This information sheet will be made available to all healthcare providers for
distribution to all women who met the eligibility criteria at the time of notification to the Registry.
It will also be accessible from the Registry webpage.

The  investigators  have  reviewed  the  data  collection  reporting  forms  from  the
Melbourne  COVID-19  in  pregnancy  and  the  UKOSS  surveillance  datasets  to  inform  the  data
collection instruments in this registry so that the findings from studies using this registry can be
compared  internationally.  Addition  October  2021:  addition  of  COVID-19  vaccination  status
including dates and type given.

Data  collection
:  Web  based  REDCap  databases  managed  by  Laura  Mackay  and  Rebecca  Hay,
Liggins Institute, and hosted by The University of Auckland, will be used for notification of cases
and data collection (Figure 1).
Case notification. The notification dataset will include identifiable personal details of women and
their babies, only available to the researchers for the purpose of later extraction of routine data
(from the LMC, clinical notes, or routine datasets) and to exclude duplicate notifications. This
dataset will also hold details of the notifying clinician and the LMC (if known at that time). The
research team will negotiate with each DHB via the New Zealand Midwifery Leaders Forum to
identify an appropriate nominee from each DHB who may be, for example, the PMMRC local co-
ordinator (as per current mechanism for maternal morbidity data collection for AMOSS) or the
local Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Co-ordinator.
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Case notification will include a limited number of data items. The notifying clinician will be asked
to  provide  identifying  data  for  the  woman  and  baby/babies  (if  applicable),  and  the  woman’s
estimated date of delivery (EDD).
De-identified Registry Database
Notification – Registry Data. The LMC, notifying clinician or nominated DHB delegate will
be sent a secure electronic REDCap survey link to provide data relating to the diagnosis of COVID-
19, the woman’s medical history and pregnancy risk factors. Notifiers will be asked to provide as
much  information  as  possible  and  data  collection  will  be  supported  by  the  research  team  if
required.  The  email  request  will  include  contact  details  for  the  research  team  if  assistance  is
Pregnancy Outcome Data. The LMC, notifying clinician, or the nominated DHB delegate
will  be  contacted  via  email  after  the  expected  time  of  birth  (EDD).  They  will  receive  a  secure
electronic survey link for reporting of the remaining data related to the pregnancy and birth. All
data  items  are  routinely  included  in  standard  maternity  clinical  records/datasets.  The  email
request will include contact details for the research team if assistance is required.
Six Week Postpartum Data. A further email with a secure electronic survey link will be
sent to the LMC, notifying clinician or nominated DHB delegate six weeks post birth/pregnancy
completion.  The  email  request  will  again  include  contact  details  for  the  research  team  if
assistance is required.
Non-responders to email requests for data collection will be contacted by follow up email or a
telephone call from the research team 1-2 weeks after the initial request.
Data relating to babies admitted to a neonatal special or intensive care unit will be extracted by
the  research  team,  or  with  assistance  from  the  neonatal  units,  using  the  recently  developed
ANZNN  COVID-19  data  form  to  avoid  duplication  of  data  collection  and  additional  burden  on
neonatal clinicians.
Data for women admitted to Intensive care will be extracted by the researchers or requested from
If outcome data cannot be found via GP, LMC, or hospital sources, a request will be made for data
from the Ministry of Health national maternity (MAT) or hospital discharge (NMDS) datasets for
women notified as having COVID-19 in pregnancy.
Only routinely available data will be included in the Registry. No extra tests outside of routine
care will be requested for this study.

Sample Size
At  this  time  it  is  difficult  to  estimate  the  impact  of  COVID-19  in  New  Zealand.  There  are
approximately  60,000  births  per  year  in  New  Zealand.  If  SARS-CoV-2  infected  10%  of  the
population and this included women of reproductive age, this might include 6,000 women. If 1%
of people were infected, this would include 600 women.

Confidentiality and Data Security
Data will be managed by the Liggins Institute, University of Auckland. Oversight of data security
and access will be managed by the Registry Data Governance Group (Appendix 2).
Individual privacy will be protected by the use of three separate REDCap databases which will be
stored on a secure password protected server at the University of Auckland. Identifiable personal
information  of  women  and  their  babies  will  be  collected  in  order  to  facilitate  follow-up  data
collection through to six weeks postpartum, and to exclude duplicate notifications.
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After  removal  of  duplications,  each  case  will  be  assigned  a  unique  registry  number  and  an
identification  dataset  will  be  created  consisting  of  maternal  name,  NHI,  date  of  birth,  registry
number and caregiver contact details. Cleaned de-identified notification data will be transferred
to a third registry database identifiable only by the unique registry number. The electronic follow-
up surveys will be sent by email to LMC, notifying clinician or nominated DHB delegate via the
identification  dataset  and  will  include  a  secure  one-time  link  to  the  outcome  form  in  the  de-
identified  registry  database.  All  transmitted  data  will  be  encrypted.  This  system  will  enable
collection of fully de-identified outcome data and for the correct merge of later data with the
correct case in the de-identified registry database.
Participant  privacy  and  the  re-identification  processes  will  be  closely  controlled.  Access  to
notification, identification and de-identified registry data base will be limited to select members
of the research team, including the Registry Data Governance Group and research staff appointed
by the Data Governance Group.
Extracted data files will be fully de-identified. Study presentations and publications will contain
only summary data and individual participant data will not be reported. The research team will
be responsible for data access. Identifiable data will not be released to any third party for any
purposes, including for the purpose of future research.
At the completion of the study, all electronic registry data will be permanently digitally archived
and accessible only to the lead investigators. Any remaining hard copy records will be stored in a
locked cabinet in a secure office and will be accessible only to the lead investigators and research
staff appointed by the Data Governance Group. Records will be retained for a minimum of 10
years after the age of majority. If a data sharing option is mandated by the publisher, only de-
identified data will be released and its use will be strictly controlled by a data sharing agreement
overseen by the Data Governance Group.

