This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Police Infringement Notices'.

26 June 2024 
[FYI request #27119 email] 
Tēnā koe 
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request received on 3 June 2024, in 
which you requested: 
While Police have oversight and control over the issuance of infringement notices, 
there are private companies who operate and maintain fixed and mobile speed 
cameras on behalf of Police, and who also provide the software and systems used 
to process and issue infringement tickets. For example, this includes instances 
where Police enforcement officers may require a driver to stop, and where 'side-of-
the-road' tickets may be generated and processed for service. 

Please give a complete list of al  private companies contracted by Police to provide 
the aforesaid services (via the use of electronic software and systems) to support 
Police's speed enforcement processes. 

No third party is contracted to operate speed detection equipment or issue infringement 
offence notices on behalf of Police. However, our processes are supported by a number 
of auxiliary functions in which Police uses the services of third parties. These auxiliary 
functions and the respective vendors are listed in Table 1. 
I trust this information is satisfactory in answering your request. 
Nga mihi nui 
Superintendent Steve Greal y 
Director: Road Policing 
Police National Headquarters 
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. 
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400. 

Table 1: Support functions and vendors related to speed detection equipment and 
infringement processing used by New Zealand Police, as of June 2024. 
Purchase and servicing of radar speed devices  Applied Concepts Inc (Stalker Radar) 
Leasing of radar speed devices 
MAIA Financial 
Servicing of laser speed devices 
Spectratek Systems Limited 
Leasing and servicing of safe speed cameras 
Verra Mobility (Redflex) 
Static speed camera network connectivity 
One NZ 
Remote access to static cameras 
Police Calibration Service accreditation 
International Accreditation New 
‘OnDuty’ mobile application for recording of 
infringement offences 
Smudge Apps 
Infringement document scanning services 
Mailhouse services for printing and posting 
infringement notices 
New Zealand Post 
Credit card merchant fees 
Westpac Bank