This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information on Change Proposal'.

01 July 2024 
Robert Nolan 
[FYI request #27080 email] 
Kia ora Robert 
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-032798 
Thank you for your email of 30 May 2024, asking for the following information under the Official 
Information Act 1982. Please find our responses to each of your questions below. 
1.  Who is involved in the change proposal process? Including what ACC staff (titles not names), and any 
externally contracted consultants. 
ACC’s Chief Executive has sponsored and led the change process, supported by the Deputy Chief Executive, 
People & Culture. Day-to-day work on the change process has been completed by a small internal team 
with the following titles: 
•  Head of People and Culture 
•  Manager, Deputy Chief Executive Office 
•  Finance Lead 
•  Engagement Lead 
•  Communications Lead 
•  Project Coordinator 
•  Organisational Design Advisors 
The internal team has been supported by a small number of external consultants: 
•  Engagement Lead 
•  Programme Manager 
•  Project Manager 
•  Organisational Design Specialist 
•  Business Analyst 
A number of subject matter experts across ACC have also contributed to the work but were not involved 
day-to-day. Final decisions were made on the change proposal on 26 June. Some changes were made to the 
proposal after feedback from ACC staff. 
2.  How much money has ACC spent on external consultants, lawyers or other ‘experts’ to work on the 
structural change proposal to date? 
Please find below the amounts paid to two external firms who were engaged to provide specialist advice.  
Cost (GST exclusive) 
Dundas Street Employment Lawyers 
Inside Consulting 
3.  Since 2017, how many additional staff have been employed? Both amount and percentage. 
The total growth of employees (permanent and temporary) from 1 January 2017 was 1027 (29.2 percent). 
4.  Since 2017 what increase has injury prevention had in staff numbers? Both amount and percentage. 
Since 2017 there has been an increase of 10 employees in Injury Prevention, or 10.4 percent.  
GOV-032798   Page 1 of 2 

5.  What percentage of proposed job losses are roles with direct reports (including of those vacant) 
compared to roles with no direct reports? 
Of the roles that were proposed to be disestablished, 24 percent of them have direct reports and 76 
percent do not have direct reports.  
6.  In the current structure, what percentage of ACCs total staffing numbers, including vacancies, are in 
injury prevention? 
In ACC’s current structure (June 2024) 1.81 percent of employees are in injury prevention (1.79 percent if 
including vacancies across ACC).  
7.  How many Māori focused roles are proposed to be disestablished (roles targeted at improving Māori 
health and rehabilitation outcomes) 
There are four Māori specific roles that were proposed to be disestablished, noting ACC is shifting to an 
approach where all areas have a responsibility to achieve equitable outcomes for Māori. This approach is 
guided by ACC’s 10-year enterprise strategy, for which improving equity of access, service experience and 
outcomes for Māori is a key priority. 
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public 
ACC may decide to proactively release a copy of this response on ACC’s website. All requester data, 
including your name and contact details, will be removed prior to release. The released response will be 
made available 
If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch 
You can email me at [email address].  
Ngā mihi 
Christopher Johnston 
Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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