This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Elected members debt'.
4 x corporate box tickets to Warriors Vs Sharks League Game Sunday 16 July
13/07/2023 7:52
Bottle of Veuve Cliquot
14/12/2023 13:28
Bottle of Wine
17/04/2023 9:33
Chinese Wal  art each from Chinese visiting group CNTY 18 Sept 23
19/09/2023 13:36
Corporate Box invitiation to Warriors Game 15 April 23 in Akld
17/04/2023 9:34
Dinner hosted by Simpson Grierson
29/06/2023 11:40
Lunch paid for from Northpower 29 May 2023
29/05/2023 14:27
Maori Language Week merch - Te Taura whiri i te reo Maori
21/09/2023 16:16
NEMA  National Control er Lunch Meeting
30/04/2024 8:08
Northland Rugby Tickets to Corporate box x 6
1/09/2023 7:48
SImpson Grierson Dinner
22/05/2024 7:33

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