This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information regarding the CEO's trip to Europe'.

26 June 2024 
Hao Feng 
[FYI request #27042 email] 
Kia ora Hao 
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-032708 
Thank you for your email of 28 May 2024, asking for the following information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
1.  All emails and other communications (including desktop chat or cell phone text messages) from the 
CEO to members of the Executive and/or any members of the Board that mention or pertain to her 
trip to Europe, sent during the months of April and May 2024. 

2.  All emails and other communications (including desktop chat or cell phone text messages) from the 
Deputy Chief Executive People to members of the Executive and/or any members of the Board that 
mention or pertain to the CEO's trip to Europe, sent during the months of April and May 2024. 

3.  Any documentation that constitutes agreement from the Board chair for the CEO to undertake the 
trip to Europe. If such documentation does not exist, please provide any agreement or permission 
granted to the CEO to travel, from any relevant authority (board, minister, etc.). 

4.  All communication from ACC to the Minister for ACC and their office about the CEO's trip to Europe, 
sent at any time in 2024. This includes mentions in weekly reports, emails, draft media responses, 
briefings, and any other relevant documents provided. 

5.  All emails and other communications (desktop chat or cell phone text messages) to or from the 
Deputy Chief Executive Strategy, Engagement, and Planning and members of the Executive that 
mention or pertain to the CEO's trip to Europe, sent during the months of April and May 2024. 

6.  All emails and other communications (desktop chat or cell phone text messages) to or from the 
Head of External Engagement to anyone that mention or pertain to the CEO's trip to Europe, sent 
during the months of April and May 2024. 

Communications regarding Chief Executive Officer, Megan Main’s travel 
We have identified and attached the following correspondence in scope of your request regarding Chief 
Executive Officer (CEO) Megan Main’s travel to a conference in Europe. We have withheld staff contact 
details and the names of some staff members, as we consider them outside the scope of your request. 
Information related to other matters is outside the scope of your request and has also been withheld from 
the documents. 
Communications from the CEO 
•  Email to Board Chair, Dr Tracey Batten, dated 28 April (page 1). The attachment relevant to this 
response is included below the email. Please note the CEO did not travel to Stockholm as indicated on 
page 1. 
•  Email to ACC’s Executive, dated 17 May (page 3). 
Communications from Deputy Chief Executive (DCE), People & Culture (P&C), Michael Frampton 
•  Email to DCE, Strategy Engagement & Planning, Andrew Milne, dated 27 May (pages 4-6). 
•  Emails to the Board Chair and CEO, dated 28 and 29 May (pages 7-9). 
ACC’s communications with the Office of the Minister for ACC 
•  Media clippings. Media clippings are the compilation of media articles referencing ACC. The clippings 
were emailed to staff in the Minister’s Office on 28, 29 and 30 May (pages 10-12). 
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•  Media log. The media log captures the enquiries ACC’s Media team received.  ACC sent the media log, 
with the attached responses, to the Minister’s Office on 28 May. Please note that media enquiries 
related to other matters have been removed as outside of scope (pages 13-18). 
•  A screenshot of text messages from Head of External Engagement, Shaun Jones, to Policitical Advisor 
for the Minister for ACC, dated 28 May (page 19). 
We note the Minister for ACC was verbally briefed about the CEO’s travel when he met with her on 30 
Communications to and from the DCE, Strategy Engagement & Planning  
The only communication in scope of your request was the email sent by the DCE P&C, as noted above.  
Communications to and from the Head of External Engagement 
•  Screen shots of text messages with Acting Media Manager regarding the media response, dated 28 May 
(page 20). 
•  Emails to the Head of External Engagement regarding the media enquiries, dated 27 and 28 May (pages 
•  Emails from the Head of External Engagement relating to the media stories, dated 28 May (page 26). 
•  An email from the Acting Media Manager, to the Head of External Engagement and other senior staff, 
dated 28 May (page 27). Please note this email is included twice as it was also provided to the Board 
Chair and CEO. 
Withheld communications 
ACC has withheld the following communications: 
•  An email from the Acting Media Manager to the Minister’s Office regarding the CEO’s upcoming travel.  
•  Emails where the Head of External Engagement considered and commented on draft forms of the 
media statement and media enquiries.  
•  Messages the Head of External Engagement sent and received on Microsoft Teams about the media 
These exchanges discuss ACC’s draft media statement or the media stories on the CEO’s trip. We have 
decided to withhold them under section 9(2)(g)(i) of the Act to maintain the effective conduct of public 
affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions.  
We have also withheld the contact details of reporters and details provided by a reporter who requested 
the statement, under section 9(2)(a) of the Act, to protect the privacy of natural persons.    
We have carefully considered the reasons why it would be desirable, in the public interest to make the 
information withheld under section 9 available. We have determined that the public interest does not 
outweigh the need to protect the interests identified.    
Documentation approving the CEO’s travel  
Please find attached a copy of the memorandum, dated 5 February 2024, where the Board Chair (at the 
time Acting Board Chair) approved the CEO’s travel to the conference and meetings (pages 28-31). 
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public 
ACC may decide to proactively release a copy of this response on ACC’s website. All requester data, 
including your name and contact details, will be removed prior to release. The released response will be 
made available 
If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch 
You can email me at [email address].  
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If you are not happy with this response, you can also contact the Ombudsman via 
[email address] or by phoning 0800 802 602. Information about how to make a complaint 
is available at 
Ngā mihi 
Christopher Johnston 
Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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