Data Analysis
The frequency of data review will be dependent on case numbers. Data will be used to inform the
approach to COVID-19 among pregnant women in New Zealand and to inform women. These data
will be shared with the investigators, Colleges (RACGP, NZCOM, RANZCOG) and the Ministry of
During and at the end of the study, to be determined by the birth of all babies of women with
COVID-19  in  pregnancy  and  after  such  time  that  COVID-19  is  significantly  reduced  in  New
Zealand, data will be compiled for peer reviewed publication.
An equity analysis will be undertaken if possible, contingent on numbers of cases among groups
by age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic advantage, to determine whether there are differences in
severity of disease and outcome.
A detailed statistical analysis plan will be developed.

Responsiveness to Māori
It is, as yet, unclear if there may be any difference in rates of COVID-19 in pregnancy or its effect
on pregnancy outcome, for Māori and non-Māori. Assessment of this is one of the objectives of
this study.
Issues of special importance to Māori for this study include waiver of consent for inclusion and
use  of  data,  data  security,  and  data  governance.  The  team  of  study  investigators  includes
representatives  of  Te  Kāhui  Oranga  ō  Nuku  He  Hono  Wāhine  (Māori  women’s  health
subcommittee  of  the  New  Zealand  office  of  RANZCOG)  and  Māori  clinicians  (midwives  and
obstetricians), Māori health researchers and wāhine Māori (consumers).
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The  team  of  Registry  investigators  has  been  selected  with  consideration  of  key  stakeholders
including  consumers,  Māori  health  representatives,  clinicians,  researchers  and  collaborator
groups. We have consulted with:
•  The Ministry of Health
•  He Hono Wāhine, a subcommittee of Te Kāhui Oranga ō Nuku (the New Zealand
Committee) of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and
•  Te Kāhui Oranga ō Nuku (the New Zealand Committee) of the Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
•  New Zealand College of Midwives
•  Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
•  New Zealand Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee
•  New Zealand National Maternity Monitoring Group
•  Paediatric Society of New Zealand
•  New Zealand Newborn Network
•  Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network
•  New Zealand Paediatric Surveillance Unit
•  Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
•  Perinatal Society of New Zealand
•  New Zealand Midwifery Leaders Forum
•  New Zealand Clinical Directors Forum
The Registry Data Governance Group has been established to provide oversight of data security
and to consider applications for data access (Appendix 2).

Consumer  Representation:  Consumer  input  is  vital  in  the  design  of  the  Registry,  to  inform
decision making on request for use and sharing of data, to assist with raising public awareness of
the Registry and to inform plans for dissemination of findings. Consumers have been included in
the investigator team.

Ethics and Locality Approval
Ethics  approval  will  be  obtained  from  the  Health  and  Disability  Ethics  Committee  prior  to
commencement of any data collection.
The study will be conducted in line with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (1996), with
the  International  Conference  on  Harmonisation  and  Good  Clinical  Practice  guidelines,  and  in
compliance with the Protocol.
Locality approval will be sought from the Liggins Institute at The University of Auckland.

Publication and Dissemination of Findings
We will develop a publication and dissemination plan which will include regular reporting and
later  study  reports  and  peer  reviewed  publications.  We  will  ensure  all  reports  are  available
publicly via the Registry webpage and other avenues and shared with Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa
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Urutā  (the  National  Māori  Pandemic  Group)  and  Tumu  Whakarae  (the  National  DHB  Māori
General Managers Group) for dissemination to DHB Māori Directorates.

We will seek funding to support the ongoing costs of maintaining the Registry and subsequent
data  cleaning,  linkage  and  analysis.  Seed  funding  is  available  to  support  this  project  through
cluster funding from the Hugo Charitable Trust that supports research activities for Associate
Professor Katie Groom.

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Positive test for SARS-CoV-2 and/or clinical diagnosis of

COVID-19 in pregnant woman or within six weeks of birth

Case Notification: Responsible clinician notifies case
via REDCap survey:
Data to Ministry and

colleges on numbers
  Woman’s details
and demography of
•  LMC and notifier details
•  Estimated date of delivery (EDD)
•  Baby’s details (if applicable)
Cross-reference with Public Health Surveillance data to
identify any missing cases; and to check confirmed cases
Notification – Registry Data: request sent to LMC/
notifier/DHB designated nominee asking for:
•  Details of infection episode
•  Medical history (respiratory, cardiac, renal)
•  Obstetric history (previous perinatal death,

preterm birth)
Baby admitted to SCBU/NICU:
Request information from

y D
SCBU/NICU where admitted
Pregnancy Outcome Data at expected date of birth
(ANZNN dataset)
(EDD): request sent to LMC/notifier/DHB designated
nominee asking for

•  Pregnancy outcome details

•  Newborn admission to SCBU/NICU?
Woman admitted to ICU:
•  Woman admitted to ICU?
Request data from ICU where
admitted or SPRINT-SARI
Six weeks post birth: request sent to LMC/GP/DHB
designated nominee asking for
•  Newborn status at 4-6 weeks postpartum
•  Woman admitted to ICU?
Data unable to be found on pregnancy outcome:
Request to Ministry of Health for MAT (national

maternity) and NMDS (hospital discharge) data

De-identified data set for analysis
Figure 1: Flow of information COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry
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APPENDIX 1: The COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry INFORMATION SHEET

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APPENDIX 2: The COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry DATA GOVERNANCE CHARTER

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