20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Phone 09 355 3553
Website www.AT.govt.nz
5 August 2024
John McDonald
[email address]
Your request for information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
(LGOIMA) – (case number CAS-941123-G4W2T4)
Kia ora John
I refer to your official information request dated 10 July 2021 requesting information around CCTV in
We have answered your questions below.
How many cameras with automatic number plate recognition capability have been instal ed on roads,
streets, intersections, traffic lights, light posts, and other Council property with Auckland Transport’s
approval in the last five years?
Auckland Transport (AT) enables Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) on AT servers using AT
software. The majority of cameras that AT instal s are capable of having ANPR configured and enabled.
AT has instal ed a total of 500 cameras in the past 5 years that have ANPR enabled. This includes instal ations
on roads, streets, intersections, and traffic lights. However, please note that this pertains specifical y to
cameras instal ed by AT for AT purposes.
AT cannot provide information about ANPR devices instal ed on other Council properties.
We are unable to provide information regarding any possible devices instal ed by third parties because AT
does not hold this information.
How many cameras with automatic number plate recognition are operating in Auckland City with the
Auckland Transport’s approval?
AT can only provide information related to ANPR cameras instal ed by AT for AT purposes. The total number
is 500.
Does the Auckland Transport own these cameras, lease these cameras, or are they owned by another
The 500 cameras with ANPR that AT has instal ed are al owned by AT.
For the cameras operating on roads, streets, intersections, traffic lights, light posts, and other Auckland
Transport property which are owned by companies rather that Auckland Transport, what are the names and
NZBN numbers for those companies.
We are unable to provide information regarding any possible devices instal ed by third parties because AT
does not hold this information. Your request is therefore declined under section 17 (e) of the LGOIMA as the
requested information does not exist.
Which third parties does Auckland Transport provide data, images, or footage col ected with cameras
operating on roads, streets, intersections, traffic lights, light posts, and other Auckland Transport property?
AT provides CCTV footage to AT Bus Service Operators, by exception, to investigate complaints that relate to
safety on the network.
AT provides CCTV footage to NZ Police as required to support police investigations. These requests fol ow an
internal approval process.
AT has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Eden Park to share specific CCTV feeds for Special
Events purposes. This al ows Eden Park and AT to manage special events more effectively.
AT has an MOU with KiwiRail to al ow access to specific CCTV feeds on selected Rail Platforms for safety and
management purposes.
Does Auckland Transport provide data, images, or footage to Auror Limited, Datacom Group Ltd, vGRID,
SaferCities, or Safe City Group Limited?
AT does not provide data, images, or footage to Auror Limited.
AT does not provide data, images, or footage to Datacom Group Ltd.
Under an MOU, AT provides access to specific CCTV via vGRID for NZ Police, which does not include ANPR
data feeds.
Under an MOU, AT provides access to specific CCTV via vGRID for Eden Park.
Under an MOU, AT provides access to specific CCTV via vGRID for KiwiRail.
How many cameras does Auckland Transport have in 2024 which are supplying data, images, or footage to
vGRID, SaferCities, and/or Safe City Group Limited?
There are currently 4872 AT cameras connected to vGRID, which is a secured platform that al ows NZ Police
to view camera streams from AT cameras under the MOU.
How many cameras does Auckland Transport have in 2024 which are supplying data, images, or footage to
Auror Limited?
There are no AT cameras supplying data, images or footage to Auror Limited.
How many cameras does Auckland Transport have in 2024 which are supplying data, images, or footage to
Datacom Group Ltd?
There are no AT cameras supplying data, images or footage to Datacom Group Ltd.
Does Auckland Transport have a commercial relationship with Auror Limited and what was the dol ar value
of contracts and total financial transactions (revenue and expenditure) with Auror Limited in the 2022/2023
financial year?
Auckland Transport does not have a commercial relationship with Auror.
Does Auckland Transport have a commercial relationship with Datacom Group Ltd and what was the dol ar
value of contracts and total financial transactions (revenue and expenditure) with Datacom Group Ltd in the
2022/2023 financial year?
Yes, AT has a commercial relationship with Datacom Group Ltd.
Financial transactions in the financial year 2022/2023 are as fol ows:
Total Expenditure - $7,803,500.27:
• $638,812.00 - Parking and Enforcement Mobile Solution
• $6,339,776.94 - AT licensing under the Al of Government (AOG) Procurement Contract as a Large
Account Resel er (LAR)
• $824,911.33 - Professional Services & Support
AT has not received any revenue from Datacom Group Ltd.
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Does Auckland Transport have a commercial relationship with Safe City Group Limited and what was the
dol ar value of contracts and total financial transactions (revenue and expenditure) with Safe City Group
Limited in the 2022/2023 financial year?
Yes, AT has a commercial relationship with Safer Cities Group Ltd. Financial transactions in the financial year
2022/2023 are as fol ows:
Total expenditure $1,499,170.78:
• $39,655.44 - Video Management System Support
• $14,323.00 - Camera licences
• $789,491.34 - Consultancy
• $655,761.00 - Capital Purchases
AT has not received any revenue from Safer Cities Group.
We trust this clarifies your request, but should you believe that we have not dealt with your request
appropriately, you are able to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in accordance with section
27(3) of the LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation and review in regard to this matter.
Ngā mihi,
Phil Wratt
Engagement Manager
Customer Care
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