Postal Address
Head Office
Cambridge Office
Private Bag 2402
07 872 0030
07 823 3800
Te Awamutu 3840
101 Bank Street
23 Wilson Street
New Zealand
Te Awamutu 3800
Cambridge 3434
12 June 2024
Doc# 11241776
Tim Carter
[FYI request #26977 email]
Dear Tim,
Thank you for your email request that we received on
24 May 2024 for the following information:
Could you kindly provide a list of all camping grounds which Council has issued a camping
ground licence in the past 3 years in accordance with the Camping Ground Regulations
Please include relevant addresses for each camping ground and identify if any camping
grounds are operated by Council or subject to a lease with Council.
We have provided a link below which sets out the camping grounds within the Waipā District and
shows the information you have requested. Please note that the camping grounds are ‘registered’
rather than ‘licenced’ and the registrations are due to be renewed on 30 June 2024.
Waipa District Camping Grounds
The link above will expire in approximately 120 days.
Please let us know if there is anything further we can assist you with.
You have the right to request the Ombudsman to investigate and review this response. The address
for the Office of the Ombudsman is PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143 or you can email
[email address] or freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
LGOIMA Response Team
0800 WAIPADC (924 723)
Document Set ID: 11241776
Version: 2, Version Date: 12/06/2024