13/09/2023– Situation Report Week 1
As at 11.34am on 13/09/2023 prepared by Crispian
Distributed All GEDT members
Anusha Guler and Crispian
3 ELT Standup SITREP 1 12092023 - FINAL.docx
Summary of the current event
• There was 1 important major event – Writ Day (Sunday, 10 Sep)
• Taskforce is fully activated.
• ELT Standups activated.
• MIKE will be closed once processing is completed - Roll Close
• E-Learning issue
• VPM and Vas are unable to ’complete’ their eLearning module.
• Issue was originally highlighted as an issue a number of months ago
• Learning Works were requested to investigate the issue, escalated on Monday
• IT have received advice from Learning Works
• VS might need to request assistance as the VS SME for Tupu is on sick leave.
• Requested Jane
to work with IT to implement fixes to the eLearning package settings
Services -
• Invercargill recruitment and team issues
South Island
• EM needs support
• RRM and recruitment HQs is leaving
• The situation is improving.
• Assessment of current recruitment activities e.g number of staff in the office, number of
application, number of applications progressed
• Staff whereabouts:
o P&C Advisor has left for Wellington
o RA to leave by this afternoon
o RM to stay back until tomorrow afternoon
o RA to return by Friday
1. RM recruited back 3 of the 4 recruitment team who had left
2. RM had contacted a previous Invercargill EM (2020 RA) who is away on holiday, to support
when she returns next week
3. Requested the P&C Advisor, RA and RM to assist with bulk recruitment of 30 applicants
through SnapHire
4. RM placed recruitment advertisement to two newspapers
Data and
Update on Issue:
• Mike data pipelines into Te Kauhangaroa have failed due to patches being put in by IT
• Dashboards will still be usable, but data will not be current
• EMS driven dashboards are unaffected.
1. IT is currently working with Deloitte to schedule a full data refresh and will only begin once all
patching is completed.
Update on Issues:
Snaphire stability and performance impacting recruitment activity. New Issue. Platform
stabilised for today. Plan to address root cause out of hours 13/9 under approved Change
Key Person risk – Initial meeting held, more work required to better understand and produce
transition plan. Target 19/9.
Mobile phone provision for Voting Services – Work underway to address gap identified and
regular meetings in place to track and manage.
Commission HQ power resilience – Back-up generator will be installed tomorrow morning,
looking to confirm testing on a single floor 14/09 out of hours.
Security update patching between now and the election period – No further update
Comms and
• Comms continues to be very busy. Media enquiries focussed on youth voting, local information,
candidate rules.
• There have been two follow ups on Kids Voting after the release yesterday. Comms are seeing
good regional coverage from local media.
Social Media
It is tracking to be a big week - 90 enquiries and comments since Monday. For comparison 350
last week total.
• voter apathy
• wasting money on advertising
• sovereign citizen
Daily key metrics • 7 media enquiries on 12 September
• 57 enquiries and comments on social media in last 24 hours
• 21231 visitors to vote.nz
Engagement • Receiving daily queries about changing rolls
• Some concerns expressed by ethnic communities around other governments having acess to
their data and how they voted
• Noting travel fatigue amongst staff in Tairāwhiti and Napier areas where distances have tripled
for some areas
• Verbal Update
Customer Services
• In the last 24 hours the team received 326 tickets and 43 escalated calls from Telnet. 56
outbound calls were also made for customers who sent their form in time, but they were
• We currently have 368 tickets on hand with the vast majority within SLA. This will likely
increase until we are able to utilise MIKE again for drag and drop functionality.
• Wide range of enquiries being received but most tend to still be enrolment related. We have
seen some recruitment related enquiries due to the current system challenges.
• 631 calls received yesterday, which is 20% below forecast. This is a continued trend of calls
being less than forecast.
• The main enquiry remains change of details.
Forecast for
13 Sep
A cold front moves northwards over New Zealand on Thursday and Friday, preceded by a strong
northwesterly flow, and followed by colder southwesterlies. Severe Weather Warnings and
Watches have been issued for this event, and this extends into Friday morning for gale or severe
gale northwesterlies about the lower North Island. Consequently, there is a moderate risk of
severe gale northwesterlies about Marlborough, Wellington, Wairarapa, Tararua District and
Central Hawkes Bay on Friday morning. For more details regarding the current Watches and
Warnings, see https://www.metservice.com/warnings/home.
Over the weekend, northwesterlies will strengthen again over the country as another series of
fronts move onto central and southern New Zealand. There is moderate confidence of warnable
rainfall amounts over Fiordland, Westland and the Canterbury/Otago headwaters later Saturday
and Sunday, and low confidence over Buller, Kahurangi National Park and the Tararua Range on
Additionally, there is moderate confidence of another period of severe northwest gales about
northern Marlborough, Wellington, Wairarapa, Tararua District and Central Hawke's Bay on
Sunday and Monday morning. There is low confidence of severe northwest gales about other
exposed parts of southern Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago, Southland and southern Fiordland
later Saturday and into Sunday or early Monday, and also low confidence of severe gale west or
southwest winds about southern Fiordland, Southland and Otago (mainly near the coast) later
Sunday and early Monday.
Finally, there is low confidence that westerly winds could reach severe gale about other North
Island areas from southern Northland to Hastings District and Kapiti, and also near Golden Bay,
later Sunday and Monday.
(Reissued at 11:30am Wednesday to include the Canterbury/Otago headwaters in the moderate
rainfall area later Saturday and Sunday).
MetService Tuesday
North Island: A few showers in the west. Becoming fine elsewhere. South Island: Showers in the
Forecast 12-
west and south, some possibly heavy. Mainly fine elsewhere.
15 Sep
Generally fine for most, but a few showers in western areas and also the far south.
North Island: cloudy periods in the west, with scattered showers developing about and south of
Taranaki later. Mainly fine in the east. South Island: rain or showers developing in the west and
south, heavy at times. Fine with high cloud elsewhere.
North Island: A period of rain or showers spreading north, clearing in the west later. South Island:
Showers in the west and south easing, but a few showers developing elsewhere.
Chatham Islands
Rain easing to cloudy periods and a few showers on Tuesday. Strong northwesterlies, turning
southwesterly for a time Wednesday and early Thursday.
Issued: 11:29pm Sun 10 Sep (MetService)
13/09/2023– Situation Report Week 1
As at 3.09pm on 13/09/2023 prepared by Crispian
approved by Anusha Guler
Distributed ELT members
Anusha Guler and Crispian
Martin Rodgers chaired the meeting.
3 ELT Standup SITREP 1 12092023 - FINAL.docx
Summary of the current event
• There was 1 important major event – Writ Day (Sunday, 10 Sep)
• Taskforce is fully activated.
• ELT Standups activated.
• MIKE will be closed once processing is completed - Roll Close
• E-Learning issue
• Originally highlighted as an issue a number of months ago
• VPM and VAs are unable to ’complete’ their eLearning module.
• Escalated on Monday with Learning Works to investigate the issue
• IT have received advice from Learning Works
Requested Jane
to work with IT to implement fixes to the eLearning package settings
Services -
• Invercargill recruitment and team issues update:
South Island
• RRM and HQs staff resigned
• The situation is improving.
1. RM retained 3 of the 4 who planned to leave
2. RM contacted a previous Invercargill EM (2020 RA) to provide support by next week
3. Requested the P&C Advisor, RA and RM to assist with bulk recruitment of 30 applicants
through SnapHire
4. RM placed recruitment advertisement to two newspapers
Data and
• Mike data pipelines into Te Kauhangaroa have failed due to patches being put in by IT
• Dashboards will still be usable, but data will not be current
• EMS driven dashboards are unaffected.
1. IT is currently working with Deloitte to schedule a full data refresh and will only begin once all
patching is completed.
Snaphire stability and performance impacting recruitment activity. New Issue. Platform
stabilised for today. Plan to address root cause out of hours 13/9 under approved Change
Key Person risk – Initial meeting held, more work required to better understand and produce
transition plan. Target 19/9.
Mobile phone provision for Voting Services – Work underway to address connection gap and
meetings in place to track and manage.
Commission NO power resilience – Back-up generator will be installed tomorrow morning,
looking to confirm testing on a single floor 14/09 out of hours.
Comms and
Social Media
90 enquiries and comments since Monday.
• voter apathy
• wasting money on advertising
• sovereign citizen
Daily key metrics • 7 media enquiries on 12 September
• 57 enquiries and comments on social media in last 24 hours
• 21231 visitors to vote.nz
• SEP receiving daily queries about changing rolls
Engagement • Some concerns expressed by ethnic communities around foreign interference.
Partnership • Noting travel fatigue amongst staff in Tairāwhiti and Napier areas where distances have tripled
for some areas due to the recent cyclones.
• There will be a delay in seeking approval from DCE for roll extract due to these issues:
o Far more qualifying paper forms than forecasted – 800 more
o Integrity checks took longer than usual
• Enrolment have received a request from a number of people to remove themselves from the
roll. This appears to be duplicate of the same message.
Customer Services
• In the last 24 hours the team received 326 tickets and 43 escalated calls from Telnet. 56
outbound calls were also made for customers who sent their form in time, but they were
• Wide range of enquiries being received but most tend to still be enrolment related. We have
seen some recruitment related enquiries due to the current system challenges.
• 631 calls received yesterday, which is 20% below forecast. This is a continued trend of calls
being less than forecast.
• The main enquiry remains change of details.
Forecast for
13 Sep
A cold front moves northwards over New Zealand on Thursday and Friday, preceded by a strong
northwesterly flow, and followed by colder southwesterlies. Severe Weather Warnings and
Watches have been issued for this event, and this extends into Friday morning for gale or severe
gale northwesterlies about the lower North Island. Consequently, there is a moderate risk of
severe gale northwesterlies about Marlborough, Wellington, Wairarapa, Tararua District and
Central Hawkes Bay on Friday morning. For more details regarding the current Watches and
Warnings, see https://www.metservice.com/warnings/home.
Over the weekend, northwesterlies will strengthen again over the country as another series of
fronts move onto central and southern New Zealand. There is moderate confidence of warnable
rainfall amounts over Fiordland, Westland and the Canterbury/Otago headwaters later Saturday
and Sunday, and low confidence over Buller, Kahurangi National Park and the Tararua Range on
Additionally, there is moderate confidence of another period of severe northwest gales about
northern Marlborough, Wellington, Wairarapa, Tararua District and Central Hawke's Bay on
Sunday and Monday morning. There is low confidence of severe northwest gales about other
exposed parts of southern Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago, Southland and southern Fiordland
later Saturday and into Sunday or early Monday, and also low confidence of severe gale west or
southwest winds about southern Fiordland, Southland and Otago (mainly near the coast) later
Sunday and early Monday.
Finally, there is low confidence that westerly winds could reach severe gale about other North
Island areas from southern Northland to Hastings District and Kapiti, and also near Golden Bay,
later Sunday and Monday.
(Reissued at 11:30am Wednesday to include the Canterbury/Otago headwaters in the moderate
rainfall area later Saturday and Sunday).
MetService Tuesday
North Island: A few showers in the west. Becoming fine elsewhere. South Island: Showers in the
Forecast 12-
west and south, some possibly heavy. Mainly fine elsewhere.
15 Sep
Generally fine for most, but a few showers in western areas and also the far south.
North Island: cloudy periods in the west, with scattered showers developing about and south of
Taranaki later. Mainly fine in the east. South Island: rain or showers developing in the west and
south, heavy at times. Fine with high cloud elsewhere.
North Island: A period of rain or showers spreading north, clearing in the west later. South Island:
Showers in the west and south easing, but a few showers developing elsewhere.
Chatham Islands
Rain easing to cloudy periods and a few showers on Tuesday. Strong northwesterlies, turning
southwesterly for a time Wednesday and early Thursday.
Issued: 11:29pm Sun 10 Sep (MetService